Mounts, please please please!
While I wouldn’t really mind it, I wouldn’t want it to be a requirement. Currently I’m fine with just walking around and “climbing” things. Makes things more interesting in my opinion. When you NEED a flying mount to get somewhere, its not fun. Also dragons as mounts? Eh. I say we’re fine as we are now, but if they do add in mounts, I won’t cry over it… I just won’t get one.
Don’t really care about mounts, I enjoy it as it is now. Grounded mounts would be acceptable, but flying mounts are something I don’t want to see. When you’re flying on a mount you miss so much of the world, which has some really beautiful things to look at.
Fly mounts would totaly destroy the epicness and hugeness of buildings and landscapes. So no thank you. On the other hand mounts in WvW is not that bad idea.
Not another one of these kitten threads. Is the search function broken for you people or what?
No, they just feel that mounts are soo important that they must repost it a kitten load of times before ArenaNet or someone of high authority says,“No.”
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”
no thanks if i want to play wow ill play wow
Please, please, please no flying mounts ever. I don’t care one way or another about ground mounts, but flying mounts would take a lot away from the game.
Mercy sakes no. Don’t fix what isn’t broke.
Never going to happen. Devs also said “NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN.”
Learn to use swiftness.
Hi everyone,
Since the suggestion has already been given, the topic is now locked.
Thanks for your contribution.