[TC] Tarnished Coast
It is near impossible to do a major world boss event unless you get there an hour early. There are too many people from other servers there and I end up in the overflow unable to complete the event. I should not have to stand and wait at a dragon for an hour to save my spot.
its just a misconception…. they changed farming so ppl changed their farming pattern. now its worth playing dragon events so ppl stoped farming orr and started playing big events…. ppl just change their gaming style to maximize profit…. stupid changes…. now its worth beeing afk and waiting for events to start….
camping dragons is the new orr….. and guesting is the new option to maximise your gaming experience since every server is overcroweded. only way to fix this is to set up 3 times more server…..
but i talked already about maximising profit…. its nothing anet will do since this would minimise their profit….
Ya I know what is going on and it may be different on other servers but I know for a fact that there are a huge number from other servers that are at all of the events. I also know that a lot of ppl are server jumping to be able to do them more than once a day.
This really needs to be fixed. I don’t care if ppl do this but people that are native to the server should get first dibbs and everyone else can go in the overflow.
I am not sure how you would do this though.
It is near impossible to do a major world boss event unless you get there an hour early. There are too many people from other servers there and I end up in the overflow unable to complete the event. I should not have to stand and wait at a dragon for an hour to save my spot.
How do you know that these people are from other severs? Do they tell you in chat or something? Since you can’t get a chest more than once a day per character, people can’t farm the event using the same character so what incentive is there for people to go to different servers to do it?
Really, I have seen this same complaint on other threads and I’m curious how you would know.
its just a misconception…. they changed farming so ppl changed their farming pattern. now its worth playing dragon events so ppl stoped farming orr and started playing big events…. ppl just change their gaming style to maximize profit…. stupid changes…. now its worth beeing afk and waiting for events to start….
camping dragons is the new orr….. and guesting is the new option to maximise your gaming experience since every server is overcroweded. only way to fix this is to set up 3 times more server…..but i talked already about maximising profit…. its nothing anet will do since this would minimise their profit….
thats it.
its a farming endgame. cant believe they couldnt come up with something better than that!
worst; its facerollable! you can be AFK and farm the best rewarding activities in the game.
seriously design problem.
(and props to the fabulous art team)
Yeah, it seems that changing the system to one chest per account, rather than per character, would solve this much more effectively, and without having to nerf a really useful system.
It is near impossible to do a major world boss event unless you get there an hour early. There are too many people from other servers there and I end up in the overflow unable to complete the event. I should not have to stand and wait at a dragon for an hour to save my spot.
How do you know that these people are from other severs? Do they tell you in chat or something? Since you can’t get a chest more than once a day per character, people can’t farm the event using the same character so what incentive is there for people to go to different servers to do it?
Really, I have seen this same complaint on other threads and I’m curious how you would know.
you can go to another server on the same char and get another chest. I assume this is not intended. I know ppl that have gone to another server right after completing an event on my server and got the chest again. Right after the event ends on my server I see chat light up with “xxx up in xxx server hurry if you want to get there”
The problem is server jumping from event to event to farm now.
(edited by Ruprect.7260)
Yeah, it seems that changing the system to one chest per account, rather than per character, would solve this much more effectively, and without having to nerf a really useful system.
I would agree with this. They need to fix it so you cant go to another server on that account and get another chest as well.
It is near impossible to do a major world boss event unless you get there an hour early. There are too many people from other servers there and I end up in the overflow unable to complete the event. I should not have to stand and wait at a dragon for an hour to save my spot.
How do you know that these people are from other severs? Do they tell you in chat or something? Since you can’t get a chest more than once a day per character, people can’t farm the event using the same character so what incentive is there for people to go to different servers to do it?
Really, I have seen this same complaint on other threads and I’m curious how you would know.
you can go to another server on the same char and get another chest. I assume this is not intended. I know ppl that have gone to another server right after completing an event on my server and got the chest again. Right after the event ends on my server I see chat light up with “xxx up in xxx server hurry if you want to get there”
The problem is server jumping from event to event to farm now.
Oh really. Hmmmm. I wonder if ANet is going to nerf this by making the rewards account bound because of people doing this.
Yeah, it seems that changing the system to one chest per account, rather than per character, would solve this much more effectively, and without having to nerf a really useful system.
If you can guest to get another chest on the same character this suggestion would have absolutely the opposite effect of what this thread is complaining about (more guesting).
Oh really. Hmmmm. I wonder if ANet is going to nerf this by making the rewards account bound because of people doing this.
I just don’t see how making the rewards account bound would do that. Right now I have no incentive to guest for another chest because there are plenty of events and I have more than one character. The fact that people are guesting right now to do it anyway should tell you that removing the option to do it on the same world with multiple characters would encourage more guesting. I don’t see what I’m missing…
(edited by Hawkian.6580)
Ya I know what is going on and it may be different on other servers but I know for a fact that there are a huge number from other servers that are at all of the events. I also know that a lot of ppl are server jumping to be able to do them more than once a day.
This really needs to be fixed. I don’t care if ppl do this but people that are native to the server should get first dibbs and everyone else can go in the overflow.
I am not sure how you would do this though.
It’s 1 chest per character per day. It doesn’t matter if you’re in overflow or go to a different server.
Guesting is not the problem here. Think about it. Guesting has been in the game around 2 months. The change to chests has been in the game for 3 days. The problem only started around 3 days ago. I WONDER WHY.
It’s 1 chest per character per day. It doesn’t matter if you’re in overflow or go to a different server.
Is this accurate? Or can you repeat on the same character on another server?
Yeah, it seems that changing the system to one chest per account, rather than per character, would solve this much more effectively, and without having to nerf a really useful system.
If you can guest to get another chest on the same character this suggestion would have absolutely the opposite effect of what this thread is complaining about (more guesting).
Oh really. Hmmmm. I wonder if ANet is going to nerf this by making the rewards account bound because of people doing this.
I just don’t see how making the rewards account bound would do that. Right now I have no incentive to guest for another chest because there are plenty of events and I have more than one character. The fact that people are guesting right now to do it anyway should tell you that removing the option to do it on the same world with multiple characters would encourage more guesting. I don’t see what I’m missing…
That is what is happening now. If they made it per account you would not be able to guest and get a second chest on the same char then.
It’s 1 chest per character per day. It doesn’t matter if you’re in overflow or go to a different server.
Is this accurate? Or can you repeat on the same character on another server?
I have first hand experience getting a second chest on the same char by guesting.
I know you can get an extra one on another server but that is as far as I went I did not try for a 3rd.
(edited by Ruprect.7260)
Guesting is being abused for World events…
wonder how ANet will deal with it
It’s 1 chest per character per day. It doesn’t matter if you’re in overflow or go to a different server.
Is this accurate? Or can you repeat on the same character on another server?
As far as I know it is. It’s what people have said in the other dozen threads on this same issue in the last 24 hours. I tend to believe the people saying this than the people who are saying hundreds of people are now guesting on their server all of sudden and they can’t get their last minute dragon chest.
However I’ve personally never used guesting so I don’t know, first hand.
There’s also the fact that people from TC have advertised their server as the pve server since guesting was added to the game. Which might be part of the problem as well.
Also so far it’s really only people on TC and JQ that are complaining about this which have both been two of the highest pop servers in NA since launch.
Lots of reasons why they’re getting overflow’s now but guesting is probably low down on the list.
(edited by fellyn.5083)
It’s 1 chest per character per day. It doesn’t matter if you’re in overflow or go to a different server.
Is this accurate? Or can you repeat on the same character on another server?
I have first hand experience getting a second chest on the same char by guesting.
Yeah, for me the chest never shows up if you do the same DE twice with the same charater. Its 1 Chest per day per character. Maybe its bugging for some people or they’re mistaken. Guess I’ll go double check~
Even if u balance all the game to have the same overall reward for all kind of content, the farmers will find a spot where they can get one more copper/hour compared to everywhere else, they will camp that spot over and over ignoring the rest of the game.
It’s 1 chest per character per day. It doesn’t matter if you’re in overflow or go to a different server.
Is this accurate? Or can you repeat on the same character on another server?
I have first hand experience getting a second chest on the same char by guesting.
Yeah, for me the chest never shows up if you do the same DE twice with the same charater. Its 1 Chest per day per character. Maybe its bugging for some people or they’re mistaken. Guess I’ll go double check~
You can’t get another one on the same server but if you guest to another one you can get another chest.
The problem here is that OP is on Tarnished Coast, which some well-meaning but short sighted players decided to campaign for as “the unofficial Orr server”.. and then “the unofficial PVE server”…. adding to TC’s already larger population due to it also being the RP server AND a high tiered WvW server.
So the issue isn’t a fundamental flaw with guesting, it’s just too many players guesting on that specific server.
As someone who pretty much ‘exploits’ guesting to maximum benefit, I think guesting was probably the worst thing you could do to remove server community and loyalty.
The problem here is that OP is on Tarnished Coast, which some well-meaning but short sighted players decided to campaign for as “the unofficial Orr server”.. and then “the unofficial PVE server”…. adding to TC’s already larger population due to it also being the RP server AND a high tiered WvW server.
So the issue isn’t a fundamental flaw with guesting, it’s just too many players guesting on that specific server.
Like I said in my OP, it could just be TC but I know a lot of ppl are jumping servers to get multiple chests.
As someone who pretty much ‘exploits’ guesting to maximum benefit, I think guesting was probably the worst thing you could do to remove server community and loyalty.
I don’t know if I would call it exploiting. It is a failure on Anet’s part to think ahead, and with the lack of a PTS to sort this stuff out before it is made live.
Like I said in my OP, it could just be TC but I know a lot of ppl are jumping servers to get multiple chests.
That’s not actually possible though, as others have pointed out the one chest per event/character/day limit doesn’t care which server you’re on. Guesting has no impact on how many chests you can get other than accomplishing some of those events are easier on more populated worlds.
its anet own fault… chest farming is the new orr farming…. farming normal events become pain in the a…. so ppl switched to chest farming…. its ridiculous since these events never fail and r easy like……afk leeching chest events has become more interessting since u dont have to chase for mobs.
big step in the wrong directions with the latest 2 patches…..
As someone who pretty much ‘exploits’ guesting to maximum benefit, I think guesting was probably the worst thing you could do to remove server community and loyalty.
I don’t know if I would call it exploiting. It is a failure on Anet’s part to think ahead, and with the lack of a PTS to sort this stuff out before it is made live.
Well so far the thing every single thread about this issue have in common is that the people complaining about it are all on TC, and to a lesser extent JQ.
Seems likely it’s just an issue with TC being one of the highest pop, if not the highest pop server in NA for various reasons.
Go to a lower pop server. I am based in Aurora and it is insane lag with everyone doing dragons who had not done in a long time. I have guested on lower pop servers and they are about what Aurora was before the patch. Don’t think guesting is the problem native pop is.
i dont know if u can a chest twice for guesting…. im using it to get every chest with every char. respawn is quit long and it takes a while to get all chest with 3 chars. so i guest to get a chest with another char…
As someone who pretty much ‘exploits’ guesting to maximum benefit, I think guesting was probably the worst thing you could do to remove server community and loyalty.
I don’t know if I would call it exploiting. It is a failure on Anet’s part to think ahead, and with the lack of a PTS to sort this stuff out before it is made live.
Well so far the thing every single thread about this issue have in common is that the people complaining about it are all on TC, and to a lesser extent JQ.
Seems likely it’s just an issue with TC being one of the highest pop, if not the highest pop server in NA for various reasons.
I havent been on the forums for a few days so I didnt see any other threads about this on the first page. This is just frustrating and maybe it is our own fault but they really need to fix the server juming exploit, maybe that will fix this a bit.
Like I said in my OP, it could just be TC but I know a lot of ppl are jumping servers to get multiple chests.
That’s not actually possible though, as others have pointed out the one chest per event/character/day limit doesn’t care which server you’re on. Guesting has no impact on how many chests you can get other than accomplishing some of those events are easier on more populated worlds.
Go try it, you can get more chests on the same char by guesting.
As someone who pretty much ‘exploits’ guesting to maximum benefit, I think guesting was probably the worst thing you could do to remove server community and loyalty.
I don’t know if I would call it exploiting. It is a failure on Anet’s part to think ahead, and with the lack of a PTS to sort this stuff out before it is made live.
The snowflake jewelery would like to have a word with you. They called that an exploit even thought it was their failed testing that lead to bans.
As someone who pretty much ‘exploits’ guesting to maximum benefit, I think guesting was probably the worst thing you could do to remove server community and loyalty.
I don’t know if I would call it exploiting. It is a failure on Anet’s part to think ahead, and with the lack of a PTS to sort this stuff out before it is made live.
The snowflake jewelery would like to have a word with you. They called that an exploit even thought it was their failed testing that lead to bans.
Agreed, that was my mistake.
Grandmafunk: You can very much guest on other servers and to get more than one chest per char per event.
Crystal Desert is having the same problem as TC and JQ, especially right after the daily reset. A lot of people at the events are from our server, but many, many are guesting from other servers.
Like I said in my OP, it could just be TC but I know a lot of ppl are jumping servers to get multiple chests.
That’s not actually possible though, as others have pointed out the one chest per event/character/day limit doesn’t care which server you’re on. Guesting has no impact on how many chests you can get other than accomplishing some of those events are easier on more populated worlds.
Yup, Guesting doesn’t make a difference.
Its one chest per character, no matter what server. I just did Shadow Behemoth on 3 servers in a row on one character and got one chest. IF anyone says otherwise they’re mistaken or trolling^^.
Grandmafunk: You can very much guest on other servers and to get more than one chest per char per event.
Crystal Desert is having the same problem as TC and JQ, especially right after the daily reset. A lot of people at the events are from our server, but many, many are guesting from other servers.
Everyone’s Guesting every, on every server~! omgomgomg. Or maybe its just everyone actually feels the events are worth doing now so the entire population is playing together^^. The first event after reset on any server is going to beee paacked~
It has nothing to do with guesting
“Players may guest in up to two worlds at a time and the guesting period lasts for 24 hours. "
How about limiting that to one world at a time? Would that help?
Like I said in my OP, it could just be TC but I know a lot of ppl are jumping servers to get multiple chests.
That’s not actually possible though, as others have pointed out the one chest per event/character/day limit doesn’t care which server you’re on. Guesting has no impact on how many chests you can get other than accomplishing some of those events are easier on more populated worlds.
Yup, Guesting doesn’t make a difference.
Its one chest per character, no matter what server. I just did Shadow Behemoth on 3 servers in a row on one character and got one chest. IF anyone says otherwise they’re mistaken or trolling^^.
Wrong, I did this yesterday. And I know of many others that were also doing this yesterday.
It doesn’t seem that GUESTING is the problem, it’s the ability to get the reward again if you change servers. Remove that so that it’s “as intended” and you remove the problem of overflows caused by people server jumping.
Like I said in my OP, it could just be TC but I know a lot of ppl are jumping servers to get multiple chests.
That’s not actually possible though, as others have pointed out the one chest per event/character/day limit doesn’t care which server you’re on. Guesting has no impact on how many chests you can get other than accomplishing some of those events are easier on more populated worlds.
Yup, Guesting doesn’t make a difference.
Its one chest per character, no matter what server. I just did Shadow Behemoth on 3 servers in a row on one character and got one chest. IF anyone says otherwise they’re mistaken or trolling^^.
Ok, so I just found out there were only certain events that were allowing this multiple chest per char and it seems it has been fixed. I have seen nothing official about it but I have heard from some that it is no longer working. This is good news. I guess it remains to be seen whether this was the problem or whether it is guesting causing the overflows.
It is near impossible to do a major world boss event unless you get there an hour early. There are too many people from other servers there and I end up in the overflow unable to complete the event. I should not have to stand and wait at a dragon for an hour to save my spot.
Miss post
Edited to remove the misspost of the guy above me.
Like I said in my OP, it could just be TC but I know a lot of ppl are jumping servers to get multiple chests.
That’s not actually possible though, as others have pointed out the one chest per event/character/day limit doesn’t care which server you’re on. Guesting has no impact on how many chests you can get other than accomplishing some of those events are easier on more populated worlds.
Yup, Guesting doesn’t make a difference.
Its one chest per character, no matter what server. I just did Shadow Behemoth on 3 servers in a row on one character and got one chest. IF anyone says otherwise they’re mistaken or trolling^^.Ok, so I just found out there were only certain events that were allowing this multiple chest per char and it seems it has been fixed. I have seen nothing official about it but I have heard from some that it is no longer working. This is good news. I guess it remains to be seen whether this was the problem or whether it is guesting causing the overflows.
And here is the fix for it today.
•Fixed a bug with the chests that spawn for The Claw of Jormag, The Fire Elemental, and the Volcano Destroyer Boss. They are lootable once a day per character as intended.
•Fixed a bug where Daily Rewards were sometimes not being granted after completing five daily achievements.
•Fixed a recently introduced performance issue.
•Fixed various crash bugs
Like I said in my OP, it could just be TC but I know a lot of ppl are jumping servers to get multiple chests.
That’s not actually possible though, as others have pointed out the one chest per event/character/day limit doesn’t care which server you’re on. Guesting has no impact on how many chests you can get other than accomplishing some of those events are easier on more populated worlds.
Yup, Guesting doesn’t make a difference.
Its one chest per character, no matter what server. I just did Shadow Behemoth on 3 servers in a row on one character and got one chest. IF anyone says otherwise they’re mistaken or trolling^^.Ok, so I just found out there were only certain events that were allowing this multiple chest per char and it seems it has been fixed. I have seen nothing official about it but I have heard from some that it is no longer working. This is good news. I guess it remains to be seen whether this was the problem or whether it is guesting causing the overflows.
And here is the fix for it today.
•Fixed a bug with the chests that spawn for The Claw of Jormag, The Fire Elemental, and the Volcano Destroyer Boss. They are lootable once a day per character as intended.
•Fixed a bug where Daily Rewards were sometimes not being granted after completing five daily achievements.
•Fixed a recently introduced performance issue.
•Fixed various crash bugs
hehe, i saw the notes. You were right Ruprect, I was mistaken^^.
Well, there will still be alot alot alot of people doing dragon events right after daily rest, especially if you’re on a super populated server already~ Its not really an issue with guesting imo, its just everyone is doing events like I said in my preeevious post
Outside of Behemoth, Lyssa, and Catacombs I never did any events, now I try to do most of them so i’m already an extra person showing up on my server^^. (you use to only get blues and greens even if you did the event 5 times ; ;~)
I know there are a lot more from the server as well, but I am running into a lot from others as well. I know this because we are always talking in map chat while we wait.
I have no problem with there being an overflow if it is just ppl from my server, I get a little irked when there are a bunch from other servers there and I am in the queue.
Guess we will have to see how this plays out. They can’t really add more places before the overflow because the lag is bad enough the way it is.
Hopefully today’s patch fixed the guesting problem. It wasn’t just a TC and JQ problem. It was a problem on Yak’s Bend as well. There was a guild on our server yesterday that was recruiting at our server’s events and advertised tracking multiple servers for maximum chests as a feature of the guild. Guesting is definitely being abused when a guild is using getting more chests from more servers as a recruitment tool.
(edited by Soundchaos.3450)
Remove guesting. Okay okay…
How about just removing the ability to get world chests on any server other than your own?
Remove the ability to play with my guild? have to guest to do that, no thanks
Maybe limit boss chests to one per day per event, across all servers. So, in other words, you can get a boss chest on any server, but can’t then get the same boss chest on another server. That way regardless of which world people play on, they can only get boss chests once per day, but can do them with their friends and guild. This might require a bit of work on ArenaNet’s part but I feel it’s the best solution.
But please do NOT take out guesting!
(edited by Bron.9647)
They have more problems than just the guesting issue though. I got a bronze on the Shatterer and I was there the entire fight trying to hit the boss the entire time, the next time I got a silver lol… Skills wont fire or take 15+ seconds of repeated tapping just to work. To many people and to many people guesting from other servers. I’m seeing a Que at midnight-2am eastern time.
I think they need to give priority to home server accounts, but they still have some issues with population per area which may end up putting people into ques if they thin out the amount per area so it fixes the major lagging problem.
Yeah, don’t allow that many players per map until gaming optimizations allow it and player capacity related bugs have been ironed out. It’s better to have more playable game-play with less players around than unplayable game-play with many around. Doubling-up on popular events and spread them out while running them concurrently would probably help spread event occupancy out thinner too.
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