More variety in armors

More variety in armors

in Suggestions

Posted by: SirWarriant.2319


I love this game and have a few armor sets/combinations i love but for the most part(especially with medium) you get basically the same thing for example 95% of the medium armors are giant trench coats and a wide brimmed hat that all look the same. Whatever happened to the armor variety in GW1 and what not. There were so many unique looking armor sets that for the most part looked pretty darn good. I know the game is fairly new but the lack of unique armor is kinda frustrating. I really wish they would add a larger variety.

Ullr Thorgislwulf: 80 Ranger Yaks Bend sPvP & WvW
Eladan of Greenwood: 80 Ranger
Elemir Swiftblade: 80 Thief

More variety in armors

in Suggestions

Posted by: EpicHedgehog.1754


GW1=7+years, only one race
GW2=1 year, 5 races

Not good at english ^^

More variety in armors

in Suggestions

Posted by: SirWarriant.2319


GW1=7+years, only one race
GW2=1 year, 5 races

i understand that lol but that doesn’t mean one armor type has to be almost entirely trench coats. Most of the race models are fairly similar aside from charr and to a point asuran. Sylvari, Norn, and Humans have extremely similar player models so the armor models are very similar.

Ullr Thorgislwulf: 80 Ranger Yaks Bend sPvP & WvW
Eladan of Greenwood: 80 Ranger
Elemir Swiftblade: 80 Thief