I got a lot of support for this on the guru forums, so here’s hoping Anet’ll see this and consider it as an option to improve the necromancer profession and PvE itself in the ways suggested.
These suggestions should be taken as guidelines, not concrete demands. What’s important is the idea being conveyed, not the exact wording and functions themselves.
Necromancer in GW2 is facing quite a few problems. Hell, the game itself is facing quite a few problems, but those are being worked on, and they’ve all been highlighted already, so I won’t waste my time suggesting an overhaul of the game, rather I’ll suggest an overhaul of the necromancer itself, and a few key gameplay elements that hit the necromancer hard.
The complaint is generally that the necromancer doesn’t feel like the necromancer from GW1. Obviously, we can’t go and ask for a duplicate, as there are too many differences in game mechanics between GW1 and GW2, but we can at least make an effort to make the necromancer actually feel like a necromancer.
1 – Armor: In GW1, each profession had its own specific armor, giving them each their own flavour. In GW2 this becomes much more difficult as all professions share their armor with at least one other profession.
2 – Living up to the name: In GW1, necromancers had a strong bond with death. We required it to cast many of our spells, and whenever it occurred we’d find ourselves a little bit stronger than we were a moment ago. In GW2, our relationship with death is barely there.
3 – General problems with the game: GW2’s not perfect, and there are a lot of things that need to be fixed. Some of these things hit necs a little harder than other professions.
3.1 – The “focus” of necromancer is to (in Anet’s words) “win a slow war of attrition”. This is the worst possible tactic for PvE, especially with how PvE is right now. Let’s instead change the focus to “destroy/bypass enemies’ defenses”
3.2 – The necromancer’s durablity is meaningless in PvE due to high-end PvE bosses utilizing OHKO attacks on a long cooldown, rather than a constant barrage of smaller attacks. Couple this with the lack of dodgeability and stability and you get a profession that is doomed from the start
3.3 – Condition stacking is broken. I’ve got one idea for it, but there are plenty of other good ideas out there, too.
3.4 – Necromancer direct damage is almost exclusively single-target, with condition damage being the only real aoe choice. Conditions are in a horrid state altogether right now, but I will suggest a few small ideas that may remedy the situation.
3.5 – “Punishment skills”
3.6 – Enemies in PvE on average have very few conditions and boons, which makes the nec less useful, as condition management and boon removal are things that necromancers specialize in.
In GW1, elementalists were exotic wizards, mesmers were either in underwear or dressed for the theatre, and necromancers… well necromancers were the oddballs covered in the stuff of nightmares. From tongues and tendrils to bondage and fetish to tribal shaman; the necromancer stood out more than anyone else. In GW2, we’ve lost this, and we now share our aesthetics with other professions. Unfortunately, Anet seems to have almost completely abandoned the style necs had in GW1, and leaving us with few choices if we wish to recreate the unique look necs used to have.
Obviously, it would be very difficult to go back to the old way, and probably a bad choice overall. Each profession having its own armor means either more time spent developing armor, or fewer choices of armor for us, or both. I’m not proposing we go back to GW1’s sytem, it’s just that I’d like to see some things in GW2 that remind me of elite Canthan nec, ancient nec, or elite Luxon. Yes, we have profane in GW2, but I’m pretty sure we’re all aware how horrendous it looks compared to GW1’s profane, espeically on males.
(cont in next post)