Necromancer suggestions (and requests)!

Necromancer suggestions (and requests)!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Squeesidhe.4761


I’m loving my necromancer. After playing a bit, I have some “quality of life” requests that I would love to see implemented ASAP, and a general suggestion/thought that is more qualitative (i.e., probably doesn’t match up with number-crunching, but is more of a “feel thing.”)


1. PLEASE add the option to remove the “name plates” that hover above our summoned pets. You know, name / health bar / level. This is good info, but I have all other name plates (characters, enemies, NPCs) turned off; I prefer to get this info on mouse-over. The only name plates are above my pets, and it is distracting and immersion-breaking. Especially on my little Bone Fiends, where the name plates are nearly as big as they are. Please add a check box so I can click off the name plates and view their info whenever my mouse runs over them.

2. Life Force Orbs: as a Necromancer, I’m constantly sucking up green life orbs. However, there needs to be a little glow or animation that “completes” this orb-absorption. Currently, when the orb hits me, it just disappears – there needs to be a green aura on my character (or something) to show that my character has “absorbed” the life energy. Do you know what I mean?

I know those are minor things — but hey, it’s a great game, I have no real complaints.

LONG-TERM SUGGESTION that probably isn’t supported by hard metrics but I’m throwing it out there anyway:

So after playing necro for a while, getting my weapons and skills, learning Death Shroud, etc… I feel like there needs to be one more thing. Necromancer just seems a bit light compared to some of the other classes in terms of the variety of weapons and skills.

This is where this assessment probably isn’t supported by the design or numbers, because Death Shroud adds a whole four skills, and summoned pets turn into new skills when active, etc.

My feedback is just coming from pure feel after playing for a while. Death Shroud and alternate pet skills are great, but… necro still feels like it needs one other thing to flesh it out. Another F-skill (F1, F2…), or another weapon.

I think I heard there was another F-skill that was removed from the game, Liche Form or something? I’m sure there was good reason. Maybe it could be revisited?

If you ever consider adding a new weapon, my personal vote is longbow. I just really like the idea of a Necromancer with a bow, and I think the necro-styled skills that are possible could be really fun. For example, what if all bow skills did a small amount of direct damage, but also spawned a short-lived dead thing too, maybe with a 20 second timer before it died or exploded?

Anyway, something else to play with. That’s my feedback.

Thanks for reading; if you do nothing else, I’d really like those name plates to go though. It’s a small thing, but it’s really annoying!

Necromancer suggestions (and requests)!

in Suggestions

Posted by: SeanNorm.1328


Lich Form is now an Elite Skill just so you know lol.

Also, the Necromancer needs a heap of work done to it, sure, they are fun, but the so called ‘Undead Minions’ are rather lack luster when the Necro is meant to be all about dealing with Death.

Necromancer suggestions (and requests)!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tizzy.7826


Necromancers do need a lot of work. As it is, I’ve found playing as a Minion Master to be very hard – as soon as your minions start to fall, you’re good as dead and there’s no sure way to keep them up except for the elite golem. I myself have ended up playing with wells and a staff, and I find the game to be a lot easier and have a lot less downtime than it did when having to deal with minions I couldn’t heal and that had very long cooldowns after they died.

Also, and this one is even more important – can we have it so our minions get despawned but the cooldowns aren’t triggered when we get into water? Losing my golem and having to wait minutes to be able to cast it again because I had to cross a lake is ridiculous.

Necromancer suggestions (and requests)!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azaziel.3608


The only thing I would ask is an option to dismiss the pet anytime.