More endgame content required. @700+h

More endgame content required. @700+h

in Suggestions

Posted by: DKP.4196



I’m closing on 800 hours on gw2, but quite frankly my in game time has gone down dramatically these past couple days. I am starting to feel the lack of endgame material . I have over 2200 achievement points, and no I don’t have a legendary. I am almost there, I just need the gold which I’m getting soon by using the TP.

I run dungeons from time to time, do jumping puzzles for the lolz. (Completed all except the bugged ones in WvW BLs). I got toons, In a active WvW guild, I got plenty of friends that ask me to run dungeons with them. I am in voice chat with some people. I got all these things to keep me company, and I think I am well merged into the gw2 community. There isn’t much more I can do to “Force” myself to have fun in gw2. (I’ve also got map completion)

So, I’m done rambling about what I’m doing/done to prove that endgame needs some real working on. I think the main problem with GW2 endgame is that there is no other goals to complete other than getting – Skins, favorite dyes for skins, Legendary, Achievement points, money, pvp/WvW.

So what do I want from Anet? Something that keeps us players interested after 700h+ of gw2. I know I am the small majority with such high active play, but the majority will eventually catch up. Please add something into gw2 that will keep us all interested. I don’t know what, just add something Anet thinks is good. Perhaps increase the amounts of special loots, or more mini games. I don’t know, just add something please!

I look forward to seeing the Halloween update, I hope we will have more to do after the update as I have never really been this bored of a MMO because I feel like I’ve just finished it. MMOs are never supposed to end. When someone asks, “when will you be done?” I want to say “NEVER”.


Half my in-game friends who started out playing gw2 with me have already gotten bored with endgame. More than half my IRL friends don’t even log in for more than 1-2 hours per day to run 1-2 dungeons + do the daily before they log off and play something else. We are all waiting for something from Anet. Please add asap once its done:)

Keep trying, or die trying. Never give up, never forgive. We will Desolate. – Desolation
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(edited by DKP.4196)

More endgame content required. @700+h

in Suggestions

Posted by: TheDaiBish.9735


Out of curiosity, what would you propose?

Life is a journey.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.

More endgame content required. @700+h

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fay.2735


I’ve done around 700 hours of play and there’s still loads to do and on the 22nd there’s a content patch for halloween so really there’s plenty to do and more to be added soon. The 700/800 hours played mark is really only a small percentage of people who play the game.

Most people have jobs/school and such and so that’s a hell of a lot of hours played versus the amount you spend on buying the game. Most single player games of this quality/price you will be able to complete in a couple of days. Where as other MMO’s are reliant on subscription and grinding to keep you ‘entertained’.

Look at WoW for example it took months before mists of pandaria came out and there was nothing to do after a months time. I don’t see why you would expect GW2 to be supplying you with constant new content when other MMO’s that have subcription are a lot worse in that regards.

What exactly have you completed so far in game?

•— Fay Everdunes | Fay Erduna | Lilyfay (Fay.2735) — Mesmer/Revenant — [NA]FA — 8k±Hrs Played —•
Have you heard of the city? The ancient uru? Where there was power to write worlds

(edited by Fay.2735)

More endgame content required. @700+h

in Suggestions

Posted by: DKP.4196


Out of curiosity, what would you propose?

Im not sure. Thats the problem, but thats what I paid money to Anet to figure out;) I want them to surprise me, and give me something I wont expect to see in other MMOs or just something much much better on gw2:)

Although I would like to see more dungeons, more interesting loots. Such as dungeon specific loots that could get from certain dungeons. World event champion specific loots. There are some out there but not enough. More special recipes + more special casual recipes that need to be discovered. Release those legendary armors in game. More areas is a MUST. I love gw2 because of the beautifull scenery, give us more! More mini games for sure + a more interesting crafting experience:)

I think these are the basic requests that I would add to make the game a bit better.

Keep trying, or die trying. Never give up, never forgive. We will Desolate. – Desolation
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More endgame content required. @700+h

in Suggestions

Posted by: Onshidesigns.1069


Go have fun in the lower level areas.

More endgame content required. @700+h

in Suggestions

Posted by: DKP.4196


I’ve done around 700 hours of play and there’s still loads to do and on the 22nd there’s a content patch for halloween so really there’s plenty to do and more to be added soon. The 700/800 hours played mark is really only a small percentage of people who play the game.

Most people have jobs/school and such and so that’s a hell of a lot of hours played versus the amount you spend on buying the game. Most single player games of this quality/price you will be able to complete in a couple of days. Where as other MMO’s are reliant on subscription and grinding to keep you ‘entertained’.

What exactly have you completed so far in game?

-All the dungeons
-Got a skin that I dont want, so my current goal is to find another skin Id like for medium. Looking at T3 Cultural Norn medium atm for females.
-Map completion
-2200+ AP
-1 lvl 80 Ranger.
- Several Alts, but currently lvling my necro for WvW only.
- All jumpings except bugged

I think tahts it? and legendary over half way? Just getting gold?

Keep trying, or die trying. Never give up, never forgive. We will Desolate. – Desolation
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More endgame content required. @700+h

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fay.2735


-All the dungeons
-Got a skin that I dont want, so my current goal is to find another skin Id like for medium. Looking at T3 Cultural Norn medium atm for females.
-Map completion
-2200+ AP
-1 lvl 80 Ranger.
- Several Alts, but currently lvling my necro for WvW only.
- All jumpings except bugged

I think tahts it? and legendary over half way? Just getting gold?

That is a lot of stuff you’ve done :/ You are aware that you’re probably 1% of the entire gaming community in regards to content completion so it’s a bit much to expect them to add loads more just to meet your content requirement.

Well done though

•— Fay Everdunes | Fay Erduna | Lilyfay (Fay.2735) — Mesmer/Revenant — [NA]FA — 8k±Hrs Played —•
Have you heard of the city? The ancient uru? Where there was power to write worlds

More endgame content required. @700+h

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fay.2735


-All the dungeons
-Got a skin that I dont want, so my current goal is to find another skin Id like for medium. Looking at T3 Cultural Norn medium atm for females.
-Map completion
-2200+ AP
-1 lvl 80 Ranger.
- Several Alts, but currently lvling my necro for WvW only.
- All jumpings except bugged

I think tahts it? and legendary over half way? Just getting gold?

That is a lot of stuff you’ve done :/ You are aware that you’re probably 1% of the entire gaming community in regards to content completion so it’s a bit much to expect them to add loads more just to meet your content requirement. Also is that all dungeon paths or just all dungeons on 1 path at least?

Well done though

•— Fay Everdunes | Fay Erduna | Lilyfay (Fay.2735) — Mesmer/Revenant — [NA]FA — 8k±Hrs Played —•
Have you heard of the city? The ancient uru? Where there was power to write worlds

More endgame content required. @700+h

in Suggestions

Posted by: TheDaiBish.9735


Out of curiosity, what would you propose?

Im not sure. Thats the problem, but thats what I paid money to Anet to figure out;) I want them to surprise me, and give me something I wont expect to see in other MMOs or just something much much better on gw2:)

Although I would like to see more dungeons, more interesting loots. Such as dungeon specific loots that could get from certain dungeons. World event champion specific loots. There are some out there but not enough. More special recipes + more special casual recipes that need to be discovered. Release those legendary armors in game. More areas is a MUST. I love gw2 because of the beautifull scenery, give us more! More mini games for sure + a more interesting crafting experience:)

I think these are the basic requests that I would add to make the game a bit better.

Ah, I was only asking because this is a Suggestion forum, and the game needing more content after a period of time (which is dependant on the player) is kinda obvious

If you think about it, the only reason it may not last as much as other MMO’s is because it doesn’t MAKE you grind gear to access content. I mean, if you could raid in WoW as soon as you hit cap and raiding was only for skins, how long would end-game last? I’m much preferring this end-game model tbh. No pressure to play to stay competitive.

We got the Halloween patch soon, as well as a content patch in November (I think?). There are quite a few areas of importance in Tyria that still haven’t been unlocked, so who knows?

Dungeons: They will add more dungeons as the game moves along, that’s pretty much a given.

Loot: Yeah, I think the looting system needs an overhaul. Champions should be Named mobs that give the chance to drop unique skins.

Hell, monthly / bi-monthly / quarterly design competitions for Champion mobs and their loot / craftable recipies and the winner gets it put into the game with a little flavour text saying who designed it. Pretty sure there’d be people in the community (myself included) that’d love that sort of thing.

Crafting: I think it’s better than the majority of MMO’s out there as it is, although it could be improved by adding named shiny-shiny Discoverable recipes (I think too much emphasis has been put onto the Mystic Forge for that). I did a thread that suggested making craftable Profession-specific Armour and Weapon sets to give an incentive to keep crafting after cap.

Life is a journey.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.

More endgame content required. @700+h

in Suggestions

Posted by: DKP.4196


Thank you Fay, and yes I am aware:) Just wanted to say something to Anet before the majority catches up;) And its all the dungeon paths ie Dungeon Master title acquired.

Also TheDaiBish. I do agree that this model of “No need to grind to stay in the lead” is quite good. I have not grinded a single day in gw2 as of yet except when I was racing to lvl 80 before the 28th of August was it? From the 25th;)

Keep trying, or die trying. Never give up, never forgive. We will Desolate. – Desolation
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More endgame content required. @700+h

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tensei.9748


Frankly if you spend that much time gaming, you need to add new things to your life,

More endgame content required. @700+h

in Suggestions

Posted by: DKP.4196


Tensei, this thread isnt about my life. My life is fine as it is. I have a beautifull girlfriend who doesnt mind my hobby. She doesnt like playing games, but loves watching me play. I have a job, I own my own company. I have a good income. I travel between Europe and Asia at a regular bases, I have a lot of spare time. There is nothing wrong with my life. I just chose to spend some time on gw2 for now, since its very interesting and I consider it my hobby of choice for now.

Keep trying, or die trying. Never give up, never forgive. We will Desolate. – Desolation
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More endgame content required. @700+h

in Suggestions

Posted by: Isende.2607


Frankly if you spend that much time gaming, you need to add new things to your life,


what a way to not add a dang thing that’s constructive, troll, and show your (ahem) brilliance. wtg man, wtg!

dkp, i hear you — i’ve got that many hours or roughly that many played … but i play different. i FINALLY have one toon at lvl 77; i’m kinda simultaneously leveling six. so for me, endgame hasn’t become a consideration yet, but when i stop and think about it, i’m faced with:

1 i won’t be doing monthly completions nor building my legendary weapons because pvp is a requirement for both

2 i won’t be getting 100% map completion, for the above-mentioned reason

so. i guess i’ll be hanging with guildies, working on getting the rest of my crew up to 80 … hanging with guildies …

i’m certain i’ll be doing a great deal of exploring areas that each character HASN’T done, because anet has stated that they’ll be releasing content, sometimes with notification, sometimes not, which will change the dynamic events. i know i’ll be doing jumping puzzles, all that. but considering two of the primary things … three, if you count pvp … available to end-game won’t be there for me, i really DO have to wonder what i’ll be up to once my entire motley krewe have reached 80.

More endgame content required. @700+h

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tensei.9748


Bro hate to tell ya but… (As of

700+ hours =

Start date 8/25 = 56% of your time since then

Start date 8/28 = 60% of your time since then

Either way, spending half a day (24 Hrs / 12 = 50%)

Dude they didn’t design this game for people who spend half a day on gaming in mind.

It seems like they took the majority into consideration.

More endgame content required. @700+h

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tensei.9748


Also since there are no monthly fees there is no incentive to keep grinders around.

The trading post is built for ppl with decent to good jobs in mind to save time.

Think about it.

More endgame content required. @700+h

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jazhara Knightmage.4389

Jazhara Knightmage.4389

my idea for a fairly easy addition of content for higher levels to enjoy

AMD FX-8350@4.8ghz on air(SilverArrowSB-E Extreme) , 32gb 1866mhz(10-11-10 cr1)
PCP&C 1200watt TC, Crosshair V F-Z, Sapphire 290x

More endgame content required. @700+h

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tensei.9748


My case, I had the game 4 weeks, spent money on gems to craft 20 levels in one day, level 71 now spent 4 hrs a day

More endgame content required. @700+h

in Suggestions

Posted by: DKP.4196


Bro hate to tell ya but… (As of

700+ hours =

Start date 8/25 = 56% of your time since then

Start date 8/28 = 60% of your time since then

Either way, spending half a day (24 Hrs / 12 = 50%)

Dude they didn’t design this game for people who spend half a day on gaming in mind.

It seems like they took the majority into consideration.

Im sure they designed the game for all players? But I will stick in, and hope more content is added either ways. I cant wait to see the areas that are obviously blocked off. The lore in Gw2 is very interesting:)

I don’t see the point with your maths there. Do I play too much? Or Do I play too much while working? I think everyone has the right to their own way of spending their measly average 80 years of human life time in the 21st century 1st world country.

Keep trying, or die trying. Never give up, never forgive. We will Desolate. – Desolation
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More endgame content required. @700+h

in Suggestions

Posted by: DKP.4196


Frankly if you spend that much time gaming, you need to add new things to your life,


what a way to not add a dang thing that’s constructive, troll, and show your (ahem) brilliance. wtg man, wtg!

dkp, i hear you — i’ve got that many hours or roughly that many played … but i play different. i FINALLY have one toon at lvl 77; i’m kinda simultaneously leveling six. so for me, endgame hasn’t become a consideration yet, but when i stop and think about it, i’m faced with:

1 i won’t be doing monthly completions nor building my legendary weapons because pvp is a requirement for both

2 i won’t be getting 100% map completion, for the above-mentioned reason

so. i guess i’ll be hanging with guildies, working on getting the rest of my crew up to 80 … hanging with guildies …

i’m certain i’ll be doing a great deal of exploring areas that each character HASN’T done, because anet has stated that they’ll be releasing content, sometimes with notification, sometimes not, which will change the dynamic events. i know i’ll be doing jumping puzzles, all that. but considering two of the primary things … three, if you count pvp … available to end-game won’t be there for me, i really DO have to wonder what i’ll be up to once my entire motley krewe have reached 80.

Hmm, yeah this is what I mean BUT hopefully Anet has some things hidden up their sleeves:)

Keep trying, or die trying. Never give up, never forgive. We will Desolate. – Desolation
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More endgame content required. @700+h

in Suggestions

Posted by: TheDaiBish.9735


Hmm, yeah this is what I mean BUT hopefully Anet has some things hidden up their sleeves:)


I’m sorry…

Life is a journey.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.

More endgame content required. @700+h

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bahamadude.4925


This is why it’s good to pace yourself with mmorpgs. You’ll just have wait. I’m sure an expansion will be out sooner or later.

More endgame content required. @700+h

in Suggestions

Posted by: DKP.4196


This is why it’s good to pace yourself with mmorpgs. You’ll just have wait. I’m sure an expansion will be out sooner or later.

True. That’s one way of seeing it. But how I see it is, if the minority players with the highest in game play time are happy with endgame content. Then the majority will be happy with the amount of things to do/expect to do:)

Keep trying, or die trying. Never give up, never forgive. We will Desolate. – Desolation
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More endgame content required. @700+h

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fay.2735


True. That’s one way of seeing it. But how I see it is, if the minority players with the highest in game play time are happy with endgame content. Then the majority will be happy with the amount of things to do/expect to do:)

All I can suggest is trying to pace yourself more. There’s no need to rush the content. Just mess around in LA for a while or play some hide’n’seek with some friends, do silly stuff in between the content. That’s how I got to 700 hours without having completed all the stuff you have :P

Other than that you can always play other characters for a while. 22nd of october isn’t that far away.

•— Fay Everdunes | Fay Erduna | Lilyfay (Fay.2735) — Mesmer/Revenant — [NA]FA — 8k±Hrs Played —•
Have you heard of the city? The ancient uru? Where there was power to write worlds

More endgame content required. @700+h

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lutharr.1035


The fact that its f2p makes expansions critical for prolonged life expectancy of the game. Ive played about 600 hours and have 3 lvl 80s.

One thing that is annoying me is that if a dungeon dont have a skin you like most avoid it. The game does need more at endgame (and no i dont need to watch a youtube video of some patronizing pleb). Its needs more of a progression than skins to truly last imo. Gear dont have to be a massive increase but at least let it progress some.

Go back to WoW. Most overused brainless arguement 2012-2013

More endgame content required. @700+h

in Suggestions

Posted by: oulivas.9471


How can you play 13~14h/day?

636h → 12h/day
689h → 13h/day
742h → 14h/day

Seafarer’s Rest

More endgame content required. @700+h

in Suggestions

Posted by: DKP.4196


Some people just can find time Oulivas;)

Also, I afk/do silly stuff like jump on the fish heads for 1-2hours in LA Grand Piazza. Quite hard;) Should be a jumping puzzle tbh.

Also Lutharr, yes more desirable “special” skins would be nice. Something that doesn’t take as long as the legendaries, but something we players can hope and expect to get within 1-3 weeks of killing something. (Without grinding/farming the event)

Keep trying, or die trying. Never give up, never forgive. We will Desolate. – Desolation
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More endgame content required. @700+h

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hydrophidian.4319



A few points for you to consider:

- Not everyone plays the same way, nor does everyone have the same preferences or play style. A lot of people aren’t ever going to “catch up” to you, because they’re not running in your particular race… or any race at all. For example, there are people who haven’t touched the PvE game at all, and probably never will.

- Pacing does matter. No matter how fast developers create content, there will always be a segment of the population that blows through it in an eye blink. You seem to be a part of that segment. No dev team, no game, will ever keep up with you (I believe the solution to that issue is player-created content, but that’s a whole different discussion).

- There will always be a segment of the population that gets bored fast and leaves to find the new shiny, because that’s just how a lot of gamers are. I’d guess “half of your friends” are in this crowd. In contrast, none of my friends are. Maybe you need to expand your social circles?

- PvP, for those who enjoy it, is itself “end game” content. If you enjoy PvP, and are able to invest as much time as you have, I’m not sure what you’re lacking? For example, there are servers that get routinely wrecked in WvW. Want a long-term project? Go to one of those servers and start building up their PvP community. Frankly, had I the time, I’d probably do something like that myself, eventually.

- Roleplayers make their own content.

…You have a great deal of time to invest. You participate in the social aspect of the experience. You claim to have organizational skills. You are committed to the long haul…

Honestly, you are uniquely qualified to be a community anchor. If you want something that will suck up all of your time? That will certainly do it. Create a web presence for your server, begin organizing events, build a community.

I don’t think ANet (or any studio) will be able to satisfy you, alone. However, I do think you can supplement yourself. If that’s you level of investment, and you seem to indicate that it is, you don’t have to be bored at all.

More endgame content required. @700+h

in Suggestions

Posted by: wouw.5837


Go play a other game? what other game gives you 800+h of entertainement for 60USD?

just play some other games and come back when more content is added

Elona is Love, Elona is life.

More endgame content required. @700+h

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kalanaar.4150


man i played GW2 since 3 days b4 launch (reserved the game) but, unlike u, i didnt rush the lvling to see “endgame” i didnt rush it at all, i tried all professions to see which one i liked, i had some fun with the questing in the starting zones, i did some WvW, i went slowly and it has been sweet until now. i think if you want to enjoy this game, u CANT speed lvl, u will end up in max 4 days later and will run out of things to do REALLY quickly, why? because u speed lvld on a game that has been out for almost 3 months, that is NOT a good strategy, u should have enjoyed the lvling as many of us did, not rushing it. but dont worry, october 22 will get you some sweet new content, and take my advice, if u run out of things then, create an alt, of a diferent race, diferent profesion and enjoy the lvling

P.S. For endgame content wait a few months, content patches will stack up and u will have REALLY much things to do

Kunnat Aravok, Guardian of the tarnished coast