More different STATS in GEARS

More different STATS in GEARS

in Suggestions

Posted by: YigitAsci.4078


Condition Dmg
Healing Pwr
Conditiond Dmg
Healing Power

More different STATS in GEARS

in Suggestions

Posted by: YigitAsci.4078


More choices, Better and Different Strategies!

More different STATS in GEARS

in Suggestions

Posted by: Smelly Bookah.6957

Smelly Bookah.6957

I wish all stats were customizable. But then armor crafting would bcome petty much useless…

Ehh I miss GW1 much.

More different STATS in GEARS

in Suggestions

Posted by: GADefence.5634


I already posted a mix and match rune idea (superior stat – ex : +100, with a major, ex : +50, and two minors, ex : +25) making it so you can get more variety. The reason for the minors is since some stat layouts including stuff like +500 power, +250 toughness, +125 vitality and +20% crit damage in sPvP so mix and match of “minor” things should be possible in PvE.

Oddly, the post got 0 responses even though it would fix the need for “toughnes vitality condition damage” and the such. Both in PvE and PvP.

“I wish all stats were customizable. But then armor crafting would bcome petty much useless…”

honestly, crafting a suite of armour should be a one time thing. You craft 1 suite, then put the insignia you want in it. You can custom make insignias. This means a 400 armor smith would still get just as much work as he can still make all the runes and insginias required for end game, and not be useless, while that you wouldn’t be forced to wear just draconic/repay for draconic if you want it later on due to the transmute.

(edited by GADefence.5634)

More different STATS in GEARS

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jadeduarte.4387


I agree would like to see more customization in the crafting skill. Like being able to craft an item with all 1 Stat or able to make an item with multiple stats of your choice. Would be nice to say put in base components than vial of blood get weapon or armor with all + power instead of split among 3 different stats. I like the idea of custom making insignias maybe they could put an extra slot in armor/weapons for the insignia, like they have for runes/sigils.

More different STATS in GEARS

in Suggestions

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

i would like more stats customization but it seems like no one cares.

anet does not care also it seems.

More different STATS in GEARS

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jadeduarte.4387


I’m sure a lot of people would like more customization, but need to build momentum for them to post on it. Get your guild members or friends to weigh opinions on it and get them to post. A game company is going to focus their time on improvements that a fair amount or the majority of players will appreciate. The more feedback they hear on a topic the more likely they’ll make changes or at least let the players know that they are looking into some improvements for said area of gameplay (in this case crafting) Right now areanet is probably focused on WVW, PVP, and character balancing because this is where most players will be vocal about any changes needed. Keep posting and add different ways customization could be achieved. Some ideas are easier to implement than others.