More weapon skins

More weapon skins

in Suggestions

Posted by: TYHE.6435


I’ve been playing GW since Nightfall (later I got previous campaigns, and GWEN), now I play GW2. Perhaps I just do not remember (because I can’t) the beginnings of GW and perhaps the players starting with Prophecies only felt the same… But…
I can’t understand why in GW2 we get so few skins for weapon, and more importantly – so few interesting skins. I’m playing elementalist and I’d love to have one great staff. If ArenaNet just copy the ideas form GW, I’m sure I would be able to pick something nice. Why won’t You use old concepts? Or make new ones, but make them nice. Dry tree branch is not what I like The choice is just to limited for ordinary staves. As for the legendary weapon… I’m casual player and I probably won’t be able to farm for legendary weapon for a long time, but I don’t want this this Bifrost staff anyway. I’m not saying it’s a failure, but not every one wants rainbow-themed staff. You did two versions of greatsword, can’t You do more dark-themed staff? There are necromancers there, does a rainbow suit them? I could write similar notes about foci or armor. ArenaNet, please be more creative