Necromancer minions healing out of combat (like all other pets)

Necromancer minions healing out of combat (like all other pets)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vashoom.8512



I didn’t play necro in beta, but i heard their pets auto-healed out of combat, which makes sense, since u are not in combat any more there is absolutely zero advantage this gives you over any other class, and all it does is give you the annoyance of having to change the utility skill, wait for cooldown, then change it back, THEN summon the pet again.

Clearly this is not exactly “fluid” gameplay, nor is it fun or enjoyable, AND in dungeons it makes having a minion focused build simply non feasible since the time it takes to do this every time after a fight is simply ridiculous.

I can’t imagine why this was changed for launch, when other classes with pets have them auto healing while out of combat, why make it different for necromancer?

If anybody can come up with even one example where this would be seen as imbalanced or overpowered please let me know, otherwise they should really change this.

Progress blocking bugs are top priority, but not all bugs are so easy to fix as others, be cool :)

Necromancer minions healing out of combat (like all other pets)

in Suggestions

Posted by: AlexanderFaust.4518


Only one of our pets heal out of combat ~ Fleshgolem.
The rest don’t.. and honestly, I’ve always heard it was a “bug”.

IE: Not working as intended.