Movable Minimap Please! (Accessibility.)

Movable Minimap Please! (Accessibility.)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sylv.5324


I noticed that you can move certain UI elements from the top of the screen to the bottom, such as the party window and the chat window, and on the other side, the minimap and quest text.

Please consider allowing the stuff on the left to be dragged to the right side, too; if I could, I would love to swap my minimap for my party window.

I am legally blind and I can’t see the right side of my screen very well, so if I want to navigate, I have to look either at the landscape OR the minimap, but I can’t view both! This causes a lot of headaches because I have to crane my head.

Guild Wars 1 let us move the minimap and I would really appreciate it if GW2 allowed us to do the same. It would make things much more accessible to those of us with vision problems.

Thank you!

(Seriously, this would be the biggest quality of life improvement ever for me.)

Ardeth, Sylvari Mesmer
Tarnished Coast

Movable Minimap Please! (Accessibility.)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Huddo.1065


Yeah don’t see why they have to have it ‘locked’ in a certain position, people prefer their own set up of Gui elements. I really liked that about Gw1.

Movable Minimap Please! (Accessibility.)

in Suggestions

Posted by: DreadLordMikey.5479




Movable Minimap Please! (Accessibility.)

in Suggestions

Posted by: robinsiebler.3801


The entire UI should be customizable and should have been so from pre-release day.

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Movable Minimap Please! (Accessibility.)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Awesome.6120


All UI elements should be moveable and scalable.

[SFD] – Maguuma