Nerf Thief
Err.. run faster? you mean using signet of shadows (which i never use in wvwvw or pvp) or the bow 5 trick – which is dependent on initiative? other than that every other class can move faster…
DPS = glass cannon… you hit him/her = death (i run condition thief, not glass cannon)
Err.. run faster? you mean using signet of shadows (which i never use in wvwvw or pvp) or the bow 5 trick – which is dependent on initiative? other than that every other class can move faster…
DPS = glass cannon… you hit him/her = death (i run condition thief, not glass cannon)Maybe a Thief beat you in pvp and so the thief has to be op, not you a bad player?
(a mesmer wiped the floor with me earlier… they should be nerfed!)
(edited by Budchgon.2108)
They’re not overpowered.
They have high burst damage at the cost of fragile builds.
Granted, the stealth makes it difficult to respond to them, but it’s not impossible.
You just have to be patient and learn.
Lv80s: Guard, Thief, Necro. Renewed my Altaholic’s card on the HoT Hype-Train. Choo choo~
(edited by DreamOfACure.4382)
You want every class to be balanced the same. That makes for a very boring game.
Imbalance is how you create great games. Classes have advantages and disadvantages to each other.
Nerf everyone who wants any profession but theirs nerfed!
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Unless you just arrived, thieves have been consistently hit with the nerf bat.
Chances are they will be nerfed again…and again.
The issue isn’t the dps, or the signets, or the builds…
It’s the stealth.
People have always hated stealth classes. In like every MMO ever released.
Anet did something great to limit the damage A.K.A QQ, which was to remove the perma stealth abilities that come with the stereotype of the class.
Now thieves can only enter stealth temporary, and if they spam all their stealth abilites then they find themselves stealthless. Which means you are left with a DPS with laughable survivability…until the stealth skills pop back up.
I think that was a great move…but I guess it wasn’t enough for some.
Some players do not like being confused as it makes their head hurt.
The perfect example of this is the second most hated class…the mesmer.
Mesmer do have some elements of stealth, although it really is subpar but the real reason why the are hated so is their clones/phantasms that confuses the players I am talking about.
I hate to say this but this is a L2P issue. My main thief really struggled with mesmers for a while until I learnt how they worked.
Then I rolled a mesmer because their dynamics are really fun I think. Just because a class isn’t an obvious class AKA “hulk smash” or “hulk doesnt feel pain you puny human” does not mean it’s overpowered.
It is the same as if my thief or mesmer started crying about how they cant get up close and personal with the “in your face” classes. You can’t have it all. Sorry dude.
To sum it up, some classes have unusual dynamics that make up for their other vulnerabilities. Stealth is that dynamic for the thief.
But chances are my post confused you, and should be nerfed. Right ?
Please stop with this madness…. thieves aren’t OP.
Highest dmg: Warrior
Mobility: Elementalist
Stealth: Thief
Only because the culling in WvW is getting out of hand doesn’t mean you have to nerf them… I don’t go whine in Mesmer threads or what not & tell to nerf their clones because they are hard to kill for me. I acctualy think a couple of Thief stuff is UP for example P/P. In dungeons & PvE my Thief even feels pretty useless.
Im levelling one atm and the running theme is that theifs are kill or be killed. I do an insane ammount of damage but hell a strong breeze would have me in a downed state. Seems balanced to me
I can see what OP is saying tho, while they are glass cannons, back stab is way too strong I think, not because it does a lot of damage, but because it does a lot of damage very fast. I however don’t really mind it.
Come at me thief :P