More bank tabs please!

More bank tabs please!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hologramx.6402


Bought some gems and tried to expand my bank tab. Surprised to know that I cannot expand to more than 8 bank tabs … I already have 8 characters and I am supposed to have only 1 tab for each of them?

There are many crafting mats and components that you want to keep in stock constantly and they don’t fit into the collection tabs. And there are also many mats that exceed the 250 limits in the collection tab that you have to keep them in the normal bank tabs. Then you also have many character bound gears that you probably want to keep at least until they are level 80. Maximum of 8 tabs is just too few.

I played in WoW for 3 years and I never have this problem because you can keep things in mailbox and you also have a lot more options to keep things, such as personal guild bank. I don’t think I can stand with this “Your bank is full” for long if I have to waste a lot of time managing them everyday. Oh yeah and it will headaches everyday.

Please let us have more bank tabs. And it will be best if we can name each bank tab (especially for soulbound items so you know which one is for which character).

More bank tabs please!

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


Not just that.

PvP vaults need at least one tab so we can put PvP stuff like surplus gear, PvP consumables: kits, boosters, finishers…
There should also be a collection tab for all stackable stuff you can craft or use to craft, like ingredients, crafting components, rare materials…

I don’t mind having to pay for them, but I do need them, as I have 15 characters and I can’t store all the gear I’d like to save for them, since it’s all filled with cooking and crafting materials.

No exceptions!