Multiple Tiers for dailies, 1 Laurel per tier
It’s been a few days since I posted this post. And people probably didn’t know what to thing of it.
Now that people understand the dailies. What do you think about adding new tiers to dailies. For a chance to earn more Laurels.
With each tier the tacks get progressively harder and more detailed. One Laurel is awarded after completing each tier.
Tier 1
5 Tasks
1 LaurelTier 2
5 different Tasks
1 LaurelTier 3
5 more differnt Tasks
1 Leurel
Yeah Arenanet might do that, but then they’ll increase the prices of everything by 200% more -.-
Well you get 10 laurels from the monthly and 1 a day. Which means if you start on a new month it takes you almost a month ( 25 days + 10 monthly) to get one 35 laurel item. To be fair it is a thing you do while doing other stuff. But progression feels diffrent.
I would like to see them add tiers back just for the added xp. adding extra laurels might be excessive i think