Multiple Accounts

Multiple Accounts

in Suggestions

Posted by: Scatmanicus.4582


So I wanted another account but, alas, I cannot run two instances of Guild Wars 2 EVEN if I have downloaded and installed the 2nd purchased copy into a different folder. The problem stems from the Gw2.dat file for the 2nd copy not having a unique registry entry so it accesses the Gw2.dat file in the original folder.

Guys, I had three WOW accounts and was able to run all three on this computer. There is no reason to restrict a person from running a legitimate purchased copy of your program on their own computer.

Now I don’t know what your underlying game framework is setup but I’m sure you have some pretty smart people who can figure out how to fix this. I consider this a BUG, pure and simple.

OH! It violates your terms of service? Your terms of service needs changing. OH! We don’t allow multi-tasking but we do allow muti-botting? Come on…. it’s 2013! Get your head out of the sand and fix this. OH! I can play two copies of the game on ‘two’ computers? I’m doing it but that is not the point. The point is that I have purchased two copies of your game and I should be able to run both of them on the same computer at the same time.

Now why would I want to run two copies at the same time when you don’t even have the “/follow” command which is SOOOOOO useful in WOW but you don’t have it on this game? Simple. I want to participate in the world events but I don’t want to have to sit and wait, sit and wait, until the bosses pop up. With two games running, I can park one toon on a boss location and play / level other toons on the 2nd instance of the game. There is entirely too much waiting and waiting and waiting in this game.

(edited by Scatmanicus.4582)

Multiple Accounts

in Suggestions

Posted by: CattivoUomo.7198


There is too much wait in WoW, which was/is ultimately forced on players (long travel times). The wait that occurs in GW2 is primarily player induced. You choose to wait for that world boss rather than enjoy the rest of the content before that boss appears. Now if you had the option to park a character in main on a separate account then so would many other players. So now, only those players with a 2nd/3rd account will spawn camp the world bosses on the main maps for as long as they could. So now you’re creating wait time or virtually zero access to the main map for other players just so you can stand there for an hour. Yes, that already occurs with players that just use their one account to do just that, but there is no reason why the developers should further encourage that by allowing you to run multiple versions on the same computer.

It’s bad enough that you can already do this with multiple computers, but at least then it makes it more financially restrictive such that most players wouldn’t or couldn’t even attempt it. Anet has already put in some game mechanics to discourage AFKing as well as botting, so why would they start making those things easier to do from a single computer?

Multiple Accounts

in Suggestions

Posted by: Scatmanicus.4582


Your logic befuddles me. So you use the requirement to have multiple computers to restrict playing multiple instances? Didn’t you know there are virtual machine programs as well as 3rd party programs that give you the capability to run the game more than once on one computer? I can do that. But it should be part of the game. Restrictions do nothing more than create opportunities for others to find a way around those restrictions. I’ve seen it so many times over the past 40+ years in technology as that has been my major field. Companies never learn including gaming companies. At least Blizzard thought outside the box on this one.

Multiple Accounts

in Suggestions

Posted by: Synesence.7546


Another thing though: If your character goes AFK for too long, they automatically get booted back to Character Selection screen. Let players find ways to bypass the restrictions, Arenanet has shown that it will not stand rule-breaking since it launched.

Multiple Accounts

in Suggestions

Posted by: Windu The Forbidden One.6045

Windu The Forbidden One.6045


Dear A-net: Please nerf rock. Paper is fine
~Sincerely, Scissors

Multiple Accounts

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ebavisu.1793


There are some ways to run the GW2 client multiple times, you might try Google,

And this is what an Anet mod sad about playing with multiple accounts/multi-boxing, (7 months ago)

Multiple Accounts

in Suggestions

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

Indeed. The issue with not running multiple clients at the same time is not that it isn’t allowed, but on default the game client can’t handle it. There are ways around to fix this and it is not against the UA to do so.

Off course you actually have to play both clients. Booting out for inactivaty system stays active, as well as that your not allowed to bot or operate both clients at the same time.

But for the rest feel free to use the work around.

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