Multiple suggestions

Multiple suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lyndis.4653


Intro : I’m mainly a PvE player so everything I’m going to say does not concert PvP or WvW as I’m not experienced enough to judge them. This is simply a list of things that bothered me through the last couple of months and didn’t get attention or weren’t properly fixed to me that I noted on a little paper until I find the motivation to write it down here, which is now.
There’s no particular order.

1) Mesmer’s scepter.

  • You know it’s not good as I noticed in your stream on last patch so I don’t need to explain why. I think you should move the clone production on one of the other skills and use the auto-attack to justify this weapon in a condition based build (maybe bleed-bleed-confusion on hit ?). Right now the auto-attack is super slow with slow projectiles, it just feels super boring regardless of effectiveness, please also take that into consideration.

2) Fast Ground Targetting.

  • Your new feature for this is good but you forgot something quite important : mouse clicking on skills. As soon as one of the FGT option is active, any click based activation will result in an instant use on the character’s feet which is lame because it prevents people like me who are using the pointer to do a lot of stuff from using this option. I think both instant and semi-instant modes should handle mouse clicks, may it be optional or not.
    This is kind of a big deal for me !

3) Hydra queen.

  • This meta-event isn’t fine to me : having to do 3 times the same event for the final chain to happen a long time after is just super annoying. It could be a nice world boss to kill every now and then but as it stands it’s just a pain you have to endure once for your achievement.

4) Town clothing.

  • Once again I know you’re looking at it (from the anniversary bash discussions). You had a great system in GW1 where every event would get its set of costumes that gave you access to cool looks for all your character everywhere. This justified the price because it had value and was something you unlocked and could benefit with no restriction then. Town clothing is GW2 aren’t working (at least for me) because : they have very little to no use (I don’t care about the look I have in town because that’s not where the interesting stuff happen), they are just equipped on character and bound to that character which means that if a better town clothing comes out you have to throw away you previous investment and that rerolls can’t benefit from unless you pay more.
    In a nutshell town clothing are to me a huge mistake : you had a winning formula with costumes, fair trade for you and your customer. If you wanted to change that formula it had to for a better one. Please do not forget them. It could be a good source of revenue for your company and give your artists lots of stuff to imagine and create

5) Gem items.

  • Overall the BLTC gem store is full of unwanted items like silly consumables : who would pay gems to get a single-use black lion guy ? The only current things suitable for gems right now are infinite mining tools (but they should be unlocked for the account), infinite salvager (same), armor skins and transmutation crystals. Miniatures are okay-ish but the RNG nature of those is really not helping : who wants to use real money for an ingame gamble ? Yes, gold can be used too but when thinking about gem I think you should try to get money because that’s how your company lives, isn’kitten
    I have also trouble understanding why you have so many temporary items on gem store. A reason could be that you want to limit people’s time to farm in game to afford them but since they usually stay there for at least a month I can’t see the point. Remove items that don’t have success, do not remove interesting items like mining tools or town clothing (who will probably be super interesting once fixed)…

6) Custom playlists

  • This feature is really good and I enjoy chosing my own playlists a lot but I think some more soundtracks are needed. The main issue lies in city and ambient playlists. Main cities are almost always using ambient/night playlists and it is (at least for me) impossible to create a playlist that could suit shiverpeaks, kryta, maguuma, orr, ascalon, lion’s arch, the grove, …
    It looks like your game already makes the distinction when not using custom soundtracks so it shouldn’t be hard for you to give us the ability to have a different playlist for each region and main city.
    (I do love the game soundtrack ! I just love tons of other soundtrack I love customization :p)

(edited by Lyndis.4653)

Multiple suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lyndis.4653


7) Auto targetting.

  • On the one hand not using auto targetting is really annoying : constant button mashing or enemy clicking. On the other hand, using it leads to some troubles : inability to use the “untargeted versions” of some skills and unwanted targetting (dash skills and shouts are the main issue).
    Why not allowing something in between ? I think a targetting mode that targets anything one of your attacks hit would be fair compromise. I thought the option telling “auto promotes target” (I’m translating from french, the actual text might be different) was doing this but I couldn’t even understand what it was doing…

8) Celerity.

  • This is not in a good spot in PvE to me : very rare, often with huge drawback/cooldown with very short durations. The only decent celerity skills are the mesmer’s well known Time Warp and a ranger utility I forgot the name of. This is probably the funniest buff you can get, I’m sad it can never really be part of our builds because of (I assume) PvP constraints.

9) Hall of Monuments.

  • Getting in the EotN the first time was a cool feeling but now having to get there either by keeping an item or getting it again each time is a pain. Why not making the rewards available in the hero pannel like achievements rewards once you’ve talked to the EotN NPC ?

10) Events.

  • Completing events is not rewarding enough. To earn enough money to travel to a distance place once lv80 requires to complete roughly 3 events. This is already showing how unbalanced things are quite well to me. Wandering in a map just to earn your life making events should be a viable option ! It would also make leveling/exploration way more satisfying. I don’t know exactly what the numbers should be but I’m quite sure they’re not in a good place ! Right now I think that gold is way too low, experience is fine and I’m not so sure about karma.

11) Karma.

  • There are not enough options to spend karma, this resource is more or less stockpiled and used when : you need an armor set that can be bought with karma for a reroll or you need more shards. Weapon cultural skins are nice but not enough to apply pressure on the resource. Basically, if you don’t need to gear another character, have enough shards and completed your drunkard title you just have orrian boxes to spend your karma and they are not that interesting.
    In a nutshell, I don’t know which options we should get to spend out karma but I’m quite sure we need more.

12) Fractals.

  • I know an update on fractals is on the way but I’m still mentioning it. Fractals are the highest difficulty content of PvE and are one of the least rewarding which is insane ! During a lv48 run that went wrong I spent more than 90min and because I didn’t have enough luck I didn’t get anything at the end. At the end of the run, after salvaging, selling and repairing I found myself to have earned roughly 7 silver coins. I can earn way more than this by harvesting a single orrian tree…
    Another awful part of the fractals is the RNG that is happening : getting 5+ weapons without having any of those used in your build can become frustrating. Getting an o so wanted ascended weapon with undesirable stats is really bad too but still better. It’s high end content with already a quite small chance to get anything ! Why not make it so that when you do get something it is actually useful ?
    Last thing on fractals : bugs, bugs everywhere ! Some useful, some awful. They need some attention.

13) Transmutation crystals/stones.

  • Basically : too many stones are found, too few crystals are found, not enough stone use, way too much crystal need. Stones have to stop being useful because you cannot go on playing and stay lv80 forever with every used character. Please allow us to use those “rare drops” ! Crystals are required everywhere : cultural weapons, cultural armors, fractal weapons, exotic skins you want with specific stats or keeping a pricy rune when changing armor/weapon. One might already argue that not having a maxed stat armor when you pay ~120g the set is already criminal but the fact that there seems to be no other viable way to get the o so required crystals other than the gem store is really not fair.
    Please rework the balance around stone/crystal rarity and stone/crystal need !

14) Ranger.

  • Most trait are not appealing, pet death is too punishing (cooldown becomes awful) compared to how easy it is to get your pet killed (basically whenever you try to use it). Pet health buff was a nice move but was not really enough I think. It’s not even really a suggestion because I’m not sure how you can change the ranger to make it work.

I tried to stay concise but could probably develop if needed. Do not hesitate to argue some of my points if you think I’m wrong : I’m open for debate.

(edited by Lyndis.4653)

Multiple suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: NecronWraith.4278


I agree with all your points

Multiple suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lyndis.4653


Just a one time bump to recover from the week-end burial.