No bro, that ain’t me. I ain’t about that life.
Multiple In-Game Suggestions
No bro, that ain’t me. I ain’t about that life.
Player to player trading was possible in Guild Wars 1 so I’m not really sure why they didn’t implement it in GW2.
Rock Dogs are always a possibility. But they will only implement them if they add a new skin to each type of pet, they won’t just add an extra skin for one pet.
Player to Player trading is an epic fail. It causes a spamfest and scamfest.
I like the other suggestions though – and desperately miss the UI customisation that we had in GW1.
It’s not just spamfest/scamfest that makes player-to-player trading non-viable.
ArenaNet want to control all trade that goes on in game, and they can only do that by making sure the Black Lion Trading Post is the only method of trading.
The other suggestions are good and have been requested before, so I’m +1ing the OP.
Therefore I may take some time replying to you.
P2P (player2player) trading has been in almost every major title I’ve played, and I’ve never, ever, not once in the history of me trading P2P have ever been scammed or spammed. If that’s seriously their concern I feel like they are creating a major inconvenience for something that happens to a very small minority of the population.
I mean, how do you get scammed in P2P trading? You see what items they put in the window, they see your items and/or money, you both have to agree. If you get scammed that’s your fault for not paying attention. For spam you can make P2P trading toggle-able. Set it to “Do not allow private trade” until you need to trade something, then turn it on. Then afterwards turn it off.
Very simple. There’s no real reason not to do it other than wanting to control everything through TP, but honestly why? Like if I get Dawn and I want Dusk, I’d love to be able to trade 1:1 for it with someone without the risk of being ripped off when I send mine and get nothing in return. I also don’t want to have to try to sell Dawn on TP with the % fee you have to put in and then hope I can get Dusk for the same price.
I’d honestly like to hear exactly why they discourage P2P trading, because right now it just seems like an oversight that should be corrected.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Take GW1 – there was no auction house, just player to player. So the major towns became FULL of WTB/WTS spam. 24/7. Normal conversation and group finding was impossible, because that’s all there was. Then they put in a group finder, and it became overrun with WTB/WTS spam.
They changed the party find window to have specific wtb/wts sections, and even with that, the towns were full of WTB/WTS spam.
For scamming, it is mostly a matter of paying attention – People would put in wrong amounts of cash (accidentally putting in 1200 instead of 120) or people would put up an item with the same icon as what you were after, but the wrong item. Or, two or more people would work together, chatting, to drive the price of a rare up. (No, i’ll offer X more than him! nah, i’ll offer XX more!)
The TP is the happiest in-between possible. You can still trade through mail, if you want to. Note, Anet doesn’t care if you get scammed on P2P trading now. They’ve given you a flawless system to use, if you don’t want to, that’s on you. (flawless as in, there can be no wrong items/price change/scamming or spamming.)
- In-Game Trading
- Ways to further customize our UI/HUD
- There are very few cases where player-to-player trading makes sense. In comparison, it comes with tons of scamming and spamming. Even if you make it a system that is based around confirming your trades every single time, scamming will still be around. Not really worth it. And naturally, it would still have to come with the same taxes as the BLTP.
- Customizing the UI is all fine and dandy if we’re talking on an individual level. However, ANet has been making the game based around spectators. And let me tell you, the more customized your UI is, the harder it is to understand it. Also, it would open up the idea that it’s ok to make UI mods. And those are the first step to the Dark Side.
Take GW1 – there was no auction house, just player to player. So the major towns became FULL of WTB/WTS spam. 24/7. Normal conversation and group finding was impossible, because that’s all there was. Then they put in a group finder, and it became overrun with WTB/WTS spam.
They changed the party find window to have specific wtb/wts sections, and even with that, the towns were full of WTB/WTS spam.
For scamming, it is mostly a matter of paying attention – People would put in wrong amounts of cash (accidentally putting in 1200 instead of 120) or people would put up an item with the same icon as what you were after, but the wrong item. Or, two or more people would work together, chatting, to drive the price of a rare up. (No, i’ll offer X more than him! nah, i’ll offer XX more!)
The TP is the happiest in-between possible. You can still trade through mail, if you want to. Note, Anet doesn’t care if you get scammed on P2P trading now. They’ve given you a flawless system to use, if you don’t want to, that’s on you. (flawless as in, there can be no wrong items/price change/scamming or spamming.)
Oh that kind of spam. Yea OK I could see how that would be annoying.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Thank you everyone for the very well structured replies.
No bro, that ain’t me. I ain’t about that life.
Sorry, my key point got lost it would appear.
ArenaNet see more value in being able to siphon gold from players through using the BLTC as a goldsink than in implementing P2P trading, which they can’t control.
P2P trading makes gold selling easier, can cause scamming (even if it’s never happened to you, it does happen) and doesn’t drive gem sales.
Remember, at a base level, everything ArenaNet does now is centred around milking you of your cash. By taxing the use of the BLTC, they’re applying low-level pressure to players in the hopes that they’ll buy gems to compensate.
This is NOT the same ArenaNet who made Guild Wars 1. Those guys have mostly left (Jeff Strain made the wildly popular Dead State for example). These guys are far more interested in monetisation rather than quality product.
Therefore I may take some time replying to you.