Mystic forge recipes to cull BL chest items

Mystic forge recipes to cull BL chest items

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shadamehr.1284


I’d like to see Mystic Forge recipes to cull unused items from Black Lion chests e.g.
For me I will never be using the PvP boosters, and I have tons of these.
Or the Black Lion Merchant Express

I’d love to see recipes that give you a chance to either cull unused boosters (I know we had them during special events) or a chance to make an item into its permanent version.

4 x Black Lion Merchant Express gives you a chance for a permanent version
The boosters, they could be used in a random chance, get back a mini set, name
change, anything that comes from a Black Lion Chest

It would also give incentive for more people to buy keys