

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sabertooth.2374


Not for the travel but for the looks


in Suggestions

Posted by: Ronah.2869


Here are some of them :P


(edited by Ronah.2869)


in Suggestions

Posted by: Tobran.6542



The problem with mounts is that sure they look flashy but imagine what it would be like going into the trading post or the bank? MASSIVE FRIGGIN DRAGONS AND STUFF EVERYWHERE! It would be nice to see them but it just isn’t practical. I expect to see more small things like the broom though.

Tobran Earnwood – Level 80 Human Ranger
Aurora Glade – [RDDT]


in Suggestions

Posted by: Ronah.2869



The problem with mounts is that sure they look flashy but imagine what it would be like going into the trading post or the bank? MASSIVE FRIGGIN DRAGONS AND STUFF EVERYWHERE! It would be nice to see them but it just isn’t practical. I expect to see more small things like the broom though.

Option to hide/show players with mounts or “mounts aren’t allowed in major cities rule” will do the trick for you
There are games that with a button hide, unhide all players in surrounding aria


in Suggestions

Posted by: Vaske.2817


-Ok since every time someone suggest mounts people scream bloody murder…..jeez….how about since we have engineer class (aka professions….just sound weird to me :P ) , lets say some ancient engineer NPC that made rocket boots or something like that and you can move 100% faster with them?


in Suggestions

Posted by: Tobran.6542


Option to hide/show players with mounts or “mounts aren’t allowed in major cities rule” will do the trick for you
There are games that with a button hide, unhide all players in surrounding aria

If you had a mount wouldn’t you want to show it off? Whats the point of getting a super rare mount if hardly anyone sees it? Plus imagine what WvW would be like…

Tobran Earnwood – Level 80 Human Ranger
Aurora Glade – [RDDT]


in Suggestions

Posted by: Ronah.2869


-Ok since every time someone suggest mounts people scream bloody murder…..jeez….how about since we have engineer class (aka professions….just sound weird to me :P ) , lets say some ancient engineer NPC that made rocket boots or something like that and you can move 100% faster with them?

First of all, the OP suggested mounts for looks which implies they will be equipped in costume window. Second, the rocket boots aka jump jets will look really cool and remind me of FireFall.
+1 for that.

(edited by Ronah.2869)


in Suggestions

Posted by: Ronah.2869


If you had a mount wouldn’t you want to show it off? Whats the point of getting a super rare mount if hardly anyone sees it? Plus imagine what WvW would be like…

Personally i wouldn’t hide them. You are the one troubled with the TP overcrowded issue. I haven’t seen many people in costumes outside festival times so there is a possibility no one will use the mounts after a while. Changing to costume every time isnt very convenient for most players
Besides, the mounts are cosmetic so they will be buy-able only in TP and not usable in combat. So no problems with WvW
We have already the broom, why not a drake or a moa for that matter?

Like in other games, mounts will be race based mounts + common mounts: we wont see a Nors or Charrs riding Moas

(edited by Ronah.2869)


in Suggestions

Posted by: Tobran.6542


Personally i wouldn’t hide them. You are the one troubled with the TP overcrowded issue. Besides, the mounts will be cosmetic so they will be buy-able only in TP and not usable in combat. So no problems with WvW
We have already the broom, why not a drake or a moa for that matter?

I’m allergic to Moas…..don’t laugh. But I see your point. I just don’t think it would work.

Tobran Earnwood – Level 80 Human Ranger
Aurora Glade – [RDDT]


in Suggestions

Posted by: Vaske.2817


-Mounts=travel speed….armor=cosmetics, have a mount just for looks? that would only take a space and as stated above block NPC’s….so kinda pointless imo.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Zahld.4956


How about the ability to mount large foes like champions?


in Suggestions

Posted by: Midnight Gypsy.9360

Midnight Gypsy.9360

Well they put the broom mount in the gem store not too long ago. So it looks like we will be getting mounts somewhat. It’s ok to have mounts just for looks. I find people are standing in the way of the NPC all the time already and you can click on talk when you get close enough to them, so it’s really a non issue.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Midnight Gypsy.9360

Midnight Gypsy.9360

I want two little Quaggan shoes that run when i run.


in Suggestions

Posted by: DreamOfACure.4382


I’m against Mounts for travel because people already move fast enough between running and way points. If people run around too quickly, there’s no time to be the social community ArenaNet is trying to build here.

But I’m open to cosmetic use.
But only if they’re all small reasonable sized mounts. The size thing is a serious issue.

Option to hide/show players with mounts or “mounts aren’t allowed in major cities rule” will do the trick for you
There are games that with a button hide, unhide all players in surrounding aria

Here’s a simple end-all rule:

  • Cannot be used within 700 distance of an vendor, guild registrar, bank, or trading post NPC (Mounts in proximity will be immediately disabled)

I’m personally a fan of the Mimiron’s Head mount from WoW.

That thing is beautiful. <3
Would go so well with my Mini-Vader guardian. “Its name is ‘Death Starrie’!”


“Bleeding, Poison, Confusion, Torment, they all look delightful on you.”

Lv80s: Guard, Thief, Necro. Renewed my Altaholic’s card on the HoT Hype-Train. Choo choo~

(edited by DreamOfACure.4382)


in Suggestions

Posted by: Ridkal Enrealm.3280

Ridkal Enrealm.3280

I would love to have a mount for looks. However I’d make them a town clothes item first off. Second, I don’t see how it’d be too crowded. Just make it so if you go into a menu with an NPC it disables it, and only limit it to stuff like Bears, Moa, Golems, etc. There’s nothing much bigger than a Golem anyways.

“Like” my page on Facebook at:


in Suggestions

Posted by: Zeefa.3915


No. Does not fit in GW.

Life doesn’t stop being funny just because the dead can’t laugh.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Fred Fargone.3127

Fred Fargone.3127

Oh, another mount topic.

Well, I would say that if few precautions are taking into account it would be okey:

1. No mounts in the cities
2. No mounts in WvW
3. Mounts are only for prestige and make you move at walking speed. You can’t fight on top of a mount.
4. Everyone can make mounts invisible for themselves, and just make the person sitting on a mount appear walking
5. No mounts in any instance where there is a merchant, quest NPC or anything else you can talk to and have a player shove a mount on your face.
6. Make a separate version of GW2 for the mounts, that only has the mounts.

People who can argue often offer a good and meaningful conversation about the subject.
People who can’t tend to call the opponent troll, scream something utterly incomprehensible
and finally result to personal insults.


in Suggestions

Posted by: EdgarMTanaka.7291


No, I hope this never happens…
No mount’s at all please.
And since everyone refers to WoW I say ’No, no, no, nononononononoNONONONO! Please no! And stay out!

Member of Alpha Swedish Gaming Community –
Guild Leader of Alpha Sgc [ASGC]


in Suggestions

Posted by: RoyalPredator.9163


Simple. Restrict cities of mounts.

Game Designer || iREVOLUTION.Design \\
“A man chooses; a slave obeys.” | “Want HardMode? Play Ranger!”


in Suggestions

Posted by: PurebladeProductions.4875


I’m okay with mounts that are only cosmetic (no passive movement speed boost or anything) and can’t be used in combat (to be equipped in town clothing toy slot, similar to the Riding Broom). I personally like to start surfing on my Riding Broom while on my way to a bank vendor or crafting station, because it looks more fun than just running/walking there.

For the people that don’t want to see people riding mounts, add an option that will make mounted players look as if they aren’t mounted and just running/walking normally on their screen as suggested before.
Honestly, I don’t get what the problem would be with purely cosmetic mounts that can be hidden on other players’ screens.

Pureblade – Maelstrom Warriors [MW] – Gandara (EU)
8/9 Professions, Asura Guardian main.

(edited by PurebladeProductions.4875)


in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946



The problem with mounts is that sure they look flashy but imagine what it would be like going into the trading post or the bank? MASSIVE FRIGGIN DRAGONS AND STUFF EVERYWHERE! It would be nice to see them but it just isn’t practical. I expect to see more small things like the broom though.

Option to hide/show players with mounts or “mounts aren’t allowed in major cities rule” will do the trick for you
There are games that with a button hide, unhide all players in surrounding aria

So we should live in a blank world just so we don’t need to clutter or screen with obnoxious cosmetic mounts? Nty. They don’t fit lore ,and they serve no purpose here even as a cosmetic since we have town clothes/minipets/titles.

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”


in Suggestions

Posted by: Killyox.3950


beaten to death – topic that is


in Suggestions

Posted by: Moderator.1462


Hi everyone,

This topic has been already discussed before. Please use the search function to prevent unnecessary additional threads and feel free to join those who are already being discussed. By doing this you help us keeping a better track of all player’s feedback.

Thanks for your understanding. This thread is closed.