Necro's scythe animation on Final Rest?

Necro's scythe animation on Final Rest?

in Suggestions

Posted by: PaxTheGreatOne.9472


I have a question regarding Final Rest:

- Why is the necro staff skill 1 “scytheblade animation” on a different position compared to ALL other staves in the game?

I think it’s a beautiful exotic, and I like it as a carried weapon but I cannot get over the fact it has a different animation in the game then other ‘normal’ staves while playing necro. Most staves get a scythe blade. SO does Final Rest, but in a different position then where it is on the staff? It really goes against my idea’s how it should look and I find the animation strange to say the least.

I hope the animation can move up a bit to where it should be… Then I know why I spend 18 gold on it again for my necro after I got one for my guardian.

I.M.H.O.: And the blade turning black would be enough warning you’d be dealing with a necro, so would the black hand spawning from it.

23 lvl 80’s, 9 times map, 4ele, 4ncr, 3war, 3grd, 3rgr, 2thf, 2msm, 1eng, 1 rev.
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.

Necro's scythe animation on Final Rest?

in Suggestions

Posted by: tifftaffy.7136


Totally agree. The placement of the shadowy scythe in the middle of the staff is rather ridiculous. It makes me not want to play my necromancer until they fix it.

Necro's scythe animation on Final Rest?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Draco.9480


I just want ‘em to change the skills of necro staff cuz it’s freakin’ 4 marks which making it boring. I want some scythe attack swing, scythe wave, scythe storm, or dark laser.

Necro's scythe animation on Final Rest?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

I completely agree with this, having the shadow scythe animation appear below the actual scythe art makes it look really odd and ruins the entire feel of the weapon. I love my staff Necro and it is my main character for support.

Necro's scythe animation on Final Rest?

in Suggestions

Posted by: PaxTheGreatOne.9472


Glad to see 2 people agree with me, but I still wonder why ArenaNet in all it’s wisdom and with all it’s power decided to change only this animation. WHY?

Oh, Great Programmer in Digispace, please explain this to me, your humble user….

If things make it so it cannot be changed at all… then let it be so, but please inform me.

23 lvl 80’s, 9 times map, 4ele, 4ncr, 3war, 3grd, 3rgr, 2thf, 2msm, 1eng, 1 rev.
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.

Necro's scythe animation on Final Rest?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Runiir.6425


Wait…that awsome staff…has the scythe energy appearing below the blade and not over it?!
That is such an entirely kitten move.

Necro's scythe animation on Final Rest?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kal Spiro.9745

Kal Spiro.9745

Wait…that awsome staff…has the scythe energy appearing below the blade and not over it?!
That is such an entirely kitten move.

It works out similarly with the scythe skin from halloween, in that case the animation occurs just past the actual blade of the scythe making it look silly.

Tarnished Coast Kal Spiro – Ranger (80), LB/S-D, Eagle/Wolf, Signet, M/S/WS #SABorRiot

Necro's scythe animation on Final Rest?

in Suggestions

Posted by: emikochan.8504


The animation wasn’t changed, the bone for the scythe particle is just misplaced. Hopefully the bug will be fixed soon. (or just remove the scythe animation for actual scythes)

Welcome to my world –

Necro's scythe animation on Final Rest?

in Suggestions

Posted by: PaxTheGreatOne.9472


I understand we are just 6 ppl now but the general opinion seems to be the same…

Would a Arenanet programmer please move the scythe animation?

Pretty Please?

For those 5 people and me?

23 lvl 80’s, 9 times map, 4ele, 4ncr, 3war, 3grd, 3rgr, 2thf, 2msm, 1eng, 1 rev.
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.

Necro's scythe animation on Final Rest?

in Suggestions

Posted by: PaxTheGreatOne.9472


I just want ‘em to change the skills of necro staff cuz it’s freakin’ 4 marks which making it boring. I want some scythe attack swing, scythe wave, scythe storm, or dark laser.

This is a suggestion but rather off topic… Maybe you should start another thread regarding your opinion as stated above.

We will battle on to get the scythe bane (I hope I name this right) in the correct place.

23 lvl 80’s, 9 times map, 4ele, 4ncr, 3war, 3grd, 3rgr, 2thf, 2msm, 1eng, 1 rev.
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.

(edited by PaxTheGreatOne.9472)

Necro's scythe animation on Final Rest?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Xodus.7802


bought this staff a few hours ago and was disappointed to see that the animation is like this, please fix it aNet

Necro's scythe animation on Final Rest?

in Suggestions

Posted by: PaxTheGreatOne.9472


Hear! Hear!

The Final Rest Animation has been modified!

Oh great gods of Arenanet, thank you for listening to your humble user(s)!

To all other posters in this thread:
Thank you all for posting your opinion in this thread, without you this beautiful change wouldn’t have happened.

Now that we received our suggested change I’ll close this thread for now.

- closed -

23 lvl 80’s, 9 times map, 4ele, 4ncr, 3war, 3grd, 3rgr, 2thf, 2msm, 1eng, 1 rev.
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.