My 2013 Wishlist (Legnthy)

My 2013 Wishlist (Legnthy)

in Suggestions

Posted by: domxnik.1453


This is a list of what I would like to see in the game. We all have things we would like to see in the game, some different from others. I’m not saying the game needs any of it. If you agree that’s nice, if you disagree, just don’t be a huge jerk about it. It’s not like any of these things are official. I’m just throwing ideas out there.

Now aside from the obvious things this game needs- like bug and class fixes- these are things I would just like to see, so I won’t be posting a whole list of bugs. Also, I’m not expecting these things in the up coming few months when this “expansions worth of content” is suppose to be releasing. This is what I would like to see happen in 2013.

Guild Achievements! In my opinion, the game and guilds would benefit from this. It will bring guild members together and actually go out and do events, dungeons or exploration as a guild, and not just sit in the roster being a “part of the guild”.

Guild Hall…possibly? This would be nice to have just for another thing for guild members to get together. Obviously make it an instanced area for members of the guild only. Have trophies for certain guild achievements earned. I can’t think of too much uses for it, but it just sound like something cool to have for guild meetings or something.

Larger play cap dungeons(raids?) Okay, before anyone freaks out. I posted a discussion on this already . If you want to check it out click here. It goes into it a with a video and what other people think. Why I want to see this? The one reason: Larger, active community guilds have nothing to do other than WvW. The guild I’m in now has dungeon nights that have three to four groups going, which is cool and all because they are actually doing something together…sort of. This doesn’t have to add a gear treadmill to the game. Just give me weapon and armor skins, and the satisfaction of downing a boss for once. I’m just simply asking for dungeons with increased player cap, more challenging bosses (mechanics/phases. Not just big health pool and hits hard), longer instance that actually gives the player excitement when they down a boss.

Ranger pet Improvements I don’t think I have to say much on this topic. Most of us agree that they are pretty horrible when it comes to doing dungeons with them and the damage from aoe they take, I get that and agree. But there are some other things that I would like that others might not agree with.

Now when I think of a pet I look at it as a reliable companion that fights along side you in battle, and not some annoyance following you around like they seem to be now. I don’t like the idea you have to put a lot of points in BM to make your pet somewhat better. Pets, in my opinion, should have their own smaller trait system, allowing the player to choose what they want. Each family should have different abilities (like they do now), but the players are able to pick those out, too. Right now there is not much customization when it comes to pets and what they do. If you want a tanky pet, you pick a bear; DPS you pick a cat, so on and so on.

Another thing is the pets tracking. The pet needs to follow you a bit…more. Sometimes when I stop my pet stops 30ft in front of me, usually pulling an enemy.

More UI Customization Give the player the ability to delete or manage/move elements of the UI around. Want the enemy health bar down near your abilities? So be it! I know in other mmos I would have the enemies health bar and mine close and towards the middle, but down near my bars. Guild Wars 2 does have a nice UI layout, but I would just like to see some more customization for those who want the ability to.

This list is probably far from being completed, but these are just some things I can think of off the top of my head. If you guys have any ideas or feedback I would like to hear them, but keep it clean.

Anvixy- 80 Ranger

My 2013 Wishlist (Legnthy)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lutharr.1035


the ability to move and rescale elements of the UI is what Id ask for the most of your list. Its seriously lame the UI atm in my eyes.

Id love to see larger dungeons also. The rewards dont have to be greater but would be fun to roll up with more peeps. But I would have to demand some kind of particle effects slider. As melee is crap not seeing a mobs animations due to burns etc on them. Which would be more compounded if more players.

Go back to WoW. Most overused brainless arguement 2012-2013

My 2013 Wishlist (Legnthy)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Toast.6459


Guild halls and player housing are supposed to be coming sometime in the future. I’m hoping for massive guild halls, something like half a WvW map would be great, a full WvW map would be cool too, but thats probably asking too much.