More support for clickers

More support for clickers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ikon.4852


Hello to all,
I think GW2 makes the clickers life impossible. I always used to move my characters with WASD and I used the mouse to cast spells. This is not possible in GW2: you MUST move with the mouse when in combat, and sometime you need mouse and WASD! For that it is hard to cast on movement when you are not skilled or you have expansive game controllers.

I am ok with such a kind of system and I am trying to learn how to use it. Moreover I comprehend that GW2 character control system is part of game originality. But why you decided to limit so much the play-style? One or two optional features can enable new play-styles.

For example:
- when I bring the mouse pointer near the screen borders I would like to turn the camera in that direction.
- when I double click (or single click) a given mouse button on the ground or on a target I would like to auto-move toward that point.
- when my character auto-rotate in combat due to foes movement I would like to automatically keep camera behind him.

Precise movements are so hard in GW2. I am not responsive, I can not turn my char quickly. I feel controls so uneffective. I watched the game and I said “wow”. I bought it then I tried to play it and I said “wtf”! (sorry for the term, but it is the truth)

I think more optional features will make GW2 more usable by newbies (I never played GW1). The game will be more attractive for people who played other games for long time and it will not affect the current control system since new features can be optional.

I hope in some help and suggestions about the control system.


(edited by Ikon.4852)

More support for clickers

in Suggestions

Posted by: BananaMatrix.3702


Well, you could always convert to the dark side! My binding’s are:

5 = Q
6 = R
7 = F
8 = C
9 = Shift

It’s a really comfortable setup for me! Everything’s right around my left hand, and by this point my reactions are almost instinctive. Try it out!

More support for clickers

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Posted by: Marrond.1385


Problem with GW2 controls is that they aren’t fitting WSAD because you can’t use such feature as mouselook unless you hold right mouse button ALL THE TIME ( >.> ) and you still have to click on things. And they are not fitting clicking too because clicking doesn’t work for anything except for setting AoE or targeting enemies… we’re in the empty space between these two where neither of them works.

With no doubt controls require some attention and love from ANet.

More support for clickers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Latinkuro.9420


Hello to all,
I think GW2 makes the clickers life impossible. I always used to move my characters with WASD and I used the mouse to cast spells. This is not possible in GW2: you MUST move with the mouse when in combat, and sometime you need mouse and WASD! For that it is hard to cast on movement when you are not skilled or you have expansive game controllers.

I am ok with such a kind of system and I am trying to learn how to use it. Moreover I comprehend that GW2 character control system is part of game originality. But why you decided to limit so much the play-style? One or two optional features can enable new play-styles.

For example:
- when I bring the mouse pointer near the screen borders I would like to turn the camera in that direction.
- when I double click (or single click) a given mouse button on the ground or on a target I would like to auto-move toward that point.
- when my character auto-rotate in combat due to foes movement I would like to automatically keep camera behind him.

Precise movements are so hard in GW2. I am not responsive, I can not turn my char quickly. I feel controls so uneffective. I watched the game and I said “wow”. I bought it then I tried to play it and I said “wtf”! (sorry for the term, but it is the truth)

I think more optional features will make GW2 more usable by newbies (I never played GW1). The game will be more attractive for people who played other games for long time and it will not affect the current control system since new features can be optional.

I hope in some help and suggestions about the control system.


Being a clicker is not a play style in any mmorpg, if you are identified as a clicker in an mmorpg it means you still do not truly know how to play the game, not trying to be harsh or anything like that,

I was a clicker to when I 1st started playing mmorpg’s until I started doing PVP I used to always get my peep kicked all over the place, than I asked guildies what was the problem, I fought my guildies and they than asked me (you’re a clicker aren’t you ?) I said yes, is that a problem ? the answer was a resounding YES it is, it takes to much time to find and click an ability compared to knowing the keybind for it,

not to mention the movement issues it promotes, just like you’re having now.

It takes a while to adapt and learn specially if you haven’t played many consoles games fortunately for me I did play many so my training wasn’t that long, before I was the one kicking peep in PVP, and it also improved my PVE game by a mile.

More support for clickers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Latinkuro.9420


2nd tip,
Turning with the keyboard is slower than turning using the mouse, it don’t matter what mmorpg you have played before, name them all and in all of them keyboard turning is always slower than mouse turning.

Don’t try to adapt and ruin a near perfect game, adapt and perfect your play style 1st and if you still feel things are missing I’m sure most will agree with you than !

More support for clickers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rage The Numbers.7943

Rage The Numbers.7943

I’m a clicker and need to adapt. I can feel my limitations.

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More support for clickers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ikon.4852


I am ok with new controls. If you read more carefully the bold+italic text I am proposing some helpful features (moreover they are optionals) that can help all players (clickers or not, but mainly clickers). By the way I am clicker since I have additional buttons on my mouse and I setup macros on them. For example in some easy dungeon in WoW I tanked using only 1 mouse button for spellcasting and no keyboard. I do not want that kind of automatization, but I would like to have auto-movement on click/doubleclick, auto-positioning camera behind character and camera movement when mouse is on screen borders. They are honest requests, in my opinion.

More support for clickers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Latinkuro.9420


I read your bold written suggestions, and these are options present in many crappy low quality F2P mmorpg ‘s Perfect World is specially funned of these lazyman’s tools.

Sure they are convenient alright in those bad games, but in a game like GW2 where balance and a level playing field is of utmost importance they become ludicrous and ridiculous.

Think about it for a second, I click on the ground my character starts to move so all my fingers are now free to activate abilities since there is no cool down I can now just hit you with all my abilities in a short time span because you do not have to worry about positioning and not one of your fingers is tied down by character movement, see how this totally breaks the level playing field now ?

you say, optional I say learn to play like the rest of us did, sure it will take some time to adapt and all but in the end you will be a much better player for it. Sorry if I come out a bit harsh it’s not my intention at all.

More support for clickers

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Posted by: TheEhn.5920


If you´re playing an mmorpg i think you just need to accept that its played by keybinds and mouse .You dont play flying games with keyboard do you.

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More support for clickers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Latinkuro.9420


you could try and play a flight sim with a keyboard, but you wouldn’t demand they change the game because it is to hard for you to play it with a keyboard now would you?
it’d be silly right ? just get yourself a flight sim joystick am I right ?

In his case it’s even easier all he has to do is learn to keybind properly and use the mouse to turn instead of keyboard no money involved.

on a side note:

I’m a console player at heart so a D-pad for movement is the way to go, so I switched to a Nostromo and I couldn’t be happier for it and no I don’t use the macro system at all just the convenience of the D-pad makes a huge difference for me.

More support for clickers

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Posted by: Kalithro.6532


Being a clicker doesn’t allways = suck in MMO. I could say with this logic…

All you hotkey users suck b/c you arn’t using Keybind Macros from a game profiler. Your DPS rotation is thus inconsistent and sluggish.

More support for clickers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Latinkuro.9420


Being a clicker doesn’t allways = suck in MMO. I could say with this logic…

All you hotkey users suck b/c you arn’t using Keybind Macros from a game profiler. Your DPS rotation is thus inconsistent and sluggish.

Hmm there’s one flaw in your example though

you see 1st we are all clickers, than we step up our game and masterfully use keybinds than after that you still want more precise and higher level gameplay so you use some macro’s to accomplish many tedious things all at once and have more time to execute complex combos and rotations.

Personally speaking to me anyone that uses a whole load of macro’s to play is not really a good player just a macro junkie, but hey that’s an entirely new subject that is filled with war and flames.

More support for clickers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kalithro.6532


Being a clicker doesn’t allways = suck in MMO. I could say with this logic…

All you hotkey users suck b/c you arn’t using Keybind Macros from a game profiler. Your DPS rotation is thus inconsistent and sluggish.

Hmm there’s one flaw in your example though

you see 1st we are all clickers, than we step up our game and masterfully use keybinds than after that you still want more precise and higher level gameplay so you use some macro’s to accomplish many tedious things all at once and have more time to execute complex combos and rotations.

Personally speaking to me anyone that uses a whole load of macro’s to play is not really a good player just a macro junkie, but hey that’s an entirely new subject that is filled with war and flames.

I can play effective enough in some MMOs with the clicking method. This is not one of them games… It is not tied to “MMOs” as much as it is tied to specific “GAMES”.

In WOW for example… I played a Ret Pally in Wrath of the Lich King. With my G13 Gamepad and the In game macro system I was able to optimize a Macro to net me Max DPS. This was a 1 button Macro that I held down. This left me free to get in position, stay out of fire, watch for debuffs, watch for who in the raid needed to do something so I could call it out. Nearly every fight I would be top DPS in a 25 man hardcore raiding guild. On Saurfang… I was able to change the macro from PRESS to TOGGLE and go afk come back and still be top DPS. I played with very good people (clearing 25 man hardcore).

I tested the macro in stormwind for about a week to make sure the delays and algorithm worked. I tested it with different gear layouts for variables and did an analysis on the data using EXCEL.

I could very easily do the same with GW2… At the moment there is no benefit to take it to this level.

I guess my point is… I was already a good player. With the addition of the Macro in WOW I was an even better player. Same example of the clicker that went to keybinding.

More support for clickers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Latinkuro.9420


I can see your point without all the macro and stuff explanation, now tbh I wouldn’t want GW2 to become like the WoW you just described. We can debate this all day long Kalithro, but the fact of the matter is he simply refuses to take the next step and use keybindings instead he wants the game adapted for him THAT is the point NOT weather you can be a better or worse player by using macros or some other form of simplification.

Post note:
I do NOT approve of macro;s in GW2 specially if it means becoming the game you just described to me above….!

More support for clickers

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Posted by: Marrond.1385


I do NOT approve of macro;s in GW2 specially if it means becoming the game you just described to me above….!

Technicaly it already is. If you’re ranged all you need to do is to rotate skills with automatic macro and you can go sleep until enemy is down. But as he said there’s no point nor reason to do that.

More support for clickers

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Posted by: Kalithro.6532


Well I would guide any player that is transitioning from clicking to using key binds to go out and buy some hardware that will improve you gaming experience. There are several gamepads and mice that are designed for games such as GW2. I for example can never go back to using the WSAD format for movement. On my G13 I am able to move my character with a thumb stick. 3 fingers to do movement (WSAD) have now been moved to my thumb. This makes hitting hotkeys very easy.

ATM the only types of macros I have considered for GW2 is…
Going from non-earth attunment to earth attunment and putting up range dmg reflect skill. Turn this into 1 key instead of 2 keys…
For me… there is no reason to go beyond this ATM

More support for clickers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Latinkuro.9420


Well I would guide any player that is transitioning from clicking to using key binds to go out and buy some hardware that will improve you gaming experience. There are several gamepads and mice that are designed for games such as GW2. I for example can never go back to using the WSAD format for movement. On my G13 I am able to move my character with a thumb stick. 3 fingers to do movement (WSAD) have now been moved to my thumb. This makes hitting hotkeys very easy.

ATM the only types of macros I have considered for GW2 is…
Going from non-earth attunment to earth attunment and putting up range dmg reflect skill. Turn this into 1 key instead of 2 keys…
For me… there is no reason to go beyond this ATM

Yeah i know how you feel, I have the Nostromo for the same issue
my movement is now moved to my thumb and the only macros I have are F action and T Targer assist merged into one button, and dodge jump just because it looks so cool jajajajaja.

More support for clickers

in Suggestions

Posted by: montie.2415


ok so I’m new to this mmo stuff. Guild Wars 2 is the first one I’ve played and I’m wondering if I’m playing it wrong after reading the comments. I think I’m a clicker because I play as engineer class. I put my ring finger on the Q button, middle finger on the W and index finger on the E button and when I play what I’ve found to stay alive is that I have to use the Q key to strafe and then use my index finger on the D button to rotate the camera. This enables me to circle the target then use the mouse to click the attack buttons. I have no idea how I would move and attack since my left hand at any time has a minimum of two fingers busy. Am I playing the game wrong or making it more complicated for myself? It just doesn’t seem intuitive for me to rotate the camera with the mouse by point and drag method. I play on my 55" tv and also my mouse cursor would get lost sometimes when I did that. Anyway does someone have a tip for me to make the game easier to play?? I feel like I’m doing the best I can but maybe I’m just not real bright when it comes to this game.

More support for clickers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dannybio.4267


- when I double click (or single click) a given mouse button on the ground or on a target I would like to auto-move toward that point.

I would just LOVE to see that. My RSI has taken a turn to the worse with GW2, WASD for everything is killing my left shoulder… I’d really like to have the option to relieve some strain using my mouse instead =/

More support for clickers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Latinkuro.9420


montie.2415 and Dannybio.4267

There are options:
Let me see if I can explain this properly,
1- you can hold click both left and right click to move forward.
2- you can turn on auto run by pressing R
3- set strafing to A and D and hold right click and drag to turn your character and the camera at the same time, in this scenario you want to press the strafe button with your ring finger and use the index and middle finger to attack and your thumb to dodge V and jump SPACE., bind keys 6-10 to closer keys for access, you want to avoid having to move your hand around to the 6-10 keys and having to look at your keyboard to do so.

Ultimately you have to bind your keys the way they feel the most natural and efficient to you personally though.

It is by far one of the most difficult things to do, adapt to a new control scheme and in some cases it takes weeks to get the muscle memory in place to use it properly without getting lost.

One common mistake is to bind the keys and keep rebinding them all the time, you should think, come up with several possible schemes, test them out pick one and stick with that one for at least 2-3 weeks, after this much time you might want to tweak it around a bit to soften up the rough edges but do not make drastic changes to it.

Your key-bind scheme is ready for action when you no longer need to think or look at your keyboard to know where and what that key does, it is engraved in your muscle memory just like when you write you don’t really think about it you just do.

Or you can do what I and others have done, I’m a console player at heart so I got myself a Nostromo!

This makes it so much simpler I use my thumb (as it should be) for movement and the rest feels natural like you wouldn’t believe.

More support for clickers

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Posted by: DusK.3849


I was a clicker until I picked up a Razer Naga. Give it a shot if you’ve got the cash, it’s a fantastic mouse, especially for GW2. It takes a bit to get used to, but most new Naga users see adaptation in less than a week. I was set in a couple days.

The Razer Nostromo looks like a great option too. I thought about grabbing one soon because I’m so used to d-pad movement (I started PC gaming with UT and stuck with d-pad ever since) and the Nostromo setup doesn’t seem much different than that.

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More support for clickers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Latinkuro.9420


I was a clicker until I picked up a Razer Naga. Give it a shot if you’ve got the cash, it’s a fantastic mouse, especially for GW2. It takes a bit to get used to, but most new Naga users see adaptation in less than a week. I was set in a couple days.

The Razer Nostromo looks like a great option too. I thought about grabbing one soon because I’m so used to d-pad movement (I started PC gaming with UT and stuck with d-pad ever since) and the Nostromo setup doesn’t seem much different than that.

The Naga is an amazing piece of hardware,
for all other mmorpg’s except for Guild Wars 2 (imo)
see it has to many buttons, if you were playing WoW or Rift or SWTOR it’s fine but it’s a waste of money (imo) to buy it just for Guild Wars 2 you won’t use all those buttons.

More support for clickers

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Posted by: nysta.6713


it’s not whether you click or not, it’s whether you win or not.

More support for clickers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Latinkuro.9420


it’s not whether you click or not, it’s whether you win or not.

Right, and every modest to decent player knows clicking will get you slaughtered.
The only winning clicker is a clicker that is up against another clicker.

The moment a clicker tries to beat a key-binder or macro junkie, his reaction times are gonna be so slow it’s not even gonna be a challenge to slaughter him.

More support for clickers

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Posted by: Elle.8064


I actually used to click most of skills before I played Tera (my mmo before GW2) and that game does not allow you to click at all. It’s just a matter of time and practice to allow yourself to no longer click. Tera had you use your mouse buttons for attack skills (no using those to move, unless you remapped your keys, but that just made it more difficult anyways). I know it seems games don’t allow for a “clicking play style” but it really just takes some practice to learn the new bindings. I haven’t changed any of the current settings and I still hit 6-0 with my left hand. lol Play however you feel most comfortable, but know it might be easier if you practiced the other way, too.

More support for clickers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pete.6037


Hello to all,
I think GW2 makes the clickers life impossible. I always used to move my characters with WASD and I used the mouse to cast spells. This is not possible in GW2: you MUST move with the mouse when in combat, and sometime you need mouse and WASD! For that it is hard to cast on movement when you are not skilled or you have expansive game controllers.

What? It’s more than possible. I’m a clicker/keyboard turner and I do great, mainly in sPvP (because that’s what I do the most).

I think it’s because all the newbies go for clicking, and they are rubbish at the game anyway, so people just assume clicking is bad. I’ve even had some people say “it’s impossible to win a 1v1 as a clicker” which is absolute crap. I win the majority of my 1v1’s, in hot join and in tournaments, even when they pop their elite (lol).

More support for clickers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Latinkuro.9420


The game is what 3 weeks old now, I wanna hear you say you’re winning by clicking when the game is a couple of months old jajajajaja

I used to click in Rift in PVP at 1st when the game just came out and sure I won many battles, than a couple of months after that when everyone knew how to play their classes I was getting stomped pretty hard till I started using keybindings and my reaction time was on par with the rest.

Ok we got way off topic on this one
it was about a clicker wanting the game adjusted for that play style instead of learning to up his game a notch.

Oh yeah he wanted click to move and auto path to location, ludicrous !
This is NOT some cheap, poorly made, lazyman’s, unbalanced, low quality, crappy, f2p game made by some money hungry, P2W cash shop building company like Perfect World,

All their games have auto path and click to move !
There you go, go play one of those and GL.

Guild Wars 2 is perfectly fine without those stupid features thank you !

(edited by Latinkuro.9420)

More support for clickers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ikon.4852


I was clear in my post. I’m adapting to the GW2 controls. It’s part of game originality, and it’s fine for me. Am I asking too much to have an option to rotate the camera if my pointer is on the screen border? Latinkuro, are you sure features like that will screw up the game-play of GW2?

More support for clickers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Latinkuro.9420


I was clear in my post. I’m adapting to the GW2 controls. It’s part of game originality, and it’s fine for me. Am I asking too much to have an option to rotate the camera if my pointer is on the screen border? Latinkuro, are you sure features like that will screw up the game-play of GW2?

That feature you’re asking for reminds of a Mac computer afterwards I’d always say gosh why doesn’t windows have this feature ?

(for those that don’t know Mac computers have a feature that you can set so that if you drag the mouse to the desired corner of the screen it will perform the action desired for example display all my open windows at the same time you choose one and that one is maximized for you)

This feature of yours is already in the game you can set a key-bind to look directly behind you if you wish to but rotating the camera freely is done manually for a reason it has to do with positioning and availability of fingers for attacking, defending purposes.