New 1,000 gem cost for world transfer

New 1,000 gem cost for world transfer

in Suggestions

Posted by: Skatch.6721


Hmm.. I think it’s silly to add on a price after having it free for so long. That being said, I understand why they did it. That being said, I believe they should remove/reduce the week cool down if there’s going to be a price on it. Maybe down to 3 days would be good. The 1000 gems is enough to make people not willy nilly server transfer. That’s 13 US dollars (8.28 pounds) or roughly 22 gold. A week added on top of that is too much in my opinion.

Agree? Disagree? Why?

New 1,000 gem cost for world transfer

in Suggestions

Posted by: Catisa.6507


double the price and quadruple the wait period IMO. With guesting online now, there is absolutely no reason people need to move frequently, paying or not.


New 1,000 gem cost for world transfer

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lonzrick.1587


Money-grubbing, pure and simple. Pay…or wait…but not both. Naked greed will do this game in.

New 1,000 gem cost for world transfer

in Suggestions

Posted by: Skatch.6721


double the price and quadruple the wait period IMO. With guesting online now, there is absolutely no reason people need to move frequently, paying or not.

In the patch notes it specifically says that you cannot participate in WvW when switching servers. So, the primary reason for swapping servers remains.

New 1,000 gem cost for world transfer

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gummy.4278


No that is not the cost …it varies from server to server, what tier and the population.
I just checked to go to Jade Quarry was 1800gems