Necromancer needs a spectral themed weapon

Necromancer needs a spectral themed weapon

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shrimp Burgre.9527

Shrimp Burgre.9527

2 great pillars of necromancer in terms of theme are “Necrotic” and “Spectral”.
While there are spectral themed utility skills that work like charm, there is not a single weapon skill that is spectral themed.
Rifle (ghost-buster styled) with spectral themed skills that utilises life force that works similar to Professor Gor’s risen-killer rifle (if i remember his name right) would work splendid.
1 – Haunting Blast [gets stronger with more life force, more life force you have more chance to fear 0.5 sec on hit (20% when at 100% life force)]
2 – Soul Sunction [generates life force, pulls enemies in front towards you]
3 – Spectral Overload [uses 30% of life force to deliver equal amount of damage to nearby enemies and push them back]
4 – Empower [uses 20% of life force to increase efficiency of all rifle skills for 6 sec and cause fear to any target hit by next rifle skills for 1 sec.]
5 – Ghost Bust [uses 50% of life force to deliver immense damage to target]

this is just a crude example, but life force utilising, spectral themed, weapon is greately needed for necromancer!
and everyone loves Ghost Busters!

Necromancer needs a spectral themed weapon

in Suggestions

Posted by: jwaz.1908


I don’t know much about necromancers, but this sounds like a cool idea. Maybe offhand torch or maybe even mainhand torch as a ghastly/spirit weapn. Just a thought.

Brom Svánigandr – Druid
Nemata Sapshield – Dragonhunter
Lillian Estre – Tempest

Necromancer needs a spectral themed weapon

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ngeluz.4860


Makes sense, elementalist have great versatility of different elemental weapon summons. But now that I think about it I think the guardians have such ghostly spirit weapons as pet summons.

I think it be great, I remember the Ritualist summoned weapons it be great to add it to necromancers, after all in GW2 Necromancers are practically a fusion of those classes from GW1.