Mounts Skins and Minis

Mounts Skins and Minis

in Suggestions

Posted by: xXwyldeXx.1472


My suggestion is: what about some mounts… I know that everybody would say " Guild Wars 2 do not need them" ect. but… I mean mounts NOT TO MOVE FASTER BUT TO LOOK BETTER like riding on a Dolyak ( btw. have anyone noticed that centaurs are Human-horses? Becouse I havent seen horses in GW2 but only centaurs ) And for the minis, minis should really use some special window and whats my priority is to not be collectibles. For me it is really anyoning to be on world completition and my bag is full ( everybody does ) so I would like to press deposit collectibles without getting my mini Guard send into bank. So I must go and material by material press deposit collectible. What do you guys think?

(edited by xXwyldeXx.1472)

Mounts Skins and Minis

in Suggestions

Posted by: ExTribble.7108


The mount suggestion has been beaten to death, so I’ll skip addressing that.

Get an invisible bag for your minis. I like that I can store them as collectibles so they aren’t taking up valuable bank space. Invisible bags prevent sorting, depositing and are invisible to merchants/TP, so you can also store secondary gear sets, weapons, etc. safely as you get them.

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and style to turn them into craters and dust.” -Tonn
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Mounts Skins and Minis

in Suggestions

Posted by: UnitedChaos.8364


Any and all mount threads should immediately be moved to trash. End of discussion.

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Mounts Skins and Minis

in Suggestions

Posted by: Devata.6589


Look how the anti mount people have totally no point other then “no”.

Mounts would be a great addition but they should also increase the speed a little. The same patch that introduces mounts can then reduce the number of waypoints.

Mounts Skins and Minis

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sai.5908


I like mounts too , would make a great addition to the gem shop .

Mounts Skins and Minis

in Suggestions

Posted by: vadeam.4927


I also think having mounts would be fun but we have way points so we don’t need mounts. furthermore if we did get mounts in the game they should not increase movement speed, but be a sing of prestige like the legendary weapons. not meant for permanent speed boost. I would rather have the way points then lose them for a mount.

Mounts Skins and Minis

in Suggestions

Posted by: Devata.6589


I like mounts too , would make a great addition to the gem shop .

No not in the gem-shop what is the fun about that.

You should get them all over the game. Some easy some as rare drops, some for completing achivements and so on.

You can of course also put a few in the gem-shop but don’t do it like the mini’s that they are all in the gem-shop. There is no fun in that. There is already way to much gem-store focus.

Mounts Skins and Minis

in Suggestions

Posted by: Devata.6589


I also think having mounts would be fun but we have way points so we don’t need mounts. furthermore if we did get mounts in the game they should not increase movement speed, but be a sing of prestige like the legendary weapons. not meant for permanent speed boost. I would rather have the way points then lose them for a mount.

That you don’t need them is no reason to not have them. There are also many skins in the game.. you only really need one. And why no speedboost? I prefer walking in the world in stead of using waypoints but it simply takes way to long. Giving speedboost would debunk that problem. Beside it makes sense that mounts are faster.

Mounts Skins and Minis

in Suggestions

Posted by: xXwyldeXx.1472


Guys! You got me wrong! I mean only for Prestige like vadeam.4927 said. Mount will be only for showing yourself, like the legendaries. They will not give any speed buff only the look ( and if I am right… there is already one in the game! The flying Broom! ) So things like that, that you could use to look good while traveling.

Mounts Skins and Minis

in Suggestions

Posted by: Direksone.3867


Mounts, yes! Purely cosmetic is good enough for me. I WANT TO RIDE A DOLYAK!

Blood And Metal is a guild on Gunnars Hold that is all about metal, punk,hard rock etc.. Join us!

Mounts Skins and Minis

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hagbag.4765


Arena Net said during the Beta Weekends that there will NEVER be mounts in the game.

Mounts Skins and Minis

in Suggestions

Posted by: xXwyldeXx.1472


They said it, but YOU again not read the WHOLE ARTICLE! We dont want mounts for speed but for look, and the FLYING BROOM is already here! Just read before you write something guys. Only mentioned some quaggan style riding

Mounts Skins and Minis

in Suggestions

Posted by: SoPP.7034


People ask for cosmetic mounts but it won’t be enough. How do I know this? Because they are already available in the shop.

As soon as ANET officially announces support of mounts of any kind the logical step is for people to start threads about useful mounts.

It will go something like this:

“ZOMG I’m so sick of these cosmetic mounts, WHY can’t I have a mount with a (insert random bonus), I paid a zillion gold and you won’t even give me THAT!”

So the worm turns.

A warrior, a guardian, and an elementalist walk into an open field…
The Warrior turns to the guardian and says, “Did you hear something?”
Guardian replies, “No, but how’d the elementalist die?”

Mounts Skins and Minis

in Suggestions

Posted by: Spencer.1386


Please never add mounts to this game.

“Otherwise, your MMO becomes all about grinding to get the best gear. We don’t make grindy games.”
- Mike Obrien