New 20+ Person Dungeons
No. No raids ever, please. Not in this game.
If you want to farm dungeons with 20+ people, you have WoW and all its clones available. Keep this game clear of that kind of stuff.
A PvX guild for mature players with a life.
I can’t see a down side to a “raid” mode, it’s not like anyone would force you to play it and it would add more depth to PvE.
Please for the love of all that you hold dear, no.
More dungeons and more vararity HELL YEAH
and raids… 20 is a bit overkill, maybe 2 partys
Talking about 2 partys… a dungeon where 2 partys do the same dungeon , from a different side, and they race make a race for the boss (have to kill mini bosses for doors etc)…
Raids in general are less entertaining than small group dungeons. Just take WoW (cause most of us probably played it) as an example. The person who really “played” the raids were mostly the raidleaders, the main tank and some people with special tasks, the rest just had to performe a dance while maintaining DPS.
I would hate if they wasted valueable time on something like that.
Occam Pi (Ele), Acaena Elongata (Warrior), Finja Salversdotir (Ranger),
Bytestream (Engineer), Vim Whitespace (Thief)
you guys saying you don’t want raids, I wonder if you’re aware that gw had 16 man dungeons (meaning double the normal party size) they were actually pretty fun to do sometimes. Anyway my point is that it’s not out of the realm of possibly that they would do that same thing again in GW2. Just remember if they do add something like that it won’t be required content just like the current dungeons aren’t unless you want the armor from them.
Raids in general are less entertaining than small group dungeons. Just take WoW (cause most of us probably played it) as an example. The person who really “played” the raids were mostly the raidleaders, the main tank and some people with special tasks, the rest just had to performe a dance while maintaining DPS.
I would hate if they wasted valueable time on something like that.
From my time in WoW (pre cataclysm) raids were a bit more complex…now that complexity wouldn’t translate directly into a game like GW2.
In GW2 you’d have your tanks (Guardians/Warriors) who were absorbing the aggro/damage
You’d have Thiefs doing burst dmg and stealth-reviving.
You’d have Mesmers doing loads of CC and dps.
You’d have the Necromancers doing condition damage (Anet has yet to make bleed not suck in PvE world events/dungeons which would be required)
And you’d have engineers doing…I’m not sure what they’re supposed to do…
And everyone would be contributing to the boons and conditions in some way, shape or form.
It would essentially be a 20 minute battle where a group of individuals would have to function as a well oiled machine, if multiple people weren’t performing their duties in battle the group would fail.
Even in WoW this is how it worked…no single player played the raid…it was a group effort.
In GW2 you’d have your tanks (Guardians/Warriors) who were absorbing the aggro/damage
Sry, I’m out after that. GW2 has no tanks and should never have them. If there should ever be Raid in GW2 they definitively should use the same mechanic as the regular dungeons: random aggro.
Occam Pi (Ele), Acaena Elongata (Warrior), Finja Salversdotir (Ranger),
Bytestream (Engineer), Vim Whitespace (Thief)
no. just no.
go play world of warcraft for those raids.
In GW2 you’d have your tanks (Guardians/Warriors) who were absorbing the aggro/damage
Sry, I’m out after that. GW2 has no tanks and should never have them. If there should ever be Raid in GW2 they definitively should use the same mechanic as the regular dungeons: random aggro.
If GW2 has no “tanks” go take a P/P thief and try to soak up the damage from a dungeon boss. Next go take a Guardian and try it. I don’t understand where this notion of there are no tanks in GW2 comes from…there’s no dedicated healer doesn’t translate into there’s no dedicated tanks…
In general I’m shocked to see such horrible responses to the ADDING PvE modes…do you guys want the same old boring crap over and over again…? Why wouldn’t you want additional non-compulsory events that require more people? Isn’t this what the new Dragon events are essentially, raids?
(edited by BabelFish.7234)
Mini-dungeons, and jump puzzles allows unlimited amount of people.
We need more open world mini-dungeons more than raids.
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant
Mini-dungeons, and jump puzzles allows unlimited amount of people.
We need more open world mini-dungeons more than raids.
I like this too, just more in-game events where you see 20-30 people all working to take down a singular, epic boss.
If GW2 has no “tanks” go take a P/P thief and try to soak up the damage from a dungeon boss. Next go take a Guardian and try it. I don’t understand where this notion of there are no tanks in GW2 comes from…there’s no dedicated healer doesn’t translate into there’s no dedicated tanks…
Besides the fact that Arena Net said on multiple occasions that there are neither healers nor tanks you might be right …
Of course people can build glass cannons or try to tank bosses, but this won’t always work. It doesn’t matter if a Guardian tries to tank Lupi, his random poison bolts will still oneshot that stupid 12k healt Ele or Thief that was not quick enough to avoid them. On the other side, even a regular Guardian or Warrior can’t stand if Lupi decides to focus them without dodging. Yes, certain professions have more health or defensive skills, but that doesn’t mean they are meant to tank. Especially since there are more than enough encounters that don’t just focus on one player, and without a propber aggro managment system there is no tank.
Additionally you don’t need tanks at all, my current Arah farm group consits of nothing but scholar professions and we usually do everything first try.
In general I’m shocked to see such horrible responses to the ADDING PvE modes…do you guys want the same old boring crap over and over again…? Why wouldn’t you want additional non-compulsory events that require more people? Isn’t this what the new Dragon events are essentially, raids?
If Arena Net would have unlimited ressources I wouldn’t mind, but since that’s not the case and most of the Dragon Events – I only say most just cause I don’t want to say all – are boring as hell, I don’t want any more of them. They should rather focus on more encounters like Lupi, Dwayna or Alphard, those are interesting fights that don’t require more than 5 people.
Occam Pi (Ele), Acaena Elongata (Warrior), Finja Salversdotir (Ranger),
Bytestream (Engineer), Vim Whitespace (Thief)
I’d rather they allow you to have as many players as you want do a dungeon with you, but the dungeon scales with the number you go in with.
Everybody is happy.
I’d rather they allow you to have as many players as you want do a dungeon with you, but the dungeon scales with the number you go in with.
Everybody is happy.
like a Dynamic Event does? if thats what you mean I kinda like it. Still requires a minimum of 5 players but scales up with more.
Yes of course still the 5 man minimum. Dungeons are one of the few parts of PvE that actually encourage some MMO rather than single player RPG.
And yes kind of like a Dynamic event I guess. You setup your party. Go in, dungeon is scaled accordingly and you do your thing.
I totally understand people not wanting to have to get 20 people together just to do a dungeon. But I also understand those who would like to have more of their friends come along too. So just implement it like this and both parties are happy.
In GW2 you’d have your tanks (Guardians/Warriors) who were absorbing the aggro/damage
Sry, I’m out after that. GW2 has no tanks and should never have them. If there should ever be Raid in GW2 they definitively should use the same mechanic as the regular dungeons: random aggro.
If GW2 has no “tanks” go take a P/P thief and try to soak up the damage from a dungeon boss. Next go take a Guardian and try it. I don’t understand where this notion of there are no tanks in GW2 comes from…there’s no dedicated healer doesn’t translate into there’s no dedicated tanks…
In general I’m shocked to see such horrible responses to the ADDING PvE modes…do you guys want the same old boring crap over and over again…? Why wouldn’t you want additional non-compulsory events that require more people? Isn’t this what the new Dragon events are essentially, raids?
Ok, if there are tanks where are my taunts? How do I maintain aggro while doing low dps? You can’t. Tank doesn’t just mean you are able to take a lot of damage, it means you are able to keep others from taking damage.
Guardians grant protection to allies (the boon)
A line that cannot be crossed, keeping ranged people safe
A shield that absorbs projectiles and heals
An AoE heal
A wall that absorbs projectiles
That is pretty much, keeping the damage off allies. It’s not a usual tank that can tank damage like no other, but they take a hell of a lot more damage (still require dodging) and can provide good support.
Besides the fact that Arena Net said on multiple occasions that there are neither healers nor tanks you might be right …
I know what they said and from a testers point of view the tank still exists…it’s just not as absolute as a traditional MMORPG. I like the soft-tank status Guardians have much like how I enjoy the soft-DoT/Debuff role Theifs have.
To me it seems like each class was designed with one major role in mind but given the ability to fill other roles competently and this is where I believe their statement comes into play…although it’s misleading for them to say there is no “tank”.
Additionally you don’t need tanks at all, my current Arah farm group consits of nothing but scholar professions and we usually do everything first try.
When I dungeon I need a tank I do insane burst damage…to the point where I will force aggro on myself constantly despite often being a lower level with inferior equipment. I do get what you’re saying though, tanks aren’t nessicarliy needed unless you have glass cannons in your party.
If Arena Net would have unlimited ressources I wouldn’t mind, but since that’s not the case and most of the Dragon Events – I only say most just cause I don’t want to say all – are boring as hell, I don’t want any more of them. They should rather focus on more encounters like Lupi, Dwayna or Alphard, those are interesting fights that don’t require more than 5 people.
To me, that’s the only area WoW had right, raids that were interesting. Sure they took 90 minutes but they were epic and entertaining if everyone played reasonably well.
I’d like to see GW2 take the things other MMORPGs did right and adapt them to their game because GW2 has a massive amount of potential and I want to see GW2 become incredibly popular. Anet has a gem in the rough here and I want to start seeing some polish.
I wouldn’t say no (providing that it didn’t turn into a gear progression), but personally I’d like to see them refine everything else first (Dungeons and Events) and add smaller content that consumes less resources to create before they go adding something on the scale of this.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.
When I dungeon I need a tank
I do insane burst damage…to the point where I will force aggro on myself constantly despite often being a lower level with inferior equipment. I do get what you’re saying though, tanks aren’t nessicarliy needed unless you have glass cannons in your party.
You can avoid that by using a suitable dungeon build. Dungeons in GW2 are not like those in most other games, they are not about taking down mobs as fast as possible, they are about surviving them. Once a group realized that they start to have way more fun.
I don’t know if you do Arah or not. But if you do and you play as a glass cannon (below at least 14k HP) you can’t afford to get hit by even one of his single target attacks, and that’s nothing a tank could change cause Lupi picks his targets by random.
Occam Pi (Ele), Acaena Elongata (Warrior), Finja Salversdotir (Ranger),
Bytestream (Engineer), Vim Whitespace (Thief)
no. just no.
go play world of warcraft for those raids.
Are all wow haters braindead / washed fools that just repeat the same crap every kitten thread?
Insults will get you nowhere but in trouble.
This said, I’m no WoW hater, played the game since day one of US release in Nov. 2004, which means I have at least one active WoW account since almost 8 years. I still don’t want to see raids in GW2, because it’s a slippery slope I don’t want this game to head to. That kind of content just doesn’t fit the philosophy of this game.
A PvX guild for mature players with a life.
When I dungeon I need a tank
I do insane burst damage…to the point where I will force aggro on myself constantly despite often being a lower level with inferior equipment. I do get what you’re saying though, tanks aren’t nessicarliy needed unless you have glass cannons in your party.
You can avoid that by using a suitable dungeon build. Dungeons in GW2 are not like those in most other games, they are not about taking down mobs as fast as possible, they are about surviving them. Once a group realized that they start to have way more fun.
I don’t know if you do Arah or not. But if you do and you play as a glass cannon (below at least 14k HP) you can’t afford to get hit by even one of his single target attacks, and that’s nothing a tank could change cause Lupi picks his targets by random.
Atm my thief is lvl 49 I’m not doing Arah just yet. Bar ranged mobs I don’t get hit (I use P/D so I perma-cripple) but I also plan on boosting my toughness quite a bit (15 into shadow arts and my jewelry will focus largely on ToughnessVit while my armor/weapons will focus on my power and crit).
Okay, since you talked about Raids I assumed that you were already or at least close to 80. Once you are there, you will notice, that dungeon groups don’t like glass cannons and, at least at my server, tend to kick them if they refuse to change equip and traits if something goes south.
No offense, but in my book glass cannons are more a burden to their group than anything else. GW2 just doesn’t support that kind of playstyle.
Occam Pi (Ele), Acaena Elongata (Warrior), Finja Salversdotir (Ranger),
Bytestream (Engineer), Vim Whitespace (Thief)
Okay, since you talked about Raids I assumed that you were already or at least close to 80. Once you are there, you will notice, that dungeon groups don’t like glass cannons and, at least at my server, tend to kick them if they refuse to change equip and traits if something goes south.
No offense, but in my book glass cannons are more a burden to their group than anything else. GW2 just doesn’t support that kind of playstyle.
The purpose of the glass cannon is to dish out insane amounts of damage.
Their survivability may be low (although I won’t have incredibly low survivability since I’ll have a reasonable amount of toughness) but their damage output will be massive to make up for it.
The problem lies in the fact that people think it’s good to have more then a single glass cannon on their team and as such they lack any damage absorbing capabilities.
This is why when I party up my requirements are at least 2 warriors/guardians or 1 warrior/guardian+1 necromancer…this way it doesn’t matter if we have a D/D thief who spec’d berserker armor and 30/30/0/0/10, because it can live long enough to backstab for that 20k damage.
Glass cannons are only burdens to people who don’t understand how a team functions.
Wait until you see certain bosses, glass cannons are just not worth it if you encounter them.
You can do well as a glass cannon in single pve or world pvp, but that doesn’t mean that a build like that is viable in highlevel dungeons.
Occam Pi (Ele), Acaena Elongata (Warrior), Finja Salversdotir (Ranger),
Bytestream (Engineer), Vim Whitespace (Thief)
Wait until you see certain bosses, glass cannons are just not worth it if you encounter them.
You can do well as a glass cannon in single pve or world pvp, but that doesn’t mean that a build like that is viable in highlevel dungeons.
You mean like eye of zhaitan? Yeah, I got bored and solo’d him at lvl 46 naked.
Glass cannons are viable but from what I’ve seen lots of people don’t have good team work so they don’t know how to play with glass cannons. If I get downed in a dungeon I have my team mates reviving me asap because I do more damage then any one of them can do and because I have a small enough health pool that I revive quickly.
To me it sounds like you just don’t understand how to support your Glass Cannon team mates properly. :/
you guys saying you don’t want raids, I wonder if you’re aware that gw had 16 man dungeons (meaning double the normal party size) they were actually pretty fun to do sometimes. Anyway my point is that it’s not out of the realm of possibly that they would do that same thing again in GW2. Just remember if they do add something like that it won’t be required content just like the current dungeons aren’t unless you want the armor from them.
I don’t see any instanced scenario with over 10 people being anything more than a World Boss instanced in a dungeon. Just no. That said, I use the number 10 because I think that could work and the idea of two different groups racing toward the boss loot is awesome (make it an event- the first team to make it to the boss starts a countdown for when the boss pulls, if the other team doesn’t make it in time their door stays locked, if they do the boss is scaled up for 10 people and any time before the pull can be used for both teams to tweak their build options a bit to prepare. Bronze/Silver depending on how close the team got before being locked out, gold being reserved for the teams involved in the fight)
Raids in general are less entertaining than small group dungeons. Just take WoW (cause most of us probably played it) as an example. The person who really “played” the raids were mostly the raidleaders, the main tank and some people with special tasks, the rest just had to performe a dance while maintaining DPS.
I would hate if they wasted valueable time on something like that.
I agree completely, and it was abso-kittening-lutely terrible when said raidleader was any of the following:
1) Selfish
2) Emotional
3) Not good at leading
4) Not good at playing
5) Not willing to listen to advice
6) Forced you to use DBM
In GW2 we would get to add this:
- Paid 100g to have a leader symbol floating above his/her head to make them feel entitled
Though to be perfectly fair everyone other than the tank generally had to do something during the fight involving some sort of delayed awareness of things on their screen other than Recount.
From my time in WoW (pre cataclysm) raids were a bit more complex…now that complexity wouldn’t translate directly into a game like GW2.
Complexity lends itself better to GW2, actually. But I mostly wanted to respond to you because nah… the raids weren’t really that complex. Everything was on a set timer and the most complex part of the endeavor was counting on everyone else to pay attention to the mod that displayed that timer on their screens. I don’t understand how people put up with DBM in that game. Takes all the fun out of it.
To me it sounds like you just don’t understand how to support your Glass Cannon team mates properly. :/
Lol’d irl. A+ would laugh again.
(edited by Archmortal.1027)
no. just no.
go play world of warcraft for those raids.
Are all wow haters braindead / washed fools that just repeat the same crap every kitten thread?
Insults will get you nowhere but in trouble.
This said, I’m no WoW hater, played the game since day one of US release in Nov. 2004, which means I have at least one active WoW account since almost 8 years. I still don’t want to see raids in GW2, because it’s a slippery slope I don’t want this game to head to. That kind of content just doesn’t fit the philosophy of this game.
So you think because WoW has a feature then thats a valid arguement to dimiss it in GW2? Maybe Im just sick of the pretend cool kids hating on wow for no other reason that cos its wow.
Maybe you may want to read my full post and see I’m not a WoW hater. But I guess insulting people is more fun – and you call others “cool kids”? The irony is thick, don’t you think?
We got WoW and a dozen of similar clones since 2004, I’m sick of that, I don’t want this game to slowly become another WoW clone. This way, I can play BOTH games because they are different, specially considering GW2 doesn’t have a sub fee. I have one good AAA game which doesn’t have a raid end game – and I will voice my opinion so that it remains that way.
A PvX guild for mature players with a life.
no. just no.
go play world of warcraft for those raids.
Are all wow haters braindead / washed fools that just repeat the same crap every kitten thread?
Insults will get you nowhere but in trouble.
This said, I’m no WoW hater, played the game since day one of US release in Nov. 2004, which means I have at least one active WoW account since almost 8 years. I still don’t want to see raids in GW2, because it’s a slippery slope I don’t want this game to head to. That kind of content just doesn’t fit the philosophy of this game.
So you think because WoW has a feature then thats a valid arguement to dimiss it in GW2? Maybe Im just sick of the pretend cool kids hating on wow for no other reason that cos its wow.
Maybe you may want to read my full post and see I’m not a WoW hater. But I guess insulting people is more fun – and you call others “cool kids”? The irony is thick, don’t you think?
We got WoW and a dozen of similar clones since 2004, I’m sick of that, I don’t want this game to slowly become another WoW clone. This way, I can play BOTH games because they are different, specially considering GW2 doesn’t have a sub fee. I have one good AAA game which doesn’t have a raid end game – and I will voice my opinion so that it remains that way.
Funny cos last i checked i posted before you had even entered the thread. You quoted me so I answered. I must have known your were going to show up and decided to call you out before you even made a comment.
So lets see. Because you play WoW alongside GW2 you dont want raids to be in GW2? Selfish much?
If Anet introduce a feature your happy doing in another game you do realise no one is putting a gun to your head and forcing you to do it here right? maybe some folks only play GW2 and maybe they would like some raiding. Maybe, just maybe, you let them enjoy it while you go about doing what you do? or is it to much to ask that other people do something in this game you dont want to do? Maybe Ill ask Anet to get rid of legendary items too since I personally dont want one, and Im kitten if ill have others having them if i dont want it.
Funny cos last i checked i posted before you had even entered the thread.
Check again. I made the second post (aka first answer) in this thread, way before you posted your first insulting post towards those who don’t want raids.
And yes, I don’t want raids, not because I’m “selfish” as you say, but because in every game they are added to, they become the mandatory end game activity. Want the best gear? You better raid. And that’s what the op asksfor, I quote him here:
" I’m not saying this gear should be so powerful that you feel obligated to grind out these 30 man dungeons but it should be powerful enough to encourage doing these dungeons over and over for these rare drops while having worth while drops, even if you don’t get that rare drop."
Sorry, but I will never agree with this. As I said, there are enough games out there for people who “enjoy” the never ending raid gear grind model. Leave GW2 alone.
A PvX guild for mature players with a life.
no. just no.
go play world of warcraft for those raids.
Are all wow haters braindead / washed fools that just repeat the same crap every kitten thread?
Insults will get you nowhere but in trouble.
This said, I’m no WoW hater, played the game since day one of US release in Nov. 2004, which means I have at least one active WoW account since almost 8 years. I still don’t want to see raids in GW2, because it’s a slippery slope I don’t want this game to head to. That kind of content just doesn’t fit the philosophy of this game.
So you think because WoW has a feature then thats a valid arguement to dimiss it in GW2? Maybe Im just sick of the pretend cool kids hating on wow for no other reason that cos its wow.
Maybe you may want to read my full post and see I’m not a WoW hater. But I guess insulting people is more fun – and you call others “cool kids”? The irony is thick, don’t you think?
We got WoW and a dozen of similar clones since 2004, I’m sick of that, I don’t want this game to slowly become another WoW clone. This way, I can play BOTH games because they are different, specially considering GW2 doesn’t have a sub fee. I have one good AAA game which doesn’t have a raid end game – and I will voice my opinion so that it remains that way.
Funny cos last i checked i posted before you had even entered the thread. You quoted me so I answered. I must have known your were going to show up and decided to call you out before you even made a comment.
So lets see. Because you play WoW alongside GW2 you dont want raids to be in GW2? Selfish much?
If Anet introduce a feature your happy doing in another game you do realise no one is putting a gun to your head and forcing you to do it here right? maybe some folks only play GW2 and maybe they would like some raiding. Maybe, just maybe, you let them enjoy it while you go about doing what you do? or is it to much to ask that other people do something in this game you dont want to do? Maybe Ill ask Anet to get rid of legendary items too since I personally dont want one, and Im kitten if ill have others having them if i dont want it.
Korrigan IS right, you know. If ANET starts making scenarios similar to what’s in WoW then their whole endeavor leading to that point would have been in vain. Given how enthusiastic their people are about the design philosophy they’ve worked around I doubt we’re going to see a feature from WoW (as to the “well GW1 had raids too” argument I say the encounters were fundamentally different and there was as much similarity between them as there is between Psychology and Physics. They were not the same feature and anything resembling a WoW raid in GW2 would be all kinds of out of place and it would be really awkward and janky as hell).
Sorry, but I will never agree with this. As I said, there are enough games out there for people who “enjoy” the never ending raid gear grind model. Leave GW2 alone.
Since all gear has the same stats the gear grind is the exact same as with dungeons. Only thing that changes is the number of people you go on your adventure with.
Its hard to find 5 people for a non-popular dungeon, finding 20+ would be total fail for casual no guild friendly players.
Listen Folks
The word Raid doesn’t always have to = Gear Progression.
Raid Doesn’t even have to = Better Loot
But having some instanced content which allows for bigger parties could be nice especially for guilds.
In Guild Wars We had 2 Elite Missions in the Game, The Deep and Urgoz’s Warren
You took a party of 16 (Double the normal party size) into those missions to complete them.
You know what the rewards were for doing them?? Most of the rewards were things you could get without even touching those missions
- Faction (rep) for either Kurzick or Luxon depending on which mission you were doing. It’s attainable in many other ways outside the missions but having it counts toward your titles.
- A Summoning stone (Summons an ally for 30 minutes to fight by your side it’s a consumbable) Summoning stones are available in many various forms through out GW and there are multiple ways to attain them.
- A Passage scroll to re-enter the the dungeon. These are also purchasable from an NPC outside of the mission with Kurzick or Luxon Faction (rep), available via coin from another NPC and you can trade for them with another token item.
- Amber Chunks or Jadeite Shards (Depending on which factions elite mission you were doing) which you turn in to earn more faction(rep) also attainable outside the elite mission
- A chance at a rare skinned inscribable weapon. There are a ton of inscribable weapons througout Guild Wars these just had rare skins attainable only from those missions.
So as you can see, there is nothing wrong with having larger instanced content. As long as you’re not required to do it. You can call it a raid you can call it an elite mission either way it’s not meant for smaller groups and can be fun for those that enjoy attempting them. Arena Net already has lot’s of experience with making content for players that is both fun and not required so before you get upset at the word “Raid” just remember that it doesn’t have to mean what you have come to associate it with.
P.S. I myself am not into gear grind, I played WOW, RIFT & LOTRO and never played their gear grind games. I explored the content but I Never got into silly gear grind.
(edited by MrsAngelD.6971)