More hairstyles/faces

More hairstyles/faces

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sourde Noire.5286

Sourde Noire.5286

There must have been suggestions about this before.

Why can the designers work on all-new content areas that only lasts 2-4 weeks at a time, adding quite sophisticated skins that only a handful of players will get anyway, but there is so little variety in hairstyles and faces?

With the addition of self-style hairkits and total makeover kits (that were even on sale a while ago), you’d think they’d want to make most use of that. I can’t imagine it wouldn’t be worth spending a little amount of time on some new hairs and stuff, as many players will probably buy the restyle kits afterwards. Heck, people I know even bought the hairstyle kits just for the new (imo pretty ugly) hair colours. It would surely pay out.

Personally, I’m a huge fashion victim in the game and probably spent 80% of gold I ever made in this game on armors and weapon skins on chars I don’t even really use, just because.

And being able to change my hair/looks once in a while (at the hefty price, I don’t mind) would be great. But as it stands, there is so little variety (even moreso for non-human races) that I don’t really want to bother.

And we’re not talking about time that the people should rather spend on fixing bugs and the likes, designers aren’t programmers. So, please add more stuff “just for looks”. This game is mostly about skins and looks anyway, at some point.

More hairstyles/faces

in Suggestions

Posted by: Caro.2730


I agree. While exploring this new, stunning, gorgeous, breathtaking, amazing content, I was like “Great, more npcs with new hairstyles, which we can’t use”. For example, I wish there were more long hairstyles for women, that aren’t actually ponytails or braids or somehow tied back. I would want loose, wavy long hair. ;c Many new hairstyles and faces would be a nice addition to the estetics of the game, because most of players tend to look really similar these days. Mesmers everywhere, I dare say. ArenaNet are amazingly talented. I hope they will make new hairstyles someday.

More hairstyles/faces

in Suggestions

Posted by: Louveepine.7630


The developers as have talent, and I do not understand why they do not give us more hairstyles and choices for races: Charr, Asura and Sylvari …

Yet there is the matter of a work, and many claim personalization …

I have some examples of hairstyles that I draw for the Asuras, which are adaptable.


# Asura because I’m worth it!

More hairstyles/faces

in Suggestions

Posted by: Equilibriator.8741


they still need to fix the fact you go bald everytime you put on a hat. that should be the first priority, still holding onto my witches hat in storage because it makes my female character look like an alopecia victim.