I’m not entirely sure if this has been brought up before but I thought it would be a nice addition to add more build diversity to the game in terms of available skills.
Reason I would like to see something like this is because it won’t complicate existing setups in the form of simply adding more signet’s to classes or overlapping spells,etc
The new trait line as well as the skills added should generically add their own usefulness to the race played to distinguish each race further beyond just professions. The trait line itself should ideally only directly effect the racial skills being used also, as to not pad the stats of existing trait lines already existent in the game.
Ideally the two stat modifiers for the trait line could mirror the race being played per say, Charr race line could effect racial skill power and precision ( ONLY in relation to racial skills; has no modified effect on all profession skills ), etc
I’m unsure how many racial skills would have to be added to make a investment in a traitline plausible or ideal but I think it would serve as a neat idea to give the race you pick more meaning beyond a handful of racial skills you can’t directly modify. So when going into say SPvP, u could see more diversity and look at someone beyond their profession and be like, " ah…a char ele…how scary….< 2 mins later> oh crap, a human ele; watch out for ____ ".
You get the idea, just a thought :P