(edited by CureForLiving.5360)
My opinion of Orr: why I haven't been logging in
100% agree with all the OP points.
It was easy with massive zergs.
Its really, really hard now with just 2-3 of you.
Lengthen the respawn rates, they respawn too quickly…its not fun!
I plan on going there, completing what has to be completed, and then avoiding it from then on.
I’ve found there are zones I like and will return to and zones I will probably rarely go back to. I don’t like desolate ugly zones. And I don’t like monsters that yank you around like a rag doll on a string. Yes I know it is doable and yes you can get around the blah blah blah of the monsters but I just don’t find the area fun. It is tedious to me.
Does anyone really like the area? If so, what is it you like about the area?
Mats/Karma/Magic Find boost you get from helping some dumb sylvari tick off a bunch of gorillas. Beyond that yeah it is just a chore. I wills say tho. Arah is probly the biggest pain in the butt dungeon I have ever done.
There’s one more thing I’d like to add about why I really dislike Orr. Catapults. Whoever decided that having high HP AoE infinite range mobs that do huge damage and knock you back all over the place was a mad man. There’s no defense except to move around, and in Orr running around just brings in more mobs.
Quite frankly, the trebuchet and catapults may be the most obnoxious mobs to ever appear in an mmo, and they’re sprinkled all over Orr. It’s like the game spitting in your face after punching you.
+100 for the spitting comment.
I agree. Orr is a rubbish dump. Don’t want to play there. It is ugly. It makes sense in the story, but it is still an awful place to play.
I’m making my way towards the Orr area – 6 zones left to complete the world explorer.
Sounds like people just hate this area because it’s too difficult. Maybe that is the reason – it’s a challenge?
Challenge nahh. It’s more of an annoyance then a challenge. Go Fight some Karka for a little while, then go back to Orr. Then tell me if you rather be in Orr then Southsun Cove.
So it’s quite annoying going against the mobs in Orr? Maybe too many players try to solo those areas and fail. Perhaps, those areas put more emphasis towards team work (guild).
I will let you know how I go in Orr soon enough
Orr is quite easy to farm/solo. Yet I have to agree the scenery and mobs are quite mono-based, hardly any variety in them. I was quitly hopeing that when Trahearne finished cleansing orr the whole area would light up and change into something nice with great capabilities. Yet no such luck still the same dead and dull place as ever.
Loot however is pretty acceptable as you can get 1G after couple hours of farming fairly easy.
Server: Underworld
With how people just want to get karma/rewards asap, Orr is quite embaressing after such a huge spike of interest from the beginning for high levels. People only do Cursed shore and do the easiest events that offer the most and then they get the kitten out of there. It’s quite sad seeing as how many cool events are there but they get no attention. Orr is missing a large population simple because it is a pain to do anything and the rewards don’t make up for it unless you spam those easy things like plinx, the gladiator, tars, drake, or failing Grenth. I think the “mine field” aspect should be lowered and just have concentrated groups but further apart. That way you can walk by if careful without running into dozens of CC orrians. The events that seem useless should get remade or simple buffed so they are worth the effort to complete. I mean, who even kills Captain Rotbeard anymore? It’s not worth it, since it is one event that offers soo little. Some events in Orr really need to be looked at and be worth their troubles because it seems like no one gives a kitten about the temples anymore…. its just plinx and tar, gladiator, abomonation, zzzzzzzzzzzz….
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”
Ruins of Orr is not that hard, it is perfectly soloable with a decent build and exotic gear (which is easy to get) and as for going with friends, I remember doing the cursed shore map completion with a friend from 0% to 100% and we did it in 2 to 3 hours and it was a lot of fun. I don’t know why people are raging so much over these zones, tbh, I wish there were more, even tougher zones like this that require at least 3 people to coordinate to get through them.
“Ruins of Orr is not that hard, it is perfectly soloable with a decent build and exotic gear (which is easy to get) and as for going with friends, I remember doing the cursed shore map completion with a friend from 0% to 100%”.
No of course it’s not that hard to “run” through Orr and get map completion, and never go back there.
It’s a bit different if you want to do the DE’s and event chains there, your gonna need more than 2 people, and sometimes it’s like only 2 people in that area.
I like Orr and l like the DE’s there, just sometimes it’s very lonely there, oh wait, it’s very lonely on many other area’s as well.
I personally didn’t have much trouble with Orr solo as an elementalist. Granted, some skill point challenges were pants-on-head kitten but aside from that it’s not that bad.
Things I agree on:
Respawn rate, in general. Lower it. Globally. It’s kitten mobs respawn on top of my head when I’m not even done clearing a 5-mob room.
Why does every mob, and I mean EVERY mob, have a cripple AND can catch up to me no matter what IMS I use and how much of it I stack?
Contested waypoints are indeed a waste. Due to the stupid speed of respawning, it’s no wonder you can’t ever have them non contested…
Overall I go to Orr like everyone to event chain farm and MF the events =/ sometimes gather.
It’s not hard, it’s more like tedious than anything really.
The whole scenario is a house of cards based on player participation, but for the life of me who wants to participate in something where you make no headway. Spawn times are WAY too short, DE’s contesting WP’s with the former neing way too frequent makes me a sad panda
I understand ANet’s wanting it to be the “endgame” type geography but this is plain out aggravating and detrimental to the game as a whole. What i don’t understand is ANet’s philosophy concerning the so-called undead and their overpowered crowd control abilities and mechanisms. It makes me not want to step foot in there; Not fun not fun at all. Less density, more variety, longer spawn times (ie like 3 to 4 minute respawns) more varied and financially lucrative loot, would be a start in the right direction.
Until then /cry
My opinion of Orr: why I haven't been logging in
in Suggestions
Posted by: Linguistically Inept.6583
orr would be fine imo if there were enough players to keep the wps uncontested (half the time i go to the first are (i cant even remember what its called) all the WPs across the river/ocean from fort trinity are contested
permanent underflow in any orr zone would fix this imo -except maybe cursed shore; as theres normally loads there; but all farming one chain and ignoring everything else; woo
80 warr [Blaze Steelsoul], 80 ele [Blaze Nightstrike], 80 mesmer [Grim Shatterwhirl]
80 guard [Dusk Grimlight], 80 engi [Flintgear]
I’m not having much issue in there… not being able to waypoint IS a pain, but I can usually just run back to wherever I died. Well… MOST of the time. Of course, I have to be careful to not pull too much agro, but I look at that as a “you’re in a dangerous area so be careful!” thing more than anything. I’ve done 3 or 4 missions in my arc in that area so far, not all of them yet, so maybe they get worse?
Yet it doesn’t feel dangerous to me— just drudgery.
Also, why put in waypoints that are never usable?
I think this hits the nail on the head. There are over a dozen way points per Orr zone and yet there’s maybe 3 available without a group dedicating their time and a couple hours to run through all the events just to have everything contested again by the time their done. The respawn timers and event timers need to be reviewed because Orr itself is a wonderfully designed zone, its the traveling and mobs that make it an eyesore.
Khan of The Burning Eden [TBE]
I recently finished map completion of Orr and I can honestly say I did not enjoy a single second I was there nor do I have any intention of returning.
- Mob density & respawn rate are ridiculous.
- Every mob seems to have multiples of the following: snare, stun, slow, knockdown, etc. Combined with #1 this makes traveling anywhere a nightmare.
- Few if any events are soloable. Good luck finding anyone doing them either. The only active players I’ve ever seen in Orr farm Cursed Shores almost exclusively and even then only a very small section of it.
- Lag is terrible, at least for me. I kept hearing how wonderful Orr is for farming, but with so many people clustered into the same half dozen events it’s virtually unplayable.
- Frequently contested waypoints. It’s pretty bad when your closest res point is literally 3/4 up the map. Combined with items #1-#4 it’s neither a quick nor easy jaunt to get back to where you were.
The zone’s just not fun, IMO.