Need one low level dungeons (level 15)

Need one low level dungeons (level 15)

in Suggestions

Posted by: core.7845


This will help us to learn our char and have some great moments with guild

Need one low level dungeons (level 15)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ianor.7184


I think that adding a level 15 dungeon would be great. I know it does not take long to hit 30 in the game, but for those of us who work full time and have other things we have to do during the day it can take some time to hit 30 (of if you just enjoy leveling slower.) There would be no harm in adding one and it would let us get our hands on dungeons at a lower level.

Need one low level dungeons (level 15)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Crise.9401


I am all for it, just don’t try to incorporate it into the story line of the existing dungeons, but have a mini story just pertaining to that dungeon.

Need one low level dungeons (level 15)

in Suggestions

Posted by: ZtriDer.9573


A small LvL 15 dungeon in youre starting area would be greate A instance that lets you learn how to group up, how to interact with the group. A “simple” introduction dungeon for you to learn from.
You probably alredy have all your weapon abilities so that should be doable.
I did not group up until I reached 30, and then i was as n00b about the grouping as ever. We need to get tha option to do this a bit earlier then lvL 30.

/yes please.

Lost where no man has been lost before!

Need one low level dungeons (level 15)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zalastra.6290


I think lvl 30 as entry point for dungeons is a well chosen lvl. Dungeons are intended to be hard and not a play-ground to get familiar with your character. At lvl 15 you’re still learning how to play your profession. At lvl 30 you can get your Elite skill, should’ve made yourself familiar with some utility skills and should have an overall decent understanding of your profession.

If you want to try out grouping up you already have every possibility for that. Just general pve but also storyline for instanced combat.

Need one low level dungeons (level 15)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Elric of Grans.7684

Elric of Grans.7684

A lvl15/20 dungeon designed to teach players the skills they need for the other dungeons would be a fantastic addition to the game. I could see that adding an awful lot to the game.