More armor skins

More armor skins

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sean.8274


Title is pretty self explanatory…but we really need more armor skins (either karma purchase or BL Store). I haven’t had a reason to buy anything but space upgrades in BL Store because most of it is town clothes. But if it were armor skins, a lot more people would be willing to dish out the money for it I think.

For example, the Pirate Outfit looks pretty good….until you find out its town clothes.

Lucy Ursa~80 Guardian | Worf Rozhenko~80 Warrior | Vera Valentine~80 Mesmer | Cupcake~80 Engi
King Arcturus X~80 Ranger | Suki Serra~80 Thief | Count Charon~80 Necro | Regulus Leo~80 Ele
HoD since launch

More armor skins

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rin.1046


I too would like to see more armour skins in the gem store. I’m sure they will add more over time.

Simplicity is complex.

Good feedback is key to getting the developers to listen to you.

More armor skins

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mak.7625


I suggest an armor design competition and making a real one in game for the winners!

Or just design more skin models… I expect 2~3 times more models than the current number of skins.
The current amount of skins are not enough to meet the tastes of players (for female medium armor, there are only 3 set of armor that I found appealing for my female character……….)

Appearance is very important in games like Guild Wars 2.
(Btw, not only armor, hairstyles too!)