More variety of content

More variety of content

in Suggestions

Posted by: Juzztn.1305


I’ve noticed that the community isn’t nearly as chatty and vibrant in-game as I’ve seen in other MMOs. This is due to a few things:

Zones: Zones kill the greater community. Especially leveled zones. Once you’ve outleveled them there is no reason at all to ever visit them again. This leaves leveling players to do the work solo, and miss out on the great big champions. Also, because the world is broken up into so many zones you will only be able to chat with anyone if you’re in a guild (and if those guild members are online) or if other people are in your zone.

Not enough content: If you’re lucky enough to be in a zone with people chatting they are usually saying the same thing: LFG. This, I believe, is because once people kill Zhaitan there is absolutely nothing left for them to do in PvE except get a legendary, and the easiest way to do that is to run dungeons, so that’s what they do.

Now, by more content I don’t mean more fighting. That’s the big problem with this game, and most of the other MMO’s that have released in the last 5 years. The only thing you can really do is fight. So you fight, and you get better stuff to help you fight more, and then you find you’ve fought everything so you just find the most profitable things and fight them until you pass out. Guild Wars 2 has a lot of amazing features that free up players to really enjoy the game, but it’s all held back from its fullest potential by this very rigid design.

To truly enliven the community this game needs more things. Where are all the mini-games we were promised? The holiday ones are amazing, but they come and go and suddenly we are back to nothing but keg toss. I think I speak for everyone when I say “Give us more permanent mini-games!”

There’s not a lot to achieve in this game. Not very many rewards for going out and having a good time. Most are either earned in the story or bought in the gem store. Why can’t I find minis from boss fights, like in GW1? I know they didnt want to give people incentive to grind one boss over and over again but because the game is so tight in its focus (of fighting) that’s what people are doing anyway.

I don’t know how to implement these kinds of things into the game as it is, but I do believe wholeheartedly that if this game is going to stand the test of time and foster the great community that it could it will need a LOT more content, content that doesn’t focus on fighting things.

TL;DR GW2’s only true activity is fighting things. We need more types of activities to enliven the community.