More skills and Story based quests

More skills and Story based quests

in Suggestions

Posted by: icrispyKing.2607


I think Guild Wars 2 is a great game but still has so much room for improvement. I love the idea of the personal story quests and I have never seen anything like it, and the crafting is good too, but why stop there?

I think everybody that is a gamer has played Runescape at one point in there life, and whether they love it or hate it, its a successful game. I played the game for 5 years and quit a few years ago, but there are some things about the game that I cant seem to find in any other game I try out.

In Runescape there was 26 individual skills: I.E. (attack, strength, defense, range, magic, smithing, crafting, hunter, woodcutting, mining, farming, herbivore, slayer….. and it goes on) Every skill you could level up to 99 and only combat related skills would count towards your total combat level (in Runescape max was 126, in Guild Wars 2 its 80) and than you also had skill level. I believe that system of having so many different skills to do really added to the game and made it enjoyable as there was so much to do and a little something for everybody. I understand that only certain professions should be able to do some skills, and other skills would be neutral and able of all professions (mining is neutral, but an archer cant do magic) It would add more to the game and more of an economy as some people might want to train smithing but don’t want to mine the ore.

In Runescape there are no quests that is to kill 10 wolves, or to just simply retrieve an item. All 200+ quests have a unique story and some quests are sequels to others. I find the regular MMORPG quests of just killing enemies or defending one area boring. When having all these invidual quests you can unlock new items, and new areas. They also have you explore the world and talk to NPCs and makes you really feel like you are apart of the world. Maybe you need to defeat a dragon, to defeat that dragon you must collect pieces of a map by doing different tasks, whether its killing a person, stealing it from them, or doing a puzzle. After you collect the pieces of the map you must journey to the island and defeat the dragon, but along your way there you encounter area roaming enemies that you can either run past or fight, or maybe you are forced to fight. (That is Dragon Slayer quest in Runescape) Having quests with all that story behind it makes the game so much more in depth.

Relating skills to Quests -
In Runescape you must have certain skill levels/ other quests completed to start the new quest. It gives more initiative to venture out and try more parts of the game and level up all of your skills.

More Variety of Monsters –
So far I only really see a very limited amount of monsters in the game and they are basically the same throughout all areas, and I haven’t noticed if these monsters even drop different items. More items and monster specific drops make training at areas more enjoyable.

I know what you are all thinking “You reference everything to Runescape, so why don’t you play Runescape and not guildwars?” Well I believe that Guild Wars is a truly magnificent game but could still be better and more interesting. There are 1000s of flaws in Runescape and the company that owns it is quite frankly just money hungry. But the skills idea and quests of the game are fantastic and nothing compares. If Arena Net implemented skills and quests into the game I feel it would attract more attention and make the game better, and It can still be a choice game… If you don’t want to train a skill, than don’t do it. If you don’t want to do quests, than don’t. But for all the people that want more variety and enjoy story over plain old “kill 10 skritts” this would be a great edition to your already fantastic game.

Also just noting that I think you should develop a system for group questing as when you are in a party and you and your party are all killing skritts, when somebody in your party kills a skritt it doesn’t help towards your progress, and that kind of means it isn’t even group questing at all.

Feel free to discuss and add idea of your own and criticize mine!

More skills and Story based quests

in Suggestions

Posted by: Amadan.9451


i don’t know if i like the idea of training some skills (i played ryzom and that was all the game, no quest no nothing else to do, or even a purpose for you to train said skills, at least this was the experience i had.
i think i can bear the idea of achievement related to skills like the slayer achievements or weapons achievements we have in gw2, because they don’t make you stronger or weaker if you don’t complete it.
i don’t like the idea of training some specific skill, even if i don’t like it, i would feel awkward not to do it though…
so that part of suggestion i don’t really like (it is my personal taste though, i can understand the reason you like it i think).

that said, i like the idea of chains quest, istanced or not, but quests that tell you a story, i like scavenger hunts and i really enjoy them, and i would very much appreciate some lore story telling quests. i would like to know more of this world and his history playing the game and not reading the book or the forum. i know there are parchments and tome you can find here and there in the world that tells you story, but why not to implements lore points like vista, with nice cinematic so i don’t have to read?
as much as i enjoy reading but game is about gaming and visual effects imo.
or even better istanced lore points of interest working like the fractal level where you transform into a charr. that would be awesome!!

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More skills and Story based quests

in Suggestions

Posted by: icrispyKing.2607


Thanks for the reply! and my favorite part of runescape was all the quests, back in the day i completed them all and that was a big accomplishment. Guild Wars just seems to get old fast and find myself playing for about 2 weeks than taking a few months break, without constant new content or 100s of things to do I find myself bored and im sure other feel the same way. Every area is the same almost, kill this, pick up this many items and return it to this person. Thats boring, real quests, adventures, now thats exciting.

More skills and Story based quests

in Suggestions

Posted by: Amadan.9451


yes i agree, at least renown hearts do this, there are some quite fun dynamic events that tell stories and require different tasks even if most of the time is killing or gathering at least it is in a changing contest.
i suggest you to check out some “mini dungeon” (you can track them in the exploration achievement bar) they can be fun to do as an alternative to jumping puzzles, or dynamic events quest chains that lead to a world boss (for example the one near the twilight arbor, or in the swamp in queensdale, or the dragons. they are fun to do and epic unless you do it multiple times.)

as a final note, i’m an optimistic, i’m sure they will give us in times lot of permanent content, full of quests and events, more weapons and skill to gain and train, more builds to experiment and very original seasonal content like lost shore (i enjoyed it no matter what people says about it), the mad king istance and alternative pvp like the one we had in wintersday.
i think they don’t just want to reveal all of the idea they will give us in time that’s all. the game is very young and new

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More skills and Story based quests

in Suggestions

Posted by: icrispyKing.2607


Yes, I agree. I have been out of the game for a while and going to try and give it another chance, and just hope that eventually much more diverse skill/quest related content will be released.