Nerf Champion Boss if only 1 player fights him

Nerf Champion Boss if only 1 player fights him

in Suggestions

Posted by: AnimeFreak.6832


Its getting on my nerves, that i can solo some champion bosses, but can’t kill them, because it’s HP doesn’t go down -.-
i was happy that i could actually solo it, but got kitten off because after 3 min of fighting , its HP was still full -.- i am a glass cannon elementalist build and this boss just doesn’t want to let its HP go. Forgot the name, but the boss was west land of the Big City of Norn.

I would just like, if no players are around and i am alone, i would like a chance to defeat that champion.
if this is My Story, than i don’t want to beat only normal mobs and veteran, but also a bit harder ones.

Don’t get me wrong. Game is awesome, but after 3 min of fight and HP of Mob is still 100% is stupid.

Nerf Champion Boss if only 1 player fights him

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pandemoniac.4739


If they nerfed him, he wouldn’t be a champion any more. You should take it as a challenge to buff up your ability, not ask that champs be made easier.

If you can’t kill him solo, put a call out in map chat. It’s supposed to take more than one person to bring down a champion. It doesn’t always though, I’ve been able to kill a couple solo.

Don’t ever think you know what’s right for the other person.
He might start thinking he knows what’s right for you.
—Paul Williams

Nerf Champion Boss if only 1 player fights him

in Suggestions

Posted by: xlion.3065


… though I think that this may become an issue or already is in certain areas that are already deserted. Unless you come with friends and/or guildies.

Doing the (end of event chain) champion bosses with a bunch of people can really be an epic experience (everybody helping out, rezzing, etc.). Facing them solo in an almost deserted area is kinda fruitless.

The only class (out of 6) I’m playing atm that would actually be able to solo (not quite, because I come with 2 devourer pets) take out a champion is my ranger. Though I have to be really carefull to not kite him too far away.

And it will take quite a while to get him down!

NPC reset, i. e. run back (flee would be ok) and regain full health (not ok) is another matter.

P. S.: I hereby admit that I would love to kite a champion into a group of bots.

(edited by xlion.3065)

Nerf Champion Boss if only 1 player fights him

in Suggestions

Posted by: AnimeFreak.6832


or staff just sucks. but i enjoy staff play.
is it even possible to solo a Champion. This one looked like a white muscle robot XD
and elementals and black wargs were in that area.
i could kite it. Boss was jumping and did some massive damage, but if you dodged it, you could just kite on and on. but kitten his stupid HP didn’t go down.
Was full power/precision build , switched attunments all the time. and still nothing
HP full

Nerf Champion Boss if only 1 player fights him

in Suggestions

Posted by: xlion.3065


Soloing a champion is clearly not the ususal way to get him down.
You need help or a LOT of patience and kiting skills.

I recently 2-manned a champion with an elementalist (who died 3-4 times while I didnt on my ranger).

Anyway, just for the sake of fun. Don’t do champions solo. Move on and do something else. These guys are not meant to be downed solo. Events that mean killing a champion are usually flagged for GROUP.

P. S.: This might actually work with a staff on elementalist. Given the amount of control you have to keep the champion at distance and using AoE to burn down adds he might spawn. But it will take a LONG time. I would guess around 15 minutes without actually knowing thye boss.

P. P. S.: You might even want to leave some adds on low health to rally when you are downed. Anyway, don’t bother with soloing champions unless you dont’ find anything else that might be fun.

(edited by xlion.3065)

Nerf Champion Boss if only 1 player fights him

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vick.6805


I don’t think Champs should be nerfed, tbh, because they act as single-mob events, even if there’s no linked DE. If you can’t kill him solo, it’s because ANet doesn’t intend for the mob to be killed solo.

With that said, soloing Champion mobs is indeed possible as an Elementalist, but it is not likely when you are at the correct level for the zone.

As far as his HP bar not moving, that’s simply because Champs have a ton of HP. You’re still hurting him, but it’s going to take you a long time to take him down. Even as a level 80 fighting level 20ish Champs, it takes a few minutes to finish them off solo. Admittedly, I didn’t set my Ele up as a glass cannon, so that affects it as well.

Nerf Champion Boss if only 1 player fights him

in Suggestions

Posted by: xlion.3065


I don’t think Champs should be nerfed ….

As far as his HP bar not moving, that’s simply because Champs have a ton of HP. You’re still hurting him, but it’s going to take you a long time ….


… and still deserted areas with nobody to group up for a fight. IMHO this might be the actual problem we are facing.

(edited by xlion.3065)

Nerf Champion Boss if only 1 player fights him

in Suggestions

Posted by: arjeidi.2690


I only have 2 complaints about Champion mobs.

I forget the zones they’re in, so I know this isn’t going to be entirely specific, but I’ve fought 2 Champions solo and would have had them except for some unfavorable game mechanics happen.

1. Champion Ice Wurm. I don’t know the zone, but on my Ranger (GS+Axe/Horn) I was clearly winning the fight, but the Wurm kept going underground and retreating. Ugh, annoying but it won’t stop me. Never give up! Never surrender!…

…until it had literally retreated so far away that it started super-regenning HP as it ran back to the spawn point. That’s right. The Champion Wurm ran away from me so much it was pulled back to its spawn point. That kitten me off.

2. There’s a Champion Ettin, I think, in Lornar’s Pass (grassy part, lower right area), that I was also fighting against on my Ranger. I got this one down to half life with traps + eagle + dodge + Axe/Horn. It was intense and fun, definitely a challenge…

…until Veteran Ettins kept respawning on top of the fight. I got rid of the first but that didn’t stop them from respawning every 2 minutes and I just wasn’t able to keep it up. That was also incredibly annoying.

My 2 biggest gripes about fighting Champions solo have nothing to do with, well, the Champions or fighting them solo. Silly AI “Lemme run away so much I have to force my own ‘respawn’” and silly respawns “oh god someone may have had time to breathe, QUICK, SPAWN MORE MONSTERS”.

Otherwise, Champions are perfect, imo. _

Nerf Champion Boss if only 1 player fights him

in Suggestions

Posted by: xlion.3065


yeah, respawns can be quite annoying (and immersion breaking) while soloing a champion.

But you can turn them into a tactical advantage by leaving them on very low health while refocusing the champion. Rally from them when you are downed.

Nerf Champion Boss if only 1 player fights him

in Suggestions

Posted by: LanceHavenbay.2067


I own all champions. It just takes more skill, and a solid build. In fact, I like to take things to the next level and aggro as many enemies as I can, (usually 20) and fight them all at once. Centaurs are super fun, so are Skritt. Champion Trolls? BEST. Those and their little buddy spawns are awesome to fight.

I would however like to see greater rewards for soling these events. I find myself taking the time to do these group-events solo when nobody is around and I get a meager 1 silver… I could get that killing 3-8 deer right next door…

I vote to keep Champions as hard as they are, but up the rewards for soloing.

Nerf Champion Boss if only 1 player fights him

in Suggestions

Posted by: Blizt.3086


I don’t think this is a good suggestion, however I know where you’re coming from…I have recently went to a lot of low/mid level area and I often found 1-2 Champion boss in an event or not, and there are just no or few players around me to fight it :/

To fundamentally fix this problem, what Anet should do is make it that high level players can still get good drop, money, karma appropriate to their levels, that way more people will have more reasons to go to other areas other than Orr.

Nerf Champion Boss if only 1 player fights him

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pandemoniac.4739


I vote to keep Champions as hard as they are, but up the rewards for soloing.

The fight is the reward People don’t climb Mt. Everest because there’s a gold bar waiting for them at the top.

Don’t ever think you know what’s right for the other person.
He might start thinking he knows what’s right for you.
—Paul Williams

Nerf Champion Boss if only 1 player fights him

in Suggestions

Posted by: mrsrachelm.7618


Although I totally understand the OP’s position especially in lower to mid level zones which are somewhat more deserted now, I don’t think nerfing them or scaling them based on how many are fighting them is the right way of dealing with it. Are they on a timer? Do they just stay around until someone kills them or do they go poof after 30 minutes or whatever? If they just stay there then, yeah, that’s annoying especially for those that spawn where your NPC’s and quest givers/merchants are killing them all. It can also be disheartening when you’re relatively alone on a zone ..a newer player coming later to the game perhaps…and have zero recourse to downing that champion or getting the rewards for doing so. I understand -that- as well. Wish I had a good answer where everyone is served. Having high level players brag about how they can do it so all you need is to learn to play and get skillz is hardly helpful and reeks of “I want attention for my uberness”. Seeing that all the time on the forums is annoying at best.

Nerf Champion Boss if only 1 player fights him

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tesena.1075


Champions are not hard to kill solo at all, it only takes time. People need to realize that they may need to learn to play better. If it was going to be made a change to the champions is to lower their HP, not damage, not toughness, no mechanics, only the HP.

I am 95% positive that I can defeat about ANY champion out there, except the Eye of Zaitan in Orr.

Nerf Champion Boss if only 1 player fights him

in Suggestions

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

they are labeled as “champions” for a good reason.

u r not supposed to fight them alone by yourself.

find some friends.

Nerf Champion Boss if only 1 player fights him

in Suggestions

Posted by: mrsrachelm.7618


Champions are not hard to kill solo at all, it only takes time. People need to realize that they may need to learn to play better. If it was going to be made a change to the champions is to lower their HP, not damage, not toughness, no mechanics, only the HP.

I am 95% positive that I can defeat about ANY champion out there, except the Eye of Zaitan in Orr.

Case in point from my above comment. Hardly helpful tot he Op and merely a “aren’t I just the bestest ever!” comment. Yeah yeah…here’s a cookie….we all fall at your feet in adoration for downing a boss solo. Happy?

Nerf Champion Boss if only 1 player fights him

in Suggestions

Posted by: LoreChief.8391


I can confirm that as an Engineer, it’s possible to solo champions. Additionally, I love the challenge it provides.

Nerf Champion Boss if only 1 player fights him

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ronah.2869


I disliked open world group quests in Age of Conan because noone was ever around and they put the same open world group events in GW2 where rarely anyone is around nowadays. I agree with OP. I don’t go to fight champions on purpose, it just happens I am in that place to get a PoI or A WP and It just attacks me so running away feels like the only valid solution. That is a shame.

Nerf Champion Boss if only 1 player fights him

in Suggestions

Posted by: Redfeather.6401


Every champion I’ve fought with other people ended with many of us saying “well that wasn’t worth it”. Long, boring and anti-climactic.

Nerf Champion Boss if only 1 player fights him

in Suggestions

Posted by: mrsrachelm.7618


I LOVE the open group idea and hope it doesn’t get screwed around with.

Nerf Champion Boss if only 1 player fights him

in Suggestions

Posted by: Adine.2184


Its called a champ for a reason…..

Nerf Champion Boss if only 1 player fights him

in Suggestions

Posted by: Detahmaio.2014


Adine champion should drop champion loot. That makes snese to doesn’t it?