Motivate guilds to transfer to lower populated servers.

Motivate guilds to transfer to lower populated servers.

in Suggestions

Posted by: The Coma Kid.5184

The Coma Kid.5184

So, my guild is sitting on SBI at the moment and the queues are brutal. At least me and the leader want to move to another server, to get people into WvW. We’re sitting at all our influences are at the 3rd or 4th teir with a bunch of expensive guild purchases. This has made us not wanna change servers because we spent so much time earning the influence.

So my suggestion is, make it so guilds are motivated to transfer to smaller servers, because lots of influence and influence 1 time use tomes are used on the original, so it sucks to have all the influence and time for influence wasted if we decide to move to smaller servers for WvW.

Gwen Andraste – Human Elementalist
Nameless Accord [NA]
Your Cute [Babe] – Maguuma

Motivate guilds to transfer to lower populated servers.

in Suggestions

Posted by: TXinTXe.7563


I came here to suggest basically the same thing. But probably instead of “motivate” guilds to transfer to smaller servers, anet could search for guilds centered in WvW on high population servers and offer them a complete and transparent transfer to a low pop server. That way the issues with queues would be partially resolved, but probably it would be wiser to wait until the free transfers are over and the server population is steadier than now.

Motivate guilds to transfer to lower populated servers.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Erin.7521


I do not think AreanaNet should have to seach people out. Instead a guild move feature should be installed. Like character server transfers these should be free to begin with and then be an option that is paid for in the future when populations have setteled.

Rocking on Piken Square – the un-official EU roleplay server.

Motivate guilds to transfer to lower populated servers.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Draghmar.2594


Yes it could be but it’s very complicated to implement. There so many factors to count…all upgrades, guild stash and what’s in it, players that are representing and not. And of course some maybe don’t want to transfer and you can’t relay only on inner communication – guild can’t have option to force transfer.

I don’t think we will see this option soon…if ever.

Maybe AN could makes things easier for them self if guild had to be empty with only leader left before transferring.