More events needed in all zones

More events needed in all zones

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mentalhead.5721


When it comes to dynamic events, it’s great to see how Orr works, something is going on constantly and it’s great, but why can’t we have more events in regular zones? It would be great, especially if you have 100% on the current zone and you’re just grinding for materials.

Of course, not every event needs to be combat based, we can have regular events that require us to use world items, such as weapons and similar, on a same way that we have heart quests that can be done without killing an enemy. I think this kind of events along with more events in all zones would be a welcome addition, giving you a change of pace.

More events needed in all zones

in Suggestions

Posted by: Onshidesigns.1069


Players trigger the events. That’s why empty zones have few events.

This post would solve this.
What if every server was a overflow servers?