Need Game Manager on Servers to Ban Bot-ers

Need Game Manager on Servers to Ban Bot-ers

in Suggestions

Posted by: peaceful.7064


My server is Ferguson’s Crossing. I am loving this game and have been playing since launch. However, the bot-ters are taking over my server. On my server, bots are everywhere, prolific, commonplace, run in both small and large groups. It’s not uncommon for me to go into a map and most of the game play activity is bots and I have to look around a bit to find a real person actually playing the game. I have been regularly reporting these bots ingame but the problem just seems to be getting worse.

Suggestion – We need a game manager on the servers to whom we can report bot-ers in real time so the manager can observe the bot-ers in action and then immediately permantly ban them. We need a zero tolerance policy for this activity. It’s ruining the game.

Need Game Manager on Servers to Ban Bot-ers

in Suggestions

Posted by: saurwin.5864


I agree with this. Bots are taking over the game. There are at least 7 right now at shelter gate waypoint on jade quarry server