Nerf this ridiculous condition meta

Nerf this ridiculous condition meta

in Suggestions

Posted by: SDZz.8260


I think everyone can agree without fail that the current WvW roamer build focuses on conditions due to their ridiculous power.
More importantly, NECROMANCERS are ridiculous at 1v1 or even 1v3 due to their ridiculous flow of conditions and death shroud giving them 2 hp bars.

The healing skill was no where near enough to balance condition specs and if anyone here replies saying ‘just do this’, please, you were not playing versus good players you were playing versus trash and therefore your ‘tactics’ versus condition specs are not viable.

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@Staff Ele

Nerf this ridiculous condition meta

in Suggestions

Posted by: Titan.3472


Atm only another necro can take over 1vs1 a condition spec neco. No other class can overcome to a well spe geared necro even a class spe in conditions cleansing. The extra hp tool while bunkering necro makes them really better and last much longer without needs to play hard XD. Condition bombing is over the top there is no way to mitigate the dot it’s either cleanse and get rid off condition or get hit from it fully. Such conditions damages mechanism makes the conditions broke and the bombing most powerful spe in 1vs1, smalls and mediums scales encounters.

(edited by Titan.3472)

Nerf this ridiculous condition meta

in Suggestions

Posted by: Leamas.5803


You need condition removal and learn how to play against a magic user. Necros have lots of life, yes (As they should since their whole mythos is about life stealing prolonging life), but, in reality a pure CD build can take very little physical damage due to lack of any real toughness or armor. Even at over 31000hp, it only takes a couple hits from a well speced warrior to put me down and necro dodges recharge very slowly. You just have to run up to them and whack at them. Now, for condition bombing, go around the marks. They’re easy to see, I can’t count how many times I’ve placed marks and just watched people walk through them as if there was nothing there. One my personal favorites is to place marks in to the middle of a zerg and many don’t even bother to dodge. If one mark is place, you HAVE to expect more coming. This is just asking to die. If you’re looking to take a fort and it’s protected by player magic/range users, you’re probably better off to move on and try another, you’re just a sitting duck while trying to beat the door down.

Everything with characters is about balance or imbalance, if you spec your character with little or no skills/traits for condition mitigation then, while you’ll surely be more powerful/tougher in other areas, you have to expect to take an abnormally high amount of CD. My necro is speced solely for CD….everything, about +1500 when I have a full 25 stack of corruption. I have nothing to increase armor or toughness. I expect that I’m going to be squishy, so I don’t go around whining about overpowered warriors since I can’t stand there and let them hack at me.

IMO CD removal abilities are especially important in WvW. It seems not a lot of people understand what conditions are and fewer spec to deal with them.