(edited by Sub Sink.4362)
Um….they havn’t released any new contnet really…
If by new content you mean things like the guild missions and sab, those are just small things to keep us busy because many people, including me, have nothing to do in pve.
Anet has stated before they rather work on the current content than start expanding zones (cantha, elona, etc) and for months, they have.
You gata understand, there is more than pve and sometimes other teams pull resoures from one another or work together on the same project because it may affect poth pve and pvp.
Lastly, not everyone at anet is making 6 figures and chilling out at a yacht club after work(if any do, where was my invite?). They work, and without a monthly susbscription the only income from gw2 they get is from the gem store. Maybe if you sent them a blank check they could fix your “problems” immediately and start working on new content then.
Those skins may look kitten to some, to others they like to roleplay and even if they make $100 from some ugly shirt, its still profit. I agree they need “cooler” gem store skins, but you can’t expect these things over night.
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”
I feel as a daily player… that focus is being lost or has been.
I get the concept, have common sense, and understand how larger companies work\structure… nor am I a stranger to MMO’s and or their successes vs shortcomings.
That was my suggestion and from word of mouth… many others thoughts.
That’s all.. no hate or spouting off at the mouth.
If you understand how larger companies work you would of listened in on the sotg videos and other interviews and know, they arn’t putting out any real new content. They are bug fixing next month, they are polishing wvw and pvp (although imo slowly, but no wack a mole which I can respect) and they are expanding on wvw abilities and guild missions.
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”
If you understand how larger companies work you would of listened in on the sotg videos and other interviews and know, they arn’t putting out any real new content.
I understand because I work for many large companies in area’s of structuring, restructuring, review, and managing.
My knowledge does not require or have any lack of due to not watching these video’s OR making facts out of things that have not yet happened or just promised.
Politics for example… (not a fan) I go with what facts I have, what has been done, and what is known. Not what I read, seen, or heard on the internet… etc…
I appreciate the reply… but this is not a discussion, debate, or argument. This was a “suggestion”. I also understand this is a open forum and you and I are welcome to post\reply… which is why I courteously posted and replied.
Good Hunting.
There is “some” polish.
Also I’ve never heard anyone say “I’ve worked for several large companies in areas of restructuring” which is usually a nice word for firing people.. (See Ncsoft-Seattle)
Nvidia GTX 650 Win 7 64bit FFXI 4+yrs/Aion 4+ years Complete Noob~ Veteran OIF/OEF
http://everyonesgrudge.enjin.com/home MY GW2 Music http://tinyurl.com/cm4o6tu
Add new content makes Anet money to pay for new features. And new content increases the player base.
I appreciate the reply… but this is not a discussion, debate, or argument. This was a “suggestion”. I also understand this is a open forum and you and I are welcome to post\reply… which is why I courteously posted and replied.
Good Hunting.
In otherwords, this is my topic. You will not derail it. You will not say anything bad about it or discuss other options. Since I am the OP here this is a perfect suggestion and needs no other insight from other players. Now feel free to post, as long as it says good things about this idea.
I personally disagree. I don’t know how long you have been around, and I am going to guess it hasn’t been long. There are many of us who have been around since the first Beta Weekend Events and we have already seen how ArenaNet is working. They are doing a good job of balancing the new content (living story, gemstore items, etc…) with polishing the game. Had you seen the amount of stuff to fix in the beginning, you would be ranting much more than you already are. Give it time, polishing something as big as this takes time and patience, and why not use the team members that you can’t use polishing and use them for additional content that players, unlike you, really enjoy?
I appreciate the reply… but this is not a discussion, debate, or argument. This was a “suggestion”. I also understand this is a open forum and you and I are welcome to post\reply… which is why I courteously posted and replied.
Good Hunting.
In otherwords, this is my topic. You will not derail it. You will not say anything bad about it or discuss other options. Since I am the OP here this is a perfect suggestion and needs no other insight from other players. Now feel free to post, as long as it says good things about this idea.
I personally disagree. I don’t know how long you have been around, and I am going to guess it hasn’t been long. There are many of us who have been around since the first Beta Weekend Events and we have already seen how ArenaNet is working. They are doing a good job of balancing the new content (living story, gemstore items, etc…) with polishing the game. Had you seen the amount of stuff to fix in the beginning, you would be ranting much more than you already are. Give it time, polishing something as big as this takes time and patience, and why not use the team members that you can’t use polishing and use them for additional content that players, unlike you, really enjoy?
Seriously the OP comes across as yet another individual that thinks only of their own views.
You must also be new to the way Anet works….I remember one april fools in which all our characters were stick figures for a day. How about when our weapons made squeak toy sounds? These minor amusements just prove they don’t take themselves TOO SERIOUSLY.
This game is not an act of pure unadulterated historacle forced requirements to fit within a set time period. It is for FUN. Seriously, we are walking around with rifles capable of firing rapid fire…in an even remotely historical setting armor would be gotten rid of by now as would nigh every melee weapon. B the time shrapnel grenades (as in pure metal grenades) came onto the scene, armor was phased out as being unrealistic in trying to defend against such carnage. The theme of the game from the onset was obviously more about fun than fitting inside a believable/realistic theme.
I’d tend to disagree with the “Fun” aspect a bit. The artistic style does not convey a sense of “Fun” is happening across the majority of Tyria. That’s been my complaint for a long time. It was good to have the dark and morbid to go with the personal story but, now it needs to evolve quickly. The game is getting long in tooth as they are milking the original content.
For the money issue, I’d love to buy a better game if they made one. Instead, with every patch they take the game down a different path than I’d like. From combat, to profession balancing, to additional art and content, I don’t like the themes. I watch the SotG video’s and what I’m saying out loud is nothing but a kitten fest. So, I’m still wanting NEW content that goes in a different direction. TY
You must also be new to the way Anet works….I remember one april fools in which all our characters were stick figures for a day. How about when our weapons made squeak toy sounds? These minor amusements just prove they don’t take themselves TOO SERIOUSLY.
I said that ArenaNet too serious? I completely missed that part. I remember that April Fools, and the Gwen Doll, and both Commando’s, and the Mini/Player size reversal. I have played the original game for over 4 years (not as much as some, but still worth mentioning). I merely stated that ArenaNet is doing a lot of behind the scenes work to get the game polished WHILE they are adding new content to the game, and that I do not feel that taking everyone and putting them into polishing would make things any faster, thus they should have the right to continue to make new content to keep players interested in the game at hand.
You must also be new to the way Anet works….I remember one april fools in which all our characters were stick figures for a day. How about when our weapons made squeak toy sounds? These minor amusements just prove they don’t take themselves TOO SERIOUSLY.
I said that ArenaNet too serious? I completely missed that part. I remember that April Fools, and the Gwen Doll, and both Commando’s, and the Mini/Player size reversal. I have played the original game for over 4 years (not as much as some, but still worth mentioning). I merely stated that ArenaNet is doing a lot of behind the scenes work to get the game polished WHILE they are adding new content to the game, and that I do not feel that taking everyone and putting them into polishing would make things any faster, thus they should have the right to continue to make new content to keep players interested in the game at hand.
his message wasn’t aimed at your message that he quoted… being quoted doesn’t mean your the target of the response… his comment was directed at the OP, while quoting your message to say that he agrees with you.
That said…
The existing content is being polished, and has been getting polished since day one. New content is released WHILE old content gets polished. The reason this is done is to keep players interested while they fix things up. Idealy we would like to see these things fixed first, but sometimes it can take a while to fine tune things or even identify the source of a problem.
How about this for starters…. a way for players or guild members to group privately.
Not a Revelation here folks been in MMO’s for years, but unfortunately arenanet makes it difficult to group more than 5 people or multiple groups. We have that commander and squad system…. which is completely useless for forming private or specific types of forces as it basically invites everyone on the server when you activate it.
They need a way to form private squads or some other grouping system.
I appreciate the reply… but this is not a discussion, debate, or argument. This was a “suggestion”. I also understand this is a open forum and you and I are welcome to post\reply… which is why I courteously posted and replied.
Good Hunting.
In otherwords, this is my topic. You will not derail it. You will not say anything bad about it or discuss other options. Since I am the OP here this is a perfect suggestion and needs no other insight from other players. Now feel free to post, as long as it says good things about this idea.
Yes, you are correct. Though I was not intending to be rude as you’ve clearly suggested I was.
How many posts get locked because they turn into flame fests or totally get derailed or hijacked? LOTS. Sorry I was trying to keep this one on track or constructive if you will.
This is my post. I am allowed to try keep it on track. I am welcome to defend my ideas. It was my suggestion TO Anet… I do not have to reply or justify my answers or reasoning if I do not want to.
Just like you do not agree with my original post… I can not agree with yours OR be free to courteously tell someone that I do not want to get into a debate about it… they were just my thoughts and words.
Rather than waste his time, other peoples time, and my own I thought I would stop the way it was going before it was a debate between us two.
In all fairness… I am the OP and I am entitled to moderate the post.
Thanks though… I’m sure your comments are beneficial to everyone. Seeing the following posts… has further ‘derailed’ the post into your comments on my attempted moderation.
There is “some” polish.
Also I’ve never heard anyone say “I’ve worked for several large companies in areas of restructuring” which is usually a nice word for firing people.. (See Ncsoft-Seattle)
Thanks for the reply.
1. Reading over the update link you provided. How many of the “polishes” were on the “original” content? Actually made me laugh how little polishes or fixes there were on the original content vs all the bug fixes, polishes, etc… on the newer content.
Oh and bug fixes for bug fixes… most of which are not listed (a new build is available x3 after a update) why are those so quick to fix\polish when original content is still broken a year in?
2. My employment history. Irrelevant comment. Though if you must… I was in the field of rescuing companies not firing employee’s – saving people’s jobs and futures vs ending them.
I’m a straight, male exotic dancer now… hung up the superhero cape for a even better financial future for myself and significant other. Despite my titles… I’m still not a jerk, cold, nor do I destroy peoples lives
Op all you are doing with your posts are making yourself seem more like a tool. People have brought up points where they think ANet has done a good job of fixing current content and you just ignore them and say “My post leave it alone.” ANet has people working on fixing the current content. This is needed. However, if there is no new content coming out while they work on these fixes then people who are at the max level, in their maxed gear and have nothing really new to do will get bored and leave. Anet is working both sides of new content and fixing old content. If you notice anytime they add in new content several fixes for older content come in as well.
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My post stating that I disagree that ArenaNet has done a terrible job polishing the game somehow derailed the entire conversation because it was critical of your thoughts, but I honestly do not believe a suggestion is of any worth unless it can be criticized by others and brought into better light. But this is your post, so I am leaving to no longer add to this post because I cannot agree with you on this topic.