More places for bank access

More places for bank access

in Suggestions

Posted by: Keysha.2815


Since we can not mail things to alts, can you please make each zone have a bank or crafting area so we can access the bank from all alts without having to port or run back to the other zones?

More places for bank access

in Suggestions

Posted by: Phoenix the One.4071

Phoenix the One.4071

You can get that from lions chest. permanent.. though low drop chance.. so it is already there. mobile!

More places for bank access

in Suggestions

Posted by: Keysha.2815


Low drop chance does not help the rest of us.

More places for bank access

in Suggestions

Posted by: Blude.6812


The travel cost ‘penalty’ is a little to steep for doing a simple thing (crafting/banking) or it’s a long slow walk. It’s a minor point, but it is annoying (ditto for waypoints cost after death and repair).
I was suprised that some areas don’t have these areas.
BTW—I have a couple of those instant banks—hang in you’ll get them

More places for bank access

in Suggestions

Posted by: GOSU.9574


The information datamined from the latest patch reveals an item that will give you permanent bank access from anywhere, there is also an item to do the same thing with the Black Lion Trading Company and something else I am forgetting. So chin up, it’s coming soon (possibly in the November surprise they have mentioned).

Hey dude you are walking into a wall.


More places for bank access

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dr Anthrax.4723

Dr Anthrax.4723

You can get that from lions chest. permanent.. though low drop chance.. so it is already there. mobile!

You do realize it has a drop chance lower than almost any other item. People have opened thousands of these chests and only a couple have popped out. A player in one sitting, opened 500 chests and posted the result, no permanent banker.

Great, its in the game. Wonderful, but its not a solution.

More places for bank access

in Suggestions

Posted by: Blude.6812


The instant access from anywhere that last forever are available now from drops—I have two of them.