(edited by Cofee.5380)
My Idea for Fair Precursors.
I like this idea actually.
Obsidian Spire OS / EXS
I like this. The current system sucks!. It is just a random chance that you might get one and/or sit a grind for hours to get enough gold to buy it from someone who has gotten lucky.
They keep saying how this GW was not going to be grind after grind, but then they do this for a precursor and a legendary. You have to grind for the materials, you have to grind for the tokens, and grind some more for the runestones. So it is really not legendary as far as doing something extraodinary to get it. It is just the best farmers with the most time.
+1 Great idea. Downside might be that once you have a set path/method for something, the 80hr a week crowd will blitz it til the market is flooded with precursors.
get rid of the jumping bit and i would go with this, not that i cant jump because i can. i just hate doing it…..
make it so that a person has to do every single world event in every region, the Dragons, Shadow Behemoth, capturing some of the towns from the centaurs etc. each only needs to be done once and after doing them all you get a token
that would bring people into regions that are pretty empty most of the time
I don’t think it would work.
This would just cause people to come on the forums and complain about the jumping puzzles, especially the WvW ones, rather than the costs of precursors. Also, there are players out there who simply cannot do jumping puzzles due to some condition that they have, so this would screw them out of precursors forever.
Also, other than the puzzles, everything here can be done within a few weeks. That’s really not how a precursor should be. Not to mention that for someone who likes dungeons and jumping puzzles, they’ll meet the prerequisites for a precursor far too easily.
As a full height Norn, I disagree with this idea. Must be an Asura ;-)
As long as the WvW JPs aren’t a part of it I’m all for it (or if they get turned into neutral ground), and as long as the current ways to get them are still available to those who might not be able to do one or more parts of this.
I don’t think it would work.
This would just cause people to come on the forums and complain about the jumping puzzles, especially the WvW ones, rather than the costs of precursors. Also, there are players out there who simply cannot do jumping puzzles due to some condition that they have, so this would screw them out of precursors forever.
Also, other than the puzzles, everything here can be done within a few weeks. That’s really not how a precursor should be. Not to mention that for someone who likes dungeons and jumping puzzles, they’ll meet the prerequisites for a precursor far too easily.
A couple of weeks is just fine for a precursor…the precursor is NOT the legendary, it is one small PART of the legendary. Honestly the part that is the precursor should only cost a pact token, this means you made it through the entire story, an act in and of itself that takes several weeks to easily 2 months depending on how often someone plays.
A couple of weeks is just fine for a precursor…the precursor is NOT the legendary, it is one small PART of the legendary.
Well, the thing is, that was a very idealized number. In reality, anyone going for a dungeon would most likely be able to get the Tragedy and Justice instantly, leaving them with only the jumping puzzles. And let’s be serious here, I can google “gw2 jumping puzzle” and get guides to their location and videos on how they’re done.
Look, I’m not saying that the Precursors are fine as they are. What I am saying is that any means of acquiring them that is guaranteed can instantly be categorized as either “too easy” or “too hard”. In your case, it’s too easy. I also don’t like people using terms like “fair”: Not everyone who gets a precursor uses it, and yet you don’t see people arguing that freaking lotteries where someone can win millions of dollars is “unfair”.
You can spend all day telling yourself that a Precursor costing 600 gold is too expensive. Doesn’t change the fact that not all precursors cost that much. Nor does it affect the fact that people are willing to spend hundreds of gold in the Mystic Forge.
Since we don’t know the odds of the Mystic Forge, the price of a given Precursor gravitates to the maximum amount of gold that the community as a whole is willing to offer for that specific Precursor. If the odds were fixed, then it would gravitate towards a value slightly over the expected costs, as it would have to total expected cost + primer for guarantee + profit margin.
In my opinion, they should just increase the odds of getting a precursor from the sources that they are currently available in.
I like the idea but I would still never make a legendary I would just sell the precursor. Takes too much time and effort for something I don’t care about.
Also I used my pact token :P
(edited by WonderfulCT.6278)
Great idea, but as always dev don’t accept this type of change in gameplay.
No one likes the random type precursor challenge, but developers still maintain this type of gameplay.
I like this idea, it isnt that easy, 4 weapons from a dungeon cost a good amount of tokens, and then to do them for all the dungeons, trust me, i think it would take longer than you’d think. And completing everything else seems fine for me too. People say the JP would be too hard but right now as it stands, a casual player wont ever come close to getting a legendary because of the money grind it takes.
Guys everyone likes this idea mostly. But NO why? Everyone wants legendary not because of skin (it is only few guys that like it – some skins are nice, some are not). But everyone wants precursor and legendary, because it is about luck or heavy grind. But everyone can get it if you won’t. No offense but don’t be stupid and throw all your gold into forge. Save a bit and a bit more and then you get like 700g easily for your precursor and you can buy it. Or grind dragon chests and you might have chance for that or something.
But ideas like precursors are unfair and hard to get. They are nothing better than any other weapon and still everyone wants them. And i hurd that players will get bored, because they don’t get better tier of weapons every month (like it is in SWTOR – i stopped and there is like 60 or 70 rating gear WTF?! i remember 50). In GW2 it is only about skin and prestigue and still everyone wants it. Without this luck thingy – when everyone can get it (as you mentioned it is matter of week or less) then noone wants those weapons, because everyone could get it easily. So arena net, let it as it is. Maybe a better droprate would be nice, but who cares! I already spend 300g in mystic toilet (mystic forge) and opened nearly thousand of end game chests but i dont care – and if it were easily reachable i wouldn’t go for it.
Long story short: if you get precursor easily you won’t want it, because it loses prestigue!
Guys everyone likes this idea mostly. But NO why? Everyone wants legendary not because of skin (it is only few guys that like it – some skins are nice, some are not). But everyone wants precursor and legendary, because it is about luck or heavy grind. But everyone can get it if you won’t. No offense but don’t be stupid and throw all your gold into forge. Save a bit and a bit more and then you get like 700g easily for your precursor and you can buy it. Or grind dragon chests and you might have chance for that or something.
But ideas like precursors are unfair and hard to get. They are nothing better than any other weapon and still everyone wants them. And i hurd that players will get bored, because they don’t get better tier of weapons every month (like it is in SWTOR – i stopped and there is like 60 or 70 rating gear WTF?! i remember 50). In GW2 it is only about skin and prestigue and still everyone wants it. Without this luck thingy – when everyone can get it (as you mentioned it is matter of week or less) then noone wants those weapons, because everyone could get it easily. So arena net, let it as it is. Maybe a better droprate would be nice, but who cares! I already spend 300g in mystic toilet (mystic forge) and opened nearly thousand of end game chests but i dont care – and if it were easily reachable i wouldn’t go for it.
Long story short: if you get precursor easily you won’t want it, because it loses prestigue!
That’s fine. It should be a hard task to obtain, but im sick of the gold farmers controlling the market driving a weapon way up more than it’s ACTUALLY worth. I can’t get 700g easily, i’ve been farming for a while after my first legendary, and im not even half way. im quite frustrated. and I don’t play the market. I just do kitten the natural way and play all day everyday. Still too much of a grind for my liking lol