There is no need of mounts anywhere. The only reason to add mounts would be because SOME people want that speedboost, or SOME people want that “shiny” to show of and brag about. While another large group will find them aesthetic horrors (me included).
Mounts seem mostly unused in lore (and yes lore DOES matter), and there is no mountlike creatures seen in Tyria. Mounts would also have to be racespecific, as charr and norn clearly cannot ride the same things as humans and sylvari. I know people have formerly suggested machines for charr and etc. to get around the… there don’t live any mountlike animals anywhere. But yeah.
In case you did not notice I am against mounts, and honestly a bit tired of seeing it suggested again. You should use the search tool. Mounts have been suggested before.
Oh and before this get merged or closed (not a threat, just something likely to happen) prepare yourself for this to get out of hand as there will be 2 strongly oposing sides to this. And their best arguments are “want” and “do not want”. Hopefully Anet will keep the game as it is (mountfree) and not listen to all the “want” guys.
Anyways trying to keep this civil at least for now and told you my view The capped text is more in honors of some that was in older topics on this and those that will likle appear here.
Go back to the suggestions section. See that grey box with the text “Search this forum…” on the top right? Learn to use it please, there have been countless threads on this topic.
On topic: I’d have to disagree. They would have practical uses, but it would not help the idea of people being nudged into jumping in and helping out in nearby DEs when traveling. If you’re speeding around on a mount, you’ll probably not want to waste time on a random event since it would slow you down. Waypoints work quite well at getting you from point A→B rather instantly. Plus there’s the whole opinion of this game being more artistically driven and the developers actually want you to see it, not just speed through a zone and miss all the pretty sights :P
Also, for collectibles, GW2 has a ton of minis instead of the traditional mounts. I’d say this is much better since it’s not an in-your-face “look at what I have!”, but still noticeable if people care to look.
and style to turn them into craters and dust.” -Tonn
Number-crunching for ecto salvages – periodically updated
Try search first
Beyond that : they havent said yes or no so keep asking and you might just get a yes.
VP wasnt expected so hey you never know (raids incoming) -mounts,loot rolling,gear checks – I am sure all are on the agenda and just need a little push.
I don’t see how this thread can lead to anything new as this topic has been discussed to death. Older threads can be found at: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/suggestions/Suggestion-for-Mounts, https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/suggestions/Game-Improvement-Suggestions.
Was sure there was a few others, but I don’t think the search function is all that good.
“Nope, no, and definitely not!” – Garrick Ollivander
Sorry but mounts just does not fit with Guild Wars imo.