Musical Instruments

Musical Instruments

in Suggestions

Posted by: Stron Magnesson.8017

Stron Magnesson.8017

Here’s an idea i came across from playing Mabinogi.

There were a few instruments you could buy in game, such as a Lute or Flute, and you could inscribe Sheet Music with simple notation (A, A#, Bb, B, C, …) and then play the music you wrote in the game for others to listen to.

Mabinogi took this a step further, which i think is unnecessary (master class songs had magical properties when performed) but i think this would be an interesting past time, adding to the social aspect of the game, and giving players something to actually dance to.

If coding the sheet music is too difficult, then just have one song available by default, sell pre-written sheet music in the gem store, and make it so people can coordinate their playing (like we do with dances) so they all start at the same time with different instruments.

Instruments could also be crafted items, cultural items (Asuran keytar, Norn drums, Charr bass, Human spanish-guitar, Sylvari woodwinds), and special skins in the gem store.

I love the work that has been put into the music in this game already (and GW1) and think this could be a fun way to appreciate GW themes even further.

Also, you could make it so that the instruments are only usable with our Town clothes, which would give that set more reason to be shown.

Musical Instruments

in Suggestions

Posted by: robinsiebler.3801


Musical Instruments

in Suggestions

Posted by: Stron Magnesson.8017

Stron Magnesson.8017

lol, thanks, sarcasm aside.