Necro love...

Necro love...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aga.8641


Most people will agree that necro needs some love right about now, there’s only 1 viable build to run in competitive PvP (condition build).

I think a step in the right direction for necro’s would be to give them a new offhand weapon, idealy a pistol. Why a pistol? Because they are often used for raw damage, which necro really needs to help make axe/dagger builds actually worth-while. Pistols are also very good candidates for finishers which necros lack. 1 skill would be raw damage prehaps with life force gain, and the other would idealy have some form of control cripple/chill/daze.

Also fix minions AI currently it’s just pathetic beyond all reason, most of the time the melee minions wont attack, making any MM build worthless. Something like an attack command, similar to rangers pet would be ideal.

Ofc there’s many other issues with necro, but small steps….

Necro love...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Locuus.1950


Definitely agree with the minions needing a big fix. Half or most of the time they don’t attack or attack the wrong mob. They even go off and attack a mob without the player starting combat.
They get confused close to walls, they get stuck on boulders. They don’t attack mobs that are 5 feet from them.

Can’t speak to PvP since I haven’t realty done any to speak of.

Necro love...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Eochaidh.4106


I have no issues with necro, and I play one myself. Although yes, minions can be annoying at times.