More items of varying appearances?

More items of varying appearances?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Swiftling.8961


Disclaimer: A lot of this is just going to be basic unformulated rambling about things that I personally find to be decent ideas. Please feel free to provide any constructive and / or helpful comments about it. However, please leave any harsh comments for another time. ALSO, all of this will be cosmetically based, if that is not something you care about just ignore all of it.

That being said. Let me start with the simple parts of my topic (Yes, I know they are more difficult than they sound. I’m not a game designer, so I really have no clue how difficult they are.)

So, re-textures.
I’m sure some of you who read this have looked through many items. Just to discover that you would probably use that item if only it had different color variations.

Personal Example being: Desert Rose Skin – I would use the heck out of this if it had a black and / or white variation. (Or maybe the functionality to dye back slots would be nice too)

Perhaps the ability to dye more common weapons that have multiple variations of different stats with the same skin yet different names. – This would add a vast amount of customization without adding extra content to the game. Heck, I would even pay a small amount of Gems to be able to dye my weapon. (Arenanet gets money, player gets more customization (besides almost never seen town clothing… :/,) and everyone wins.)

Perhaps for headpieces. The ability to cross-armor-type skin specific ones — OR — variations of that same skin for other classes.
Some Examples
Blindfold skin for multiple classes. – Blindfolds were a big thing in Guild Wars. Why not bring them back for an encore here in GW2 by giving all classes the ability to have that skin. I seriously would rather pay for this, than a 400 Gem Mask that is currently available.
Mask skin for multiple classes. – Lets be honest here. Would it really break any sort of immersion if Heavy / Light armor classes had a mask skin similar to one of the medium armor class skins? I’m pretty sure anyone can wear a flimsy piece of leather or fabric over their mouth if they wanted to.
Perhaps the ability to skin some of the town slot headpieces onto regular gear.
I.E. – Inventor’s Sunglasses / Aviators / Reading Glasses / Fuzzy Hats / Sport Sunglasses / Wide Rim Glasses / Bunny Ears (Starting to see a recurring theme about my dislike of town slots…) – Not only would this give more of a reason to purchase these cheap items. It would increase how many are sold due to actually having a better use for them. Who doesn’t want to kill someone while wearing sunglasses? (Inb4 “Deal With It” all over GW2.) (P.S. I would seriously pay for this)
Now before I start the next section. PLEASE understand. I know Arenanet is busy with tweaking and balancing the game. GW2 isn’t very old yet and it has a lot of room to grow. HOWEVER this is a suggestion that can be taken into the long-term and has already been thought about – Since they already do it almost every patch anyway.
I can sum it up into this: More variation in armor. It’s slightly annoying looking through the trade broker and realizing there is 25+ of items with the exact same skin. Please Note - While I understand that a lot of work was put into the Gameplay. (Which I love.) This category seems majorly skimped upon. As if it was just tossed to the side and someone got to scribble stats onto pieces of the same armor and then come up with fancier names. (Yes, this is exactly what I imagined.)

Another being – Better Town Clothing (PERHAPS with an option to toggle town clothing to automatically be swapped to when you’re in town – Eh?)

^ – I’m sure we all enjoy costumes, etc. However it would be nice to have some more default looks for our characters instead of having to go from normal to not-everyday apparel if we want anything decent-looking at all. This being said, I understand this is not priority, I just would enjoy it in the long-term. (Basically, this can wait.)

More backpacks. Even if they’re just silly – generic – normal – boring rucksacks. I would really enjoy having a pack that looks more like what my adventuring hero would end up carrying their stuff in. Compared to some of these sillier, or way too fancy mechanical contraptions.

That’s all I can think of at this moment. I apologize for the heavily non-formatted post I don’t use forums very often. If you made it all the way to this point. I hope you enjoyed at least some of the ideas, or at least enjoyed getting a break from all the game balancing suggestions. Please, leave any ideas of your own if you’d like, or perhaps tell me I’m stupid. Whatever floats your boat. – Cheers.