Never ending Story(line)
I see no one is interested in this option I suggested Maybe I am the only one who actually likes the storyline and wants to experiment more race stories than rolling a new character from the beginning.
The only reason i feel this would be useful would be so i dont have to roll a new character to get my join the priory, whisper, and vigel flags.
but then again its not hard to level another character to 20 /25
I look at it like this:
It is a story, your characters story. You have to make decisions and stick with them. If you take that away, what’s the point?
Personally I say leave the story as is. If you want to experience all versions, then start saving for extra character slots.
you know what i like this…
Like this. make it harder.
each time the story line is completed the autoleveler gets tweaked so that i am increasingly at a disadvantage. maybe just for trees that i have not already done.