More Weapon Skills

More Weapon Skills

in Suggestions

Posted by: GameVeight.2745


Now this is just a thought but what about treating Weapon skills like Utility and Healing skills? What you do is add a pool of nine main-hand and six off-hand skills for each weapon, the basic skills would unlock the same way they already do but the “pool” skills could start to be unlocked with skill points at or around level forty. I think that this would add a lot more play variety and would also stretch the practical uses of skill points a little farther.

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You’re so vain, You probably think this post is about you.

More Weapon Skills

in Suggestions

Posted by: Verskirr.3961


I agree, having more weapon skills and being able to swap them like utility would bring mush more diversity and make people feel more unique.

More Weapon Skills

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rick.5781


This is an AWESOME idea.

More Weapon Skills

in Suggestions

Posted by: GameVeight.2745


The idea is to allow the Weapon Skill slots to be customized in a manner similar to the Utility and Healing Skill slots(see pic1) with abilities being unlocked with skill points(pic2).

Two-hand Weapons would have a pool of twelve skills used across all five Weapon Skill slots.

Off-hand Weapons would have a pool of six skills used in the last two Weapon Skill slots.

Main-hand Weapons would have pool of nine skills used in the first three Weapon Skill slots.

Adding Weapon Skills shouldn’t affect players current builds other than giving them more room to customize and as the skills would be on the the character and not the weapon it shouldn’t conflict with ANETs design philosophy.

I could see pvp balancing being an issue but if the skills are fairly generic when they are first implemented then they can be “grown” into more profession specific skills while being tuned.


Ye’ll tak’ the high road an’ I’ll tak’ yer wallet!
You’re so vain, You probably think this post is about you.

More Weapon Skills

in Suggestions

Posted by: GameVeight.2745


It’s cool, I never played GW1 so I don’t really know how the combat was. The main reason I suggested this was because, I while really enjoy playing my Theif, with only four weapons to choose from it often feels like I’m fighting the way I have to rather than how I’d like to.

Ye’ll tak’ the high road an’ I’ll tak’ yer wallet!
You’re so vain, You probably think this post is about you.

More Weapon Skills

in Suggestions

Posted by: Garuna.1593


I agree,I have a mesmer and I use sword, I have a build dedicated to her, and I like the skin but it is always the same skills, I would like to change them, cuz they use the whole game makes it boring

change weapon does not solve it, can seem a little futile but I like my sword, so wanted to have more skills to her, not to let the game so monotonous

More Weapon Skills

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rick.5781


Being able to choose from a pool of skills would also remove the fact that sometimes there are skills we just don’t use often enough on a weapon due to play-style/build. For Example: My short bow ranger rarely uses skill #3 (causes you to leap back and grants swiftness). Id love to replace it with ANYTHING else really.

More Weapon Skills

in Suggestions

Posted by: Run Away PLZ.7639

Run Away PLZ.7639

I support have also posted on this before and I’m sure many others have

More Weapon Skills

in Suggestions

Posted by: Galphar.3901


The best thing about GW was that fact that you had such a choice in skills to use. Having about 15 different weapon skills to choose from would make this game so much better and diverse. I think the main reason we don’t have that option in GW2 is because of how hard it was for Anet to try keeping the game balanced. But the best thing about GW was the diversity in the builds you had. Right now we’re lucky to have 2 builds per class that are effective. Adding another 10 skills per 2-handed and 6-9 per 1-handed/offhand would make for a better diversity in this game.