My top suggestions after 1200 hours of play

My top suggestions after 1200 hours of play

in Suggestions

Posted by: Latinkuro.9420


I know gw2 is a casual game and all but should remember that they did foster a massive hard core community in gw1, why forsake them now.

I’m not hardcore myself and even I’m finding the need for harder content.
with that said here are my top priority suggestions.

1 – Hard mode pve unlock after 100% word completion.
2 – hard mode dungeon unlock after you have done all explore paths in a dungeon.
3 – alliance chat needed badly, 3 full guilds and have to invent ways to communicate.
4 – you have been outbid messages from the trading post.
5 – more armor variety is sorely needed at this point (it’s been a year already)
6 – the cash shop needs more vanity goods people actually would like to buy and support the game, I myself don’t see anything at this point that makes me think omg I want that costume, like it did in gw1.’’

My top suggestions after 1200 hours of play

in Suggestions

Posted by: Galphar.3901


I know gw2 is a casual game and all but should remember that they did foster a massive hard core community in gw1, why forsake them now.

I’m not hardcore myself and even I’m finding the need for harder content.
with that said here are my top priority suggestions.

1 – Hard mode pve unlock after 100% word completion.
2 – hard mode dungeon unlock after you have done all explore paths in a dungeon.
3 – alliance chat needed badly, 3 full guilds and have to invent ways to communicate.
4 – you have been outbid messages from the trading post.
5 – more armor variety is sorely needed at this point (it’s been a year already)
6 – the cash shop needs more vanity goods people actually would like to buy and support the game, I myself don’t see anything at this point that makes me think omg I want that costume, like it did in gw1.’’

1 a)You would have to make special Hard-mode Instances of each zone
b)Would leave all the lower zones with even less people than they have now

2 See 1

3, 5, and 6 Agreed especially more armor looks

4 Do you mean under-cut for the price of an item or if someone bids higher than you for an item. Neither seem needed since you will most likely only loose a few copper.

My top suggestions after 1200 hours of play

in Suggestions

Posted by: letum.5784


If they don’t make an alliance feature on the guild tab, then the chat would be useless.
2,5 and 6 are something I can see happening in an patch or expansion of the game.

As for 1 and 4, I don’t see either one being any good. They wouldn’t help the game so adding them would be pointless.

Guild: New Legends of Mystic and Might
Guild Tag: NLMM
Lvl 80 Clematis Bijou (Ranger)

My top suggestions after 1200 hours of play

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kal Spiro.9745

Kal Spiro.9745

I like this. It’s nice to see someone who has stuck with the game but whose issues are still rather understated. I can definately support all of these. I don’t know that some of them are needed, but there is certainly no harm in any of them.

Tarnished Coast Kal Spiro – Ranger (80), LB/S-D, Eagle/Wolf, Signet, M/S/WS #SABorRiot

My top suggestions after 1200 hours of play

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kal Spiro.9745

Kal Spiro.9745

1 a)You would have to make special Hard-mode Instances of each zone
b)Would leave all the lower zones with even less people than they have now

Once upon a time all hardmode meant was changing the rules. Making it so armor was less useful and attacks less effective.

There is absolutely no need for a new instance, just make a toggle allowing you to step up the difficulty.

Tarnished Coast Kal Spiro – Ranger (80), LB/S-D, Eagle/Wolf, Signet, M/S/WS #SABorRiot

My top suggestions after 1200 hours of play

in Suggestions

Posted by: Galphar.3901


1 a)You would have to make special Hard-mode Instances of each zone
b)Would leave all the lower zones with even less people than they have now

Once upon a time all hardmode meant was changing the rules. Making it so armor was less useful and attacks less effective.

There is absolutely no need for a new instance, just make a toggle allowing you to step up the difficulty.

The event scaling already does that.

My top suggestions after 1200 hours of play

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dean Calaway.9718

Dean Calaway.9718

1 – Hard mode pve unlock after 100% word completion.
2 – hard mode dungeon unlock after you have done all explore paths in a dungeon.

1 a)You would have to make special Hard-mode Instances of each zone
b)Would leave all the lower zones with even less people than they have now

2 See 1

I always say to people complaining about how easy the game is to get in common (white) low level gear.
You can transmutate it to a nicer skin with Stones (that are plentiful) and there you have it problem solved.

Victoria Cross [VC] – Desolation [EU]