More maps like Frostgorge Sound

More maps like Frostgorge Sound

in Suggestions

Posted by: awe extender.1908

awe extender.1908

Please make more maps like Frostgorge Sound!

I LOVE Frostgorge Sound, and not only because I’m Norn and actually from Norway :-)
I love the scenery, I love the background music and I love the story and the foes.

Thanks to all of you who had a finger in making this awesome map! I bow to thee!

I wish there were more end-game maps like Frostgorge Sound. I really enjoy wandering around and exploring. You guys have really achieved something amazing here. Imho, it’s the best part of the game. I play at least 1 hour every day in Frostgorge Sound.
On the other hand, I really dislike Orr. The fun and enjoyable part of the game is imho non-existing in Orr. Maybe because of the HUGE number of foes?!? You cant walk 3 m before being attacked. Now, I enjoy the challenge as anyone else, but this is just annoying. Make the single foes more challenging, but spread them! Make something like Frostgorge.
I really would like to know how others think about this.

More maps like Frostgorge Sound

in Suggestions

Posted by: Olba.5376


Well, the difference is that according to the Lore, Orr is literally an active warzone. It’s supposed to be crowded. Otherwise the whole story with the Pact army marching into Orr to defeat Zhaitan is kinda lost.

More maps like Frostgorge Sound

in Suggestions

Posted by: awe extender.1908

awe extender.1908

That’s just fine. They (Anet) can be true to the story of Orr and the spirit of the war zone but still make it a little more fun by at least increasing the re-spawning time of common foes.
Also, I’m sure there will be expansions, it’s just a matter of time. Therefore, personally, I would really love to have more level 80 maps like Frostgorge.

More maps like Frostgorge Sound

in Suggestions

Posted by: Daddicus.6128


I suspect they will be. The first “addition” added a level 80 area just of of Lion’s arch, for example. They’re probably going to continue that model.

More maps like Frostgorge Sound

in Suggestions

Posted by: Oglaf.1074


I’d love an “Icebrood” area or two (like how the Orr areas are “Risen” areas).

That’d be so frickin’ sweet.

I can do thirty Five-Dolyak Arm Curls.

Do you even lift, bro?

More maps like Frostgorge Sound

in Suggestions

Posted by: Darkever.9732


That’s just fine. They (Anet) can be true to the story of Orr and the spirit of the war zone but still make it a little more fun by at least increasing the re-spawning time of common foes.
Also, I’m sure there will be expansions, it’s just a matter of time. Therefore, personally, I would really love to have more level 80 maps like Frostgorge.

Agree on increasing the mob respawn time. When I was farming Orr (stopped long ago to do something that is actually fun) the main activity was running with permanent swiftess and dodging enemy snares. I would have gladly cleared my way, but that is currently impossible, because the respawn rate was too fast. Oh, and I was using an Elementalist glass cannon build, so they were falling pretty fast.

More maps like Frostgorge Sound

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nels the Cornwhisperer.8025

Nels the Cornwhisperer.8025

There’s the entirety of the Deldrimor Front, the rest of the Far Shiverpeaks, and whatever else they want to throw at us if we go north even more.

You’ll get more of these eventually. Honestly though, Asura and Sylvari both have exactly one zone that is primarily theirs, one zone they share, with each-other, and the rest is entirely tied in to humans. Before we start giving more Norn based zones, we ought to at least round out the two races that got the shaft in the first go.

How far that little candle throws its beams!
So shines a good deed in a naughty world.
- William Shakespear

More maps like Frostgorge Sound

in Suggestions

Posted by: awe extender.1908

awe extender.1908

There’s the entirety of the Deldrimor Front, the rest of the Far Shiverpeaks, and whatever else they want to throw at us if we go north even more.

You’ll get more of these eventually. Honestly though, Asura and Sylvari both have exactly one zone that is primarily theirs, one zone they share, with each-other, and the rest is entirely tied in to humans. Before we start giving more Norn based zones, we ought to at least round out the two races that got the shaft in the first go.

I don’t mind variety in race specific maps. It’s just the amazing feeling and fun gaming experience in Frostgorge I love (besides the landscape). If Anet can make an Asura or Sylvary level 80 map with the same touch and careness it would be awesome!

More maps like Frostgorge Sound

in Suggestions

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

Frostgorge is great. I haven’t even been to the Cursed Shore yet because I can’t get my daily variety there.

That being said, going there every day for a month is getting old. I can either keep going there despite the staleness, or accept lower level drops by doing daily in lv 60 zones.

More maps like Frostgorge Sound

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aye.8392


To me the best part about Frostgorge is that there are many different foes, events, and stories going on. Orr is all about Zaihtan and the Risen while Frostgorge is about the Dredge fight for Independence, the Quaggan’s battle against the Krait, the Kodan refugees, Jormag’s corruption and the battle against the Svanir…

As a citizen of Tyrian all of the different, simultaneous, story lines make it more interesting than Orr; and as a person playing the game I can do my full daily in that one zone, and do it with decent drops/rewards.

More zones like Frostgorge — varied foes, multiple storylines — would be very welcome indeed.
Sorrows Furnace

More maps like Frostgorge Sound

in Suggestions

Posted by: Oglaf.1074


Plus the Sons of Svanir and Icebrood are far cooler, and much less annoying, foes than the Risen.

I can do thirty Five-Dolyak Arm Curls.

Do you even lift, bro?