Mystic Forge recipe for Transmutation Stones

Mystic Forge recipe for Transmutation Stones

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bron.9647


I have a lot of Basic Transmutation Stones, but I never use them. I do however occasionally use Fine Transmutation Stones, so I’ve been thinking that it would be cool to have a Mystic Forge recipe to upgrade Basic Transmutation Stones to Fine Transmutation Stones.

Mystic Forge recipe for Transmutation Stones

in Suggestions

Posted by: ScribeTheMad.7614


I like the idea, but that might cut into sales of fine stones, so not sure it’s something they’d implement. But I do really like the idea, as I also never use basic ones, and save my few Fine ones for very special occasions.

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Mystic Forge recipe for Transmutation Stones

in Suggestions

Posted by: jinsei.5178


The Fine transmution stone sale in the gemstore is totally stupid. People who do not want to use a gem store are screwed.

Players like me need tons of them cus we love playing arround with armor looks… and face it, once ur lvl 80 thats the only stone u need …. the basic ones become totally useless… Let there be a way we can transform basic ones into fine? YES PLEASE!

Really disliking im forced to buy gems with my few gold pennies I got to get them and get the armor look at 80 with good stats that I want :/ Totally screwed!

Note to Self: Be Nyappy!

Mystic Forge recipe for Transmutation Stones

in Suggestions

Posted by: Daishi.6027


woot 3-6 gold depending on the day just to get 5 fine transmutation stones.

I’ve heard of a money synch but that’s kind of ridiculous.

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“Maybe I was the illusion all along!”

Mystic Forge recipe for Transmutation Stones

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zorby.8236


Something similar to how you upgrade fine crafting materials would be a real treat

EDIT: If they do implement a mystic forge recipe, it mustn’t be RNG, a set amount of basic stones give a set amount of fine, there’s enough gambling in the game as is.

~This is the internet, my (or your) opinion doesn’t matter~

(edited by Zorby.8236)

Mystic Forge recipe for Transmutation Stones

in Suggestions

Posted by: Koga.7215


woot 3-6 gold depending on the day just to get 5 fine transmutation stones.

I’ve heard of a money synch but that’s kind of ridiculous.

so you need to spend 2-3 hours working to get the gold to convert to jems to get the transmutation stones to make your gear look like you want? Seems like very little work if you ask me

Mystic Forge recipe for Transmutation Stones

in Suggestions

Posted by: Palaryel.2463


actually, it doesnt bother me that fine stones are in gem store, its fine, gem store needs to generate some cash


it does bother me that a player generates basic stones even after theyre 80….any form of exchange, even 15 or 20 basic stones for 1 fine stone would be really nice