Musical instruments sharps/flats

Musical instruments sharps/flats

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zera Allimatti.2541

Zera Allimatti.2541

It’s a know fact that the game has musically inclined players. The bells and such that have a nice range of notes are a fun addition to the game. Do you think there is a way to add sharps, flats, and octaves for the notes of these musical instruments?

Here’s just a thought I had on how it could possibly work: You could add key bindings to each individual note in the options tab that would only take effect while you have the instrument equipped. . You could then use whatever keys you wanted on your keyboard to hit the entire range of notes. Perhaps you could also include a key binding option to raise/lower the notes an octave.

Or another example could be where the ‘A’ key is the first note. ‘Q’ could be the sharp version of the note if it has one, and ‘Z’ could be the flat version if it has one (not all notes have sharps or flats, technically speaking.) Then just follow suit so on and so forth for with S, D, F, J, K, L, and ;

I know this could be a pain to code into the game, but if you guys can pull it off it would be pretty darn cool. Then you could add a variety of different instruments to the gem store for DIRECT GEM PURCHASE (hint hint profit for ArenaNet) AND NOT BLACK LION CHEST RNG CRAP. Then people can make whole bands if they want and put on concerts.

Just a thought. Oh, and more GW1 weapon and armor skins available for direct gem purchase and not BL chest RNG.

Give us more GW 1 weapon and armor skins, please. COPY/PASTE ALREADY!!!!